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Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Mathematics:
Originally posted by tupps:
****ing hell.. I swear sometimes people watch this programme in a universe you'd need a visa to get into..

Her comment was to Marcus and about Marcus.. the preceeding discussion was about Marcus and his view of Bea. Freddie's laugh was mocking her comment.. as if to say oh yeah you say that but you don't 'live' that. He had no need to do that OR come out and do his chesting beating antics.

He said on the HL show on Wednesday he would stay out of situations.. that he could stay out of situations.. but he can't bliddy help himself if he can score a point.

I watched it live, and she harped on and on and on (loudly) about Freddie being this and that. The HL's showed a tiny portion of the conversation.

I've watched it too... and his mocking laugh was at a comment made to Marcus about Marcus.

The comment was along the lines of: if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Freddie was laughing because Bea couldn't take what Marcus was dishing out to Bea.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Mathematics:
Originally posted by tupps:
****ing hell.. I swear sometimes people watch this programme in a universe you'd need a visa to get into..

Her comment was to Marcus and about Marcus.. the preceeding discussion was about Marcus and his view of Bea. Freddie's laugh was mocking her comment.. as if to say oh yeah you say that but you don't 'live' that. He had no need to do that OR come out and do his chesting beating antics.

He said on the HL show on Wednesday he would stay out of situations.. that he could stay out of situations.. but he can't bliddy help himself if he can score a point.

I watched it live, and she harped on and on and on (loudly) about Freddie being this and that. The HL's showed a tiny portion of the conversation.

I've watched it too... and his mocking laugh was at a comment made to Marcus about Marcus.

The comment was along the lines of: if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Freddie was laughing because Bea couldn't take what Marcus was dishing out to Bea.

And that is the point, isn't it.
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Why did Freddie come out...

Because he felt like it?

exactly - because he was sick of being woken up all night and couldnt get back to sleep and he LOL'd at something he heard... how very DARE he get out of his bed to defend himself/see whats going on/have a pee/have a drink....
Its CHARLIES house dont you know...
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
he come out of the bedroom because Charlie went in, asked who laughed, then when Freddie told him it was him and why, charlie went out and said 'hes laughing in there', so Freddie jumped up to explain what he said,

TBH I dont see the problem

Ok he explained to Charlie, why then come out and say something to Bea? Marcus was dealing with the situation and defending him adequately both against Bea and Charlie.

Best tactic would not be to come out with a quick remark to a crying Bea or to engage in an argument with Charlie when those two obviously can't communicate with each other. Charlie can't even understand some of his words lol. Charlie played the role of comforter to Bea and pretended he was some kind of mediator between Bea and Marcus very cleverly.

Bea was in the diary room by this time.
Originally posted by SJ:
IMO the question should be why did Freddie wait until thattime to come out. Of course people should defend themselves but why wait until then, when it sounded like Marcus had broken her and she was crying.

Marcus didn't break her and she wasn't crying. She was pretending to cry because she couldn't break him. The only way to get out of the situation was for her to flounce off to the diary room and complain about him being a bully. He was not being a bully. He was being completely calm and reasonable. Even Charlie looked a bit astonished at some of the things she was coming out with. (Either that, or it's a permanent "doh" face.)
Originally posted by Carlos the Hackle:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:

i agree with what bea said in the d/r.....he really is playing the 'poor freddie' card and milking the arguement for all it's worth....

But wasn't Bea doing exactly what she accused Freddie off, playing the 'poor me' card against Marcus?

Exactly, hoping it would be on HL and that the GB public would fall for it. Some of them actually have.
Originally posted by SJ:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by SJ:
IMO the question should be why did Freddie wait until thattime to come out. Of course people should defend themselves but why wait until then, when it sounded like Marcus had broken her and she was crying.

Because Charlie went into the bedroom and asked what he was laughing at, he told him and then Charlie went and told Bea Freddie was laughing...he got up to explain himself and then was pounced on by numpty Charlie demannding he go back to bed!

OK then, back track, we agree he has every right and actually should get up out of bed and defend his good name.
So, why wait until she started crying?
Because he started laughing and retorting at her comment?
why wait until her comment before he started laughing and ansering?

My question is, since she was backsstabbing and saying his name for an hour, why wait for an hour to get up? Why not get up half an hour beforehand and defend himself?
My opinion is because of the set of circumstances, but primarily because he thought there would be drama as Bea was crying at that stage. (he was in bed and didn't know if they were crocodile tears or not - and she was sobbing convincingly at that point)

Why wait some time before getting up to defend himself? When the other question people are asking on this thread is: why didn't he just stay in bed? He can't win, can he?

Had you considered he might have waited quite some time, because, for some time, he tried to avoid any sort of confrontation at all and was determined to stay in bed? It was only when Charlie involved him in it that Freddie came out. Not when Bea pretended to cry.
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

Everybody can be a twit. All of us do it only most of us don't do it on TV.

And we Freddie-lovers see his faults too, and we forgive him, because he is human and a basically decent individual.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

Everybody can be a twit. All of us do it only most of us don't do it on TV.

And we Freddie-lovers see his faults too, and we forgive him, because he is human and a basically decent individual.

Why cant those who dislike Freddie see that he might not be in the wrong on this issue.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by Carlos the Hackle:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:

i agree with what bea said in the d/r.....he really is playing the 'poor freddie' card and milking the arguement for all it's worth....

But wasn't Bea doing exactly what she accused Freddie off, playing the 'poor me' card against Marcus?

oh of course she did....pair of em need their heads banging together...

she seems to play the victim card all the time....and throw in the word bully for good measure....

freddie i think dealt with lisa and co better in those early weeks than he's dealing with bea now....he's now playing the victim card too imo...

the pair of them will argue over anything with each other....if freddie told bea the sky was blue she'd argue about it.. and if she told him the sky was blue he'd say it was light grey and spend an hour analysing it

I don't think he is "playing the victim card". He thought he was in love with her and had found his soul-mate. Then. BAM! She turns on him. Just like that.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

Everybody can be a twit. All of us do it only most of us don't do it on TV.

And we Freddie-lovers see his faults too, and we forgive him, because he is human and a basically decent individual.

Some.. maybe.. but you only have to trawl through the posts to see some are quite blinkered.. and yep, I'm gonna say it.. hypocrites.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by SJ:
IMO the question should be why did Freddie wait until thattime to come out. Of course people should defend themselves but why wait until then, when it sounded like Marcus had broken her and she was crying.

Marcus didn't break her and she wasn't crying. She was pretending to cry because she couldn't break him. The only way to get out of the situation was for her to flounce off to the diary room and complain about him being a bully. He was not being a bully. He was being completely calm and reasonable. Even Charlie looked a bit astonished at some of the things she was coming out with. (Either that, or it's a permanent "doh" face.)

Marcus did NOTHING wrong - he was trying to help her, in so much as she lays off Freddie for a bit and just generally stops bitching about people. She lost the argument fair n square, she went into the DR to rant about Marcus, but managed to bring Freddie into it (obsessed much??) even tho Freddie had got out of bed TWO minutes beforehand and pulled her up on 'if u dish it out....' - THAT was all he did Mad and as much as I dislike Marcus - Marcus put her WELL AND TRULY in her place last night, in a perfectly reasonable and logical way. THAT is why she went snivelling to the DR - because she couldnt talk Marcus down in her patronising 'I know better than you' voice... as much as she wont admit it - Marcus told the truth - and she knows it Nod
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

Everybody can be a twit. All of us do it only most of us don't do it on TV.

And we Freddie-lovers see his faults too, and we forgive him, because he is human and a basically decent individual.

Why cant those who dislike Freddie see that he might not be in the wrong on this issue.

Originally posted by SJ:
Timing., I am asking about timing.

We understand that no one on the planet will lie in bed for 1 2 3 or 4 hours, listening to their name being dragged through the mud.

Why wait? Why not get up out of bed after hearing your name being mentioned for teh 2nd time, twice is surely enough?

You have asked this several times and I have answered it once. It's probably because he was trying to avoid confronting her at all but changed his mind when Charlie came in and interfered. He came out to talk to Charlie, not to Bea.
Originally posted by Suzy:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Suzy:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

Can you honestly say you would just stay in bed and let someone call you all names under the sun ?

Well.. had I stood in the garden and told my two bezzie mates that I would.. as part of the whole 'scheme' of things.. stay out of confrontations.. then I probably would have.

It is no surprise to Freddie that Bea is not enamoured by him.. and he is not enamoured of her. This begs the question.. and I wonder.. had Charlie not gone into the BR and said who was laughing.. would Freddie have come out and beat his chest a la George of the Jungle.

So are you saying it was because of Charlie's provocative statement that Freddie came out to explain his laughter ?

Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Marcus was remarkably restrained I thought.

No. Marcus understands that in a situation like that remaining calm merely serves to wind the other person up even more. Try it. It really works. Big Grin

I'm not sure if you really believe that or if you are just saying that to be anti-Marcus.

I took that as a positive statement about Marcus, and it does work.

Same here. I took it as a + statement about Marcus.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

Everybody can be a twit. All of us do it only most of us don't do it on TV.

And we Freddie-lovers see his faults too, and we forgive him, because he is human and a basically decent individual.

Sorry peeps, I just need to make it plain I'm not a Freddie lover. I don't like any of this years housemates, however as an insomniac last night I had one of my best nights on the forum in Mollies thread. We have limited live feed so I will never know who I would have liked this year, but saying that, the ones who stay awake and entertain me in the wee small hours deserve applause.
Originally posted by SJ:
OK,I Will ask another way:
Do you think, that had Bea not turned on the water works and said that same thing, that Freddie would have laughed? Resulting in the same getting out of bed thing? Even involving Charlie?

I think that it was because of what she said but primarily because she was crying at that point that Freddie decided it would be a good time to laugh out loud.

She was not crying. She was trying to cry.
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Tayto:
She cosied up to the Freddie she saw in the first few weeks. As he became closer to Marcus he changed. That is the point she is trying to make and she gets the third degree about it.
I don't like the girl but I do believe in fairness . It's ok for Freddie to stick up for himself but she's not allowed. It's ok for Marcus to tear her character to pieces but she can't do the same back. It's ok for him to call her a brick wall but not for her to say his hair style is from the 80s.
Different strokes for different folks.

i agree Clapping also marcus remark to freddie *go to bed* was marcus wanting the lime light Big Grin

No, it wasn't. Marcus was very quiet and in control the whole way through.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I see his faults too Tupps... we would have to be blind not to see all their faults when their on our tv every night. Last night was something else. Bea was goading Marcus with Freddies name, went on and on about what she thought of him, the guy wasn't there he was SNORING in bed. First they stole from under his bed, then went back and banged the drawer shut putting tea back then she verbally attacked him loud enough to wake the dead.
I really cant see you staying in bed when you've been woken up and hear your name being slaughtered, i know i couldn't and i think i'm quite a passive person.

( BTW i'm not pretending to know you personally, i meant it generally) Smiler

They don't like each other... they exasperate each other. I have to ask... so what. She slags him off... he slags her off. She's just better at it than him but ultimately they are in the same space as far as mutual dislike is concerned. MOST of that discussion between Bea and Marcus was about how he and the other two guys perceive her. Her comment that brought about the mocking laughter was nothing to do with Freddie.. and yet he laughed. Ok, fair play.. he is cretainly entitled to laugh if he wants... but lets not sugare coat it.. it was mocking.. and whatever justification you give it, that fact remains.

Freddie is not an angel.. but he seems to be afforded wings and she, who is also not an angel, is not. To me that is inequitable. Because any criticism you can level at her or any other of the HMs can equally be levelled at Freddie.

Your post is completely deluded.
Freddie thought the world of her. She knifed him in the back.
Freddie laughed, as I did, at her pathetic remark "you can dish it out but you cant take it" that after the venom she has spewed at him over this week.
The girl is a 1st class nut job and needs to run for cover when she comes out. Seriously.

See the bold bit... you are channelling Flossie.. not a good look.

I haven't read the rest. Sorry to say but as soon as I see your user name I kinda switch off. I'm just not interested in anything you have to say and I generally ignore you. Perhaps it is best if you do the same when you see my posts.

Pfft.. you dismiss someones view because they remind you of another forumer?

A tad lacking there.

Yeah, and a shame because they made some good points.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
And what, I wonder, would Freddie have done if he had been in the situation that she was in and she'd started laughing out loud and mocking him when he was upset.......Ah, I know spent gawd knows how long having hostrionics, anxiety and panic attacks so that he couldn't speak properly, head banging and making sure that he did so in the br so that everyone could see and hopefully come in and say 'there there poor lickle thing'

He was not mocking her. He was laughing at the irony of her comment to Marcus which was: if you can't take it, then don't dish it out.

Freddie was laughing because Marcus was dishing it out, and she couldn't take it.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Mathematics:
Originally posted by tupps:
****ing hell.. I swear sometimes people watch this programme in a universe you'd need a visa to get into..

Her comment was to Marcus and about Marcus.. the preceeding discussion was about Marcus and his view of Bea. Freddie's laugh was mocking her comment.. as if to say oh yeah you say that but you don't 'live' that. He had no need to do that OR come out and do his chesting beating antics.

He said on the HL show on Wednesday he would stay out of situations.. that he could stay out of situations.. but he can't bliddy help himself if he can score a point.

I watched it live, and she harped on and on and on (loudly) about Freddie being this and that. The HL's showed a tiny portion of the conversation.

I've watched it too... and his mocking laugh was at a comment made to Marcus about Marcus.

The comment was along the lines of: if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Freddie was laughing because Bea couldn't take what Marcus was dishing out to Bea.

And that is the point, isn't it.

Indeed, because Bea had been dishing it out to Freddie for the past 3 days.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
And what, I wonder, would Freddie have done if he had been in the situation that she was in and she'd started laughing out loud and mocking him when he was upset.......Ah, I know spent gawd knows how long having hostrionics, anxiety and panic attacks so that he couldn't speak properly, head banging and making sure that he did so in the br so that everyone could see and hopefully come in and say 'there there poor lickle thing'

He was not mocking her. He was laughing at the irony of her comment to Marcus which was: if you can't take it, then don't dish it out.

Freddie was laughing because Marcus was dishing it out, and she couldn't take it.

Clapping and boy couldn't she take it. Eeker
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
...and have a snap at Bea? 'If you can't take it don't give it' or whatever he said. I thought he said he was going to keep out of arguments. Marcus was doing well enough explaining things to Bea.

It was Bea who SHOUTED that at Marcus. Freddie came out of the Bedroom after she`d gone to the toilet. He never said word to her!!!!
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
if you could hear someone talking about you for well over an hour, would you just lie there and ignore it? She was talking about him, why the hell should he just lie there and let her pull him to bits.

But he could also hear that Marcus was defending him.

So what? Is he meant to lie in his bed and listen to that without defending HIMSELF?

That`s a riciculous thing to expect of ANYONE.
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Videostar:
The bitch was shouting at the top of her foghorn voice and talking about him, he had every right to come out.

Dont be fooled by Bea's fake crying session.

I'm not defending her, I'm just saying - like I did in my last post - that Marcus was defending Freddie perfectly well and he could hear that, so why get involved?

Are you for real? HE was being slated by Bea. What person would lie in another room and do NOTHING? He had every right to get out of his bed. It was HIM that was being talked about.
Btw he NEVER said a word to Bea. He only got out of his bed. He was then shouted at by Charlie.

You sound like Charlie. If you were in there would you be TELLING him to go back to bed, you`re naughty boy?
Originally posted by Mathematics:
The way I see it, if I was sat here saying "Free Thinking is this. Free Thinking is that. Free Thinking does this. Free Thinking does that. This is the truth. Free Thinking la de da", you would want to defend yourself, would you not? Surely you wouldn't just allow such poison to be spread around?

Exactly! Clapping
Originally posted by Tayto:
Just a thought after watching it again tonight. Did Marcus engineer it all in that BB brain of his. He told Freddie to go back to bed so he wouldn't look stupid. Freddie did what he was told despite being told by Charli to go to bed as well.

The difference being Charlie was ORDERING him to go back to bed while accusing him of all sorts that were totally out of context with the situation. i.e. You think you`re think you`re going to win blah blah blah.

Whereas Marcus` advice, I believe was genuine and was in Freddie`s best interests.

That`s why Freddie followed it. I wouldn`t go to my bed either if some big jealous angry idiot was ORDERING me to.
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
he come out of the bedroom because Charlie went in, asked who laughed, then when Freddie told him it was him and why, charlie went out and said 'hes laughing in there', so Freddie jumped up to explain what he said,

TBH I dont see the problem

Neither do I Lockes. That`s exactly what happened. I would have done the same.
Do people expect him to just lie there and say NOTHING? Feck sake.

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