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Originally posted by Suzy:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Suzy:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

Can you honestly say you would just stay in bed and let someone call you all names under the sun ?

Well.. had I stood in the garden and told my two bezzie mates that I would.. as part of the whole 'scheme' of things.. stay out of confrontations.. then I probably would have.

It is no surprise to Freddie that Bea is not enamoured by him.. and he is not enamoured of her. This begs the question.. and I wonder.. had Charlie not gone into the BR and said who was laughing.. would Freddie have come out and beat his chest a la George of the Jungle.

So are you saying it was because of Charlie's provocative statement that Freddie came out to explain his laughter ?

I'm not in Freddie's head so I can not explain why he did that. By the same token..nor can you. That said.. he didn't shift his arse until Charlie asked who laughed and went back out of the BR. You do the math.
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Marcus was remarkably restrained I thought.

No. Marcus understands that in a situation like that remaining calm merely serves to wind the other person up even more. Try it. It really works. Big Grin

I tend to shout Im afraid. Blush What do you think would have happened if Marcus had shouted?

He wouldn't. What purpose would it serve? But say he had...well he's a big, strong bloke and it would have served Bea's purpose even more to be the small blonde female on the receiving end of that aggression. Marcus is BB savvy - he knows Bea is fond of the "bully" word and is not about to play into her hands.
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I can see his faults too, he's downright annoying at times and when he makes that hmmm noise i want to slap him. Saying that though his heart isn't bad, well that's what i believe anyway. He's very naive in many ways, maybe niave isn't the right word. He's also a terrible navel gazer.

He got carried away with the Dave thing and that was wrong of him, at that time he was in the throes of wanting to get it on with Bea and his d**k was making his decisions.
He hasn't gone on and on and on and on about Dave though since that argument even though he has nominated him since.
At the core of freddie is a softness which to me is evident.
At the core of bea is a hardness and severity and a lack of empathy for others.

He would have been better staying in bed and not trying to confront her and i think he did that because he heard Marcus support him which gave him courage. It's sad that he needs that sort of backup to make him feel brave but that's freddie for ya.
Penelope Pitstop
Originally posted by SJ:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
So you are lying in bed listening to someone in the next room slagging you off for nearly two hours and you are supposed to lie there and disregard it? I don't think so sonny Jim. Every comment Bea makes has a Freddie tag to it, she is obsessed with hatred of him, or why else would she keep banging on about him all the time? He was right to come out and confront the situation. And he did.

Bea is a self-deluded self-centred self-indulgent self-obsessed self-defeating and self-destructive bore, with a serious personality defect which she should address the minute she leaves the Big Brother house. On the other hand she could be an actress, playing a part. I hope for her sake that the latter is the case.

Again, why wait for an hour (it has increased to 2 hours now) why wait that long? Until she is in tears? IMO its to add to teh drama.

I apologise for getting my exact timings wrong SJ, but they were only estimates Wink From the time that Bea went into Freddie's drawer to steal his tea and lager (and woke him up doing so) until the time that Marcus had victoriously flattened Bea verbally, I would estimate the total time at about two hours from start to finish. Obviously the discussion (which ended as a row) with Marcus lasted approximately one hour but I was allowing for awake time for Freddie. But awakening him in the first place to steal his lager and tea was surely an unacceptable act in itself. Stealing is just wrong. But if someone wakened me before my time, that would be a worse crime in my book and there would be consequences Laugh
Twee Surgeon
OK,I Will ask another way:
Do you think, that had Bea not turned on the water works and said that same thing, that Freddie would have laughed? Resulting in the same getting out of bed thing? Even involving Charlie?

I think that it was because of what she said but primarily because she was crying at that point that Freddie decided it would be a good time to laugh out loud.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I see his faults too Tupps... we would have to be blind not to see all their faults when their on our tv every night. Last night was something else. Bea was goading Marcus with Freddies name, went on and on about what she thought of him, the guy wasn't there he was SNORING in bed. First they stole from under his bed, then went back and banged the drawer shut putting tea back then she verbally attacked him loud enough to wake the dead.
I really cant see you staying in bed when you've been woken up and hear your name being slaughtered, i know i couldn't and i think i'm quite a passive person.

( BTW i'm not pretending to know you personally, i meant it generally) Smiler

They don't like each other... they exasperate each other. I have to ask... so what. She slags him off... he slags her off. She's just better at it than him but ultimately they are in the same space as far as mutual dislike is concerned. MOST of that discussion between Bea and Marcus was about how he and the other two guys perceive her. Her comment that brought about the mocking laughter was nothing to do with Freddie.. and yet he laughed. Ok, fair play.. he is cretainly entitled to laugh if he wants... but lets not sugare coat it.. it was mocking.. and whatever justification you give it, that fact remains.

Freddie is not an angel.. but he seems to be afforded wings and she, who is also not an angel, is not. To me that is inequitable. Because any criticism you can level at her or any other of the HMs can equally be levelled at Freddie.

Until last night i hadn't watched for a few days Tupps so sorry if i've got it wrong.
When Freddie is calling Bea names does he do it so viscious and nastily? Does he do it loud enough to wake her up and expect her not to retaliate? She was vitriolic to say the least last night about him and to be fair he WAS asleep. Even BB tried to point out to her in the DR what she was being like but it didn't sink in. At least Freddie would have known what they were getting at.
Originally posted by SJ:
OK,I Will ask another way:
Do you think, that had Bea not turned on the water works and said that same thing, that Freddie would have laughed? Resulting in the same getting out of bed thing? Even involving Charlie?

I think that it was because of what she said but primarily because she was crying at that point that Freddie decided it would be a good time to laugh out loud.

No i honestly think, hand on heart, that he would have stayed in bed. He had been snoring gently when the camera first picked him out.
Even Mother Theresa would have got up when Charlie intervened. Smiler
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Marcus was remarkably restrained I thought.

No. Marcus understands that in a situation like that remaining calm merely serves to wind the other person up even more. Try it. It really works. Big Grin

I tend to shout Im afraid. Blush What do you think would have happened if Marcus had shouted?

He wouldn't. What purpose would it serve? But say he had...well he's a big, strong bloke and it would have served Bea's purpose even more to be the small blonde female on the receiving end of that aggression. Marcus is BB savvy - he knows Bea is fond of the "bully" word and is not about to play into her hands.

I wouldnt exactly call Bea 'small'. She cant have the best of both worlds. Its amazing how the two people that have 'bullied' her are men. I bet she'd be first in the queue with all her equal opps rights if the man shelf-stacker at Lidls was earning more than her Nod
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I see his faults too Tupps... we would have to be blind not to see all their faults when their on our tv every night. Last night was something else. Bea was goading Marcus with Freddies name, went on and on about what she thought of him, the guy wasn't there he was SNORING in bed. First they stole from under his bed, then went back and banged the drawer shut putting tea back then she verbally attacked him loud enough to wake the dead.
I really cant see you staying in bed when you've been woken up and hear your name being slaughtered, i know i couldn't and i think i'm quite a passive person.

( BTW i'm not pretending to know you personally, i meant it generally) Smiler

They don't like each other... they exasperate each other. I have to ask... so what. She slags him off... he slags her off. She's just better at it than him but ultimately they are in the same space as far as mutual dislike is concerned. MOST of that discussion between Bea and Marcus was about how he and the other two guys perceive her. Her comment that brought about the mocking laughter was nothing to do with Freddie.. and yet he laughed. Ok, fair play.. he is cretainly entitled to laugh if he wants... but lets not sugare coat it.. it was mocking.. and whatever justification you give it, that fact remains.

Freddie is not an angel.. but he seems to be afforded wings and she, who is also not an angel, is not. To me that is inequitable. Because any criticism you can level at her or any other of the HMs can equally be levelled at Freddie.

Your post is completely deluded.
Freddie thought the world of her. She knifed him in the back.
Freddie laughed, as I did, at her pathetic remark "you can dish it out but you cant take it" that after the venom she has spewed at him over this week.
The girl is a 1st class nut job and needs to run for cover when she comes out. Seriously.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Penelope Pitstop:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I can see his faults too, he's downright annoying at times and when he makes that hmmm noise i want to slap him. Saying that though his heart isn't bad, well that's what i believe anyway. He's very naive in many ways, maybe niave isn't the right word. He's also a terrible navel gazer.

He got carried away with the Dave thing and that was wrong of him, at that time he was in the throes of wanting to get it on with Bea and his d**k was making his decisions.
He hasn't gone on and on and on and on about Dave though since that argument even though he has nominated him since.
At the core of freddie is a softness which to me is evident.
At the core of bea is a hardness and severity and a lack of emphathy for others.

He would have been better staying in bed and not trying to confront her and i think he did that because he heard Marcus support him which gave him courage. It's sad that he needs that sort of backup to make him feel brave but that's freddie for ya.

I note with interest that now... unlike when it happened.. Bea is now also responsible for Freddie's rant at Dave. I didn't rag on him for that btw... I kinda understood it.. but I was under no illusion that it was all Freddie.

I think they are both HUMAN. Human beings are flawed.. every last one of us. None of us are perfect. That includes Bea... and Freddie. What it comes down to is what is more palatable to you. I find Bea's obvious and raw flaws easier to understand than Freddie's am-dram village hall flaws. So meh...
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Tayto:
He also laughed loud enough to be heard.

Good point.. well made, Madam..

Well I was PMSL. Bea said dont dish it if you can't take it whilst trying unsuccessfully to squeeze out a tear after Marcus had called her out for slagging Freddy off without mercy. That woman has no self awareness. She constantly accuses others of her own failings.
I would have thought that the fact that Bea was saying she was going to report BB for bullying and then with the if you cant take it dont dish it out right after would have been enough to make anyone who didnt like her laugh.

Also if I had captain fish face in my bracket telling me to go to sleep and shut up I would get up too.
Originally posted by tupps:

I'm not in Freddie's head so I can not explain why he did that. By the same token..nor can you. That said.. he didn't shift his arse until Charlie asked who laughed and went back out of the BR. You do the math.

You missed a bit out - after "and went back out of the BR" you should have said "and told Bea Freddie was laughing at her" Freddie got up then to explain that he was not laughing at Bea but about the comment.
Originally posted by Suzy:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Suzy:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

Can you honestly say you would just stay in bed and let someone call you all names under the sun ?

It went on for hours and there plenty of slagging off of Freddie on her part.I watched it all ta very much.I may rant but the cause was there,her being a right old bitch!

Marcus and Charlie were enjoying a good chat about rock groups and concerts...then Beatch sat down with them and instead of trying to join in etc she started her usual "Negative " gibbering crap shit.

I agree with you and I am wondering why you are quoting me. Big Grin

My post was to tupps. Smiler

Bottle of nice white! Ninja
I can just see Bea at the local lower end of the market store, helpinga lost child.... 'oh poor poor you, you poor child, your a bit of a numpty arent you... you probably got lost because because you live on the estate - never mind, you prize pillock, let me help you find your mommy - she's probably on the corner of the street - failing that, I'm positive we'll find your daddy spending my taxes in the betting shop... there there you little shit.. come along you little bastard...'
Originally posted by SJ:
OK,I Will ask another way:
Do you think, that had Bea not turned on the water works and said that same thing, that Freddie would have laughed? Resulting in the same getting out of bed thing? Even involving Charlie?

I think that it was because of what she said but primarily because she was crying at that point that Freddie decided it would be a good time to laugh out loud.

I think he'd lain awake listening for a long time .....hearing himself been described as Little lord Fauntlero and a bloody twat ..........he was probably wake or wakened by Bea and Charley stealing things from under his bed and laughing about it.

When she was reduced to tears ..........why the eff shouldn't he have laughed? ...............why shouldn't he have got out of bed? She has been one hell of a nasty bitch towards him and has no qualms about reducing him to tears and bringing on a panic attack (and ridiculing it). The key words that Bea said to Marcus was 'if you can't take it - don't give it out'. KARMA.............................effin bitch .......and I'm far removed from being a Freddie lover.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I see his faults too Tupps... we would have to be blind not to see all their faults when their on our tv every night. Last night was something else. Bea was goading Marcus with Freddies name, went on and on about what she thought of him, the guy wasn't there he was SNORING in bed. First they stole from under his bed, then went back and banged the drawer shut putting tea back then she verbally attacked him loud enough to wake the dead.
I really cant see you staying in bed when you've been woken up and hear your name being slaughtered, i know i couldn't and i think i'm quite a passive person.

( BTW i'm not pretending to know you personally, i meant it generally) Smiler

They don't like each other... they exasperate each other. I have to ask... so what. She slags him off... he slags her off. She's just better at it than him but ultimately they are in the same space as far as mutual dislike is concerned. MOST of that discussion between Bea and Marcus was about how he and the other two guys perceive her. Her comment that brought about the mocking laughter was nothing to do with Freddie.. and yet he laughed. Ok, fair play.. he is cretainly entitled to laugh if he wants... but lets not sugare coat it.. it was mocking.. and whatever justification you give it, that fact remains.

Freddie is not an angel.. but he seems to be afforded wings and she, who is also not an angel, is not. To me that is inequitable. Because any criticism you can level at her or any other of the HMs can equally be levelled at Freddie.

Your post is completely deluded.
Freddie thought the world of her. She knifed him in the back.
Freddie laughed, as I did, at her pathetic remark "you can dish it out but you cant take it" that after the venom she has spewed at him over this week.
The girl is a 1st class nut job and needs to run for cover when she comes out. Seriously.

See the bold bit... you are channelling Flossie.. not a good look.

I haven't read the rest. Sorry to say but as soon as I see your user name I kinda switch off. I'm just not interested in anything you have to say and I generally ignore you. Perhaps it is best if you do the same when you see my posts.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Penelope Pitstop:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I can see his faults too, he's downright annoying at times and when he makes that hmmm noise i want to slap him. Saying that though his heart isn't bad, well that's what i believe anyway. He's very naive in many ways, maybe niave isn't the right word. He's also a terrible navel gazer.

He got carried away with the Dave thing and that was wrong of him, at that time he was in the throes of wanting to get it on with Bea and his d**k was making his decisions.
He hasn't gone on and on and on and on about Dave though since that argument even though he has nominated him since.
At the core of freddie is a softness which to me is evident.
At the core of bea is a hardness and severity and a lack of emphathy for others.

He would have been better staying in bed and not trying to confront her and i think he did that because he heard Marcus support him which gave him courage. It's sad that he needs that sort of backup to make him feel brave but that's freddie for ya.

I note with interest that now... unlike when it happened.. Bea is now also responsible for Freddie's rant at Dave. I didn't rag on him for that btw... I kinda understood it.. but I was under no illusion that it was all Freddie.

I think they are both HUMAN. Human beings are flawed.. every last one of us. None of us are perfect. That includes Bea... and Freddie. What it comes down to is what is more palatable to you. I find Bea's obvious and raw flaws easier to understand than Freddie's am-dram village hall flaws. So meh...

i agree Ninja how can that be Ghost
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by tupps:

I'm not in Freddie's head so I can not explain why he did that. By the same token..nor can you. That said.. he didn't shift his arse until Charlie asked who laughed and went back out of the BR. You do the math.

You missed a bit out - after "and went back out of the BR" you should have said "and told Bea Freddie was laughing at her" Freddie got up then to explain that he was not laughing at Bea but about the comment.

he said... he's laughing in there..
She cosied up to the Freddie she saw in the first few weeks. As he became closer to Marcus he changed. That is the point she is trying to make and she gets the third degree about it.
I don't like the girl but I do believe in fairness . It's ok for Freddie to stick up for himself but she's not allowed. It's ok for Marcus to tear her character to pieces but she can't do the same back. It's ok for him to call her a brick wall but not for her to say his hair style is from the 80s.
Different strokes for different folks.
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
I can just see Bea at the local lower end of the market store, helpinga lost child.... 'oh poor poor you, you poor child, your a bit of a numpty arent you... you probably got lost because because you live on the estate - never mind, you prize pillock, let me help you find your mommy - she's probably on the corner of the street - failing that, I'm positive we'll find your daddy spending my taxes in the betting shop... there there you little shit.. come along you little bastard...'

Laugh I can so seeing her doing that, spookily enough heard her voice reading it Eeker Big Grin
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by SJ:
OK,I Will ask another way:
Do you think, that had Bea not turned on the water works and said that same thing, that Freddie would have laughed? Resulting in the same getting out of bed thing? Even involving Charlie?

I think that it was because of what she said but primarily because she was crying at that point that Freddie decided it would be a good time to laugh out loud.

I think he'd lain awake listening for a long time .....hearing himself been described as Little lord Fauntlero and a bloody twat ..........he was probably wake or wakened by Bea and Charley stealing things from under his bed and laughing about it.

When she was reduced to tears ..........why the eff shouldn't he have laughed? ...............why shouldn't he have got out of bed? She has been one hell of a nasty bitch towards him and has no qualms about reducing him to tears and bringing on a panic attack (and ridiculing it). The key words that Bea said to Marcus was 'if you can't take it - don't give it out'. KARMA.............................effin bitch .......and I'm far removed from being a Freddie lover.

woohooooooo Thumbs Up Nod Clapping
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by SJ:
OK,I Will ask another way:
Do you think, that had Bea not turned on the water works and said that same thing, that Freddie would have laughed? Resulting in the same getting out of bed thing? Even involving Charlie?

I think that it was because of what she said but primarily because she was crying at that point that Freddie decided it would be a good time to laugh out loud.

I think he'd lain awake listening for a long time .....hearing himself been described as Little lord Fauntlero and a bloody twat ..........he was probably wake or wakened by Bea and Charley stealing things from under his bed and laughing about it.

When she was reduced to tears ..........why the eff shouldn't he have laughed? ...............why shouldn't he have got out of bed? She has been one hell of a nasty bitch towards him and has no qualms about reducing him to tears and bringing on a panic attack (and ridiculing it). The key words that Bea said to Marcus was 'if you can't take it - don't give it out'. KARMA.............................effin bitch .......and I'm far removed from being a Freddie lover.

I don't like any of them. At least you admit that her tears are to do with his reaction. Thats what I was asking. And I am convinced thats why he got up and laughed at that time. Combonation of stupid hypocritical (laughable) remark and her tears (fake or not).
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by tupps:

I'm not in Freddie's head so I can not explain why he did that. By the same token..nor can you. That said.. he didn't shift his arse until Charlie asked who laughed and went back out of the BR. You do the math.

You missed a bit out - after "and went back out of the BR" you should have said "and told Bea Freddie was laughing at her" Freddie got up then to explain that he was not laughing at Bea but about the comment.

he said... he's laughing in there..

Whatever - but that is why he got up!
Originally posted by Tayto:
She cosied up to the Freddie she saw in the first few weeks. As he became closer to Marcus he changed. That is the point she is trying to make and she gets the third degree about it.
I don't like the girl but I do believe in fairness . It's ok for Freddie to stick up for himself but she's not allowed. It's ok for Marcus to tear her character to pieces but she can't do the same back. It's ok for him to call her a brick wall but not for her to say his hair style is from the 80s.
Different strokes for different folks.

i agree Clapping also marcus remark to freddie *go to bed* was marcus wanting the lime light Big Grin
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I see his faults too Tupps... we would have to be blind not to see all their faults when their on our tv every night. Last night was something else. Bea was goading Marcus with Freddies name, went on and on about what she thought of him, the guy wasn't there he was SNORING in bed. First they stole from under his bed, then went back and banged the drawer shut putting tea back then she verbally attacked him loud enough to wake the dead.
I really cant see you staying in bed when you've been woken up and hear your name being slaughtered, i know i couldn't and i think i'm quite a passive person.

( BTW i'm not pretending to know you personally, i meant it generally) Smiler

They don't like each other... they exasperate each other. I have to ask... so what. She slags him off... he slags her off. She's just better at it than him but ultimately they are in the same space as far as mutual dislike is concerned. MOST of that discussion between Bea and Marcus was about how he and the other two guys perceive her. Her comment that brought about the mocking laughter was nothing to do with Freddie.. and yet he laughed. Ok, fair play.. he is cretainly entitled to laugh if he wants... but lets not sugare coat it.. it was mocking.. and whatever justification you give it, that fact remains.

Freddie is not an angel.. but he seems to be afforded wings and she, who is also not an angel, is not. To me that is inequitable. Because any criticism you can level at her or any other of the HMs can equally be levelled at Freddie.

Your post is completely deluded.
Freddie thought the world of her. She knifed him in the back.
Freddie laughed, as I did, at her pathetic remark "you can dish it out but you cant take it" that after the venom she has spewed at him over this week.
The girl is a 1st class nut job and needs to run for cover when she comes out. Seriously.

See the bold bit... you are channelling Flossie.. not a good look.

I haven't read the rest. Sorry to say but as soon as I see your user name I kinda switch off. I'm just not interested in anything you have to say and I generally ignore you. Perhaps it is best if you do the same when you see my posts.

Sorry Tupps Confused
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I see his faults too Tupps... we would have to be blind not to see all their faults when their on our tv every night. Last night was something else. Bea was goading Marcus with Freddies name, went on and on about what she thought of him, the guy wasn't there he was SNORING in bed. First they stole from under his bed, then went back and banged the drawer shut putting tea back then she verbally attacked him loud enough to wake the dead.
I really cant see you staying in bed when you've been woken up and hear your name being slaughtered, i know i couldn't and i think i'm quite a passive person.

( BTW i'm not pretending to know you personally, i meant it generally) Smiler

They don't like each other... they exasperate each other. I have to ask... so what. She slags him off... he slags her off. She's just better at it than him but ultimately they are in the same space as far as mutual dislike is concerned. MOST of that discussion between Bea and Marcus was about how he and the other two guys perceive her. Her comment that brought about the mocking laughter was nothing to do with Freddie.. and yet he laughed. Ok, fair play.. he is cretainly entitled to laugh if he wants... but lets not sugare coat it.. it was mocking.. and whatever justification you give it, that fact remains.

Freddie is not an angel.. but he seems to be afforded wings and she, who is also not an angel, is not. To me that is inequitable. Because any criticism you can level at her or any other of the HMs can equally be levelled at Freddie.

Your post is completely deluded.
Freddie thought the world of her. She knifed him in the back.
Freddie laughed, as I did, at her pathetic remark "you can dish it out but you cant take it" that after the venom she has spewed at him over this week.
The girl is a 1st class nut job and needs to run for cover when she comes out. Seriously.

See the bold bit... you are channelling Flossie.. not a good look.

I haven't read the rest. Sorry to say but as soon as I see your user name I kinda switch off. I'm just not interested in anything you have to say and I generally ignore you. Perhaps it is best if you do the same when you see my posts.

Pfft.. you dismiss someones view because they remind you of another forumer?

A tad lacking there.
Originally posted by SJ:
OK,I Will ask another way:
Do you think, that had Bea not turned on the water works and said that same thing, that Freddie would have laughed? Resulting in the same getting out of bed thing? Even involving Charlie?

I think that it was because of what she said but primarily because she was crying at that point that Freddie decided it would be a good time to laugh out loud.

I'm not sure if you have directed those questions to me SJ, but I will answer them anyway ...

I'm also not sure if you have noticed it on the live feed but when the camera is focused in the bedroom, you can actually hear the voices out in the living room albeit that they are not very clear unless the HMs are actually shouting. I can clearly hear Marcus whistling even when he is outside.

Therefore, it would be hard not to hear loud discussions taking place especially if you are in one of the beds nearest to the door. If I can hear their voices, surely the HMs can hear each other's voices clearly. Last night Bea sat with Marcus and she mentioned Freddie at least 10 times within 10 minutes whilst talking to Marcus. It is possible that Freddie heard that. He would also have heard Bea blarting and false-crying in her inimitable sobby kinda way when Marcus had wiped the floor with her. Freddie did laugh but he laughed in the bedroom at the irony of her inability to deal with Marcus' criticism. His laughter only became known when the cheeky chappy (the one we know and love as Charlie Sick) came into the bedroom and broadcast the laugh to the whole house. Freddie got up to defend himself. He wasn't laughing at Bea, he was laughing at the irony of Bea's reaction to a bit of criticism.

Phew .... I am exhausted after that SJ. Don't ask me any more questions for about ten minutes, ok? Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by tupps:

I'm not in Freddie's head so I can not explain why he did that. By the same token..nor can you. That said.. he didn't shift his arse until Charlie asked who laughed and went back out of the BR. You do the math.

You missed a bit out - after "and went back out of the BR" you should have said "and told Bea Freddie was laughing at her" Freddie got up then to explain that he was not laughing at Bea but about the comment.

he said... he's laughing in there..

Whatever - but that is why he got up!

No.. not whatever..there is a world of difference between your inference that he went out and told Bea that Freddie was laughing at HER and him saying he is laughing in there. One infers.. no states.. that Freddie was directly mocking Bea (without any knowledge if that was the case) in a shit stirring way and one is stating a fact.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by tupps:

I'm not in Freddie's head so I can not explain why he did that. By the same token..nor can you. That said.. he didn't shift his arse until Charlie asked who laughed and went back out of the BR. You do the math.

You missed a bit out - after "and went back out of the BR" you should have said "and told Bea Freddie was laughing at her" Freddie got up then to explain that he was not laughing at Bea but about the comment.

he said... he's laughing in there..

Yes but he went on to say he was laughing at Bea crying....thats when Freddie got up saying, 'No i'm laughing at the comment'.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

I see his faults too Tupps... we would have to be blind not to see all their faults when their on our tv every night. Last night was something else. Bea was goading Marcus with Freddies name, went on and on about what she thought of him, the guy wasn't there he was SNORING in bed. First they stole from under his bed, then went back and banged the drawer shut putting tea back then she verbally attacked him loud enough to wake the dead.
I really cant see you staying in bed when you've been woken up and hear your name being slaughtered, i know i couldn't and i think i'm quite a passive person.

( BTW i'm not pretending to know you personally, i meant it generally) Smiler

They don't like each other... they exasperate each other. I have to ask... so what. She slags him off... he slags her off. She's just better at it than him but ultimately they are in the same space as far as mutual dislike is concerned. MOST of that discussion between Bea and Marcus was about how he and the other two guys perceive her. Her comment that brought about the mocking laughter was nothing to do with Freddie.. and yet he laughed. Ok, fair play.. he is cretainly entitled to laugh if he wants... but lets not sugare coat it.. it was mocking.. and whatever justification you give it, that fact remains.

Freddie is not an angel.. but he seems to be afforded wings and she, who is also not an angel, is not. To me that is inequitable. Because any criticism you can level at her or any other of the HMs can equally be levelled at Freddie.

Your post is completely deluded.
Freddie thought the world of her. She knifed him in the back.
Freddie laughed, as I did, at her pathetic remark "you can dish it out but you cant take it" that after the venom she has spewed at him over this week.
The girl is a 1st class nut job and needs to run for cover when she comes out. Seriously.

See the bold bit... you are channelling Flossie.. not a good look.

I haven't read the rest. Sorry to say but as soon as I see your user name I kinda switch off. I'm just not interested in anything you have to say and I generally ignore you. Perhaps it is best if you do the same when you see my posts.

Pfft.. you dismiss someones view because they remind you of another forumer?

A tad lacking there.

No.. I dismiss that FM member because they generally post in a derogatory or confrontational way to me. I choose not to deal with them.. which is my perogative. Unfortunately, it seems it would need a Mack truck backing over them to get that.

But thank you for sticking your nose in. Big Grin
Originally posted by tupps:

No.. not whatever..there is a world of difference between your inference that he went out and told Bea that Freddie was laughing at HER and him saying he is laughing in there. One infers.. no states.. that Freddie was directly mocking Bea (without any knowledge if that was the case) in a shit stirring way and one is stating a fact.

I give up - as I don't think we will ever agree and we had a great time last year supporting Rex. So I shall just say let's agree to differ?
Originally posted by Tayto:
She cosied up to the Freddie she saw in the first few weeks. As he became closer to Marcus he changed. That is the point she is trying to make and she gets the third degree about it.
I don't like the girl but I do believe in fairness . It's ok for Freddie to stick up for himself but she's not allowed. It's ok for Marcus to tear her character to pieces but she can't do the same back. It's ok for him to call her a brick wall but not for her to say his hair style is from the 80s.
Different strokes for different folks.

I have nothing against anyone sticking up for themselves.... but not by belittling others.Marcus said it was like talking to a brick wall because she just keeps talking over every conversation....she never 'gives' to let anyone else in.

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