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Originally posted by Mathematics:
Originally posted by tupps:
****ing hell.. I swear sometimes people watch this programme in a universe you'd need a visa to get into..

Her comment was to Marcus and about Marcus.. the preceeding discussion was about Marcus and his view of Bea. Freddie's laugh was mocking her comment.. as if to say oh yeah you say that but you don't 'live' that. He had no need to do that OR come out and do his chesting beating antics.

He said on the HL show on Wednesday he would stay out of situations.. that he could stay out of situations.. but he can't bliddy help himself if he can score a point.

I watched it live, and she harped on and on and on (loudly) about Freddie being this and that. The HL's showed a tiny portion of the conversation.

I've watched it too... and his mocking laugh was at a comment made to Marcus about Marcus.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

Tupps i watched it libve in the earlly hours.... she went on and on and ON Freddie this Freddie that, Freddie is a this Freddie ia a that for over an hour.... i would have got out the bed and skelped her one, i'd have been removed from the house. I really think thats what she was wanting to happen cos her voice was getting louder and louder!
Originally posted by tupps:
****ing hell.. I swear sometimes people watch this programme in a universe you'd need a visa to get into..

Her comment was to Marcus and about Marcus.. the preceeding discussion was about Marcus and his view of Bea. Freddie's laugh was mocking her comment.. as if to say oh yeah you say that but you don't 'live' that. He had no need to do that OR come out and do his chesting beating antics.

He said on the HL show on Wednesday he would stay out of situations.. that he could stay out of situations.. but he can't bliddy help himself if he can score a point.

Maybe he and Bea are better suited than she'd like in that case? Big Grin

tupps ... Freddie's laugh was perfectly valid, and since Charlie took the row into the bedroom where people were trying to sleep so was Freddie's move into the living area. He felt (and whether he's sought to gain mileage out of it is neither here not there) he's been at the receiving end of her diatribes all week. For once she was on the receiving end and she did not like it. Hence her comment to Marcus - whilst notionally about Marcus - resonated with Freddie in terms of the way she's behaved towards him these last days.
Originally posted by SJ:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Just a thought after watching it again tonight. Did Marcus engineer it all in that BB brain of his. He told Freddie to go back to bed so he wouldn't look stupid. Freddie did what he was told despite being told by Charli to go to bed as well.

I was thinking similarly. Even if not engineered by Marcus, why go to bed when Marcus said, who is he? Daddy?

The whole argument was started by Bea and not Marcus.

Freddie will do what he wants, he isn't under coercion. Even if someone says it's better to go away from the situation he still has his own free will to do what he wants. He obviously wished to take the advice of Marcus. Marcus was very calm in that situation despite Bea attacking him (such as attacking his appearance), but Bea and Freddie were not so calm.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by tupps:
****ing hell.. I swear sometimes people watch this programme in a universe you'd need a visa to get into..

Her comment was to Marcus and about Marcus.. the preceeding discussion was about Marcus and his view of Bea. Freddie's laugh was mocking her comment.. as if to say oh yeah you say that but you don't 'live' that. He had no need to do that OR come out and do his chesting beating antics.

He said on the HL show on Wednesday he would stay out of situations.. that he could stay out of situations.. but he can't bliddy help himself if he can score a point.

Oh! so he shouldn't speak when that cow is ripping him to shreds! get real.

He's actually pretty restrained,I'd have lamped the bitch by now.

Well it doesn't sit well with his 'scheming'. Nor does it sit well with his keeping out of 'negative' situations.

Restrained is not something I would describe someone who gaslights as.

I thought Bea was pretty restrained.. because if someone tried that kind of emotionally abusive BS on me, I'd have ripped him a new arsehole.

Horses for courses huh..
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by tupps:
****ing hell.. I swear sometimes people watch this programme in a universe you'd need a visa to get into..

Her comment was to Marcus and about Marcus.. the preceeding discussion was about Marcus and his view of Bea. Freddie's laugh was mocking her comment.. as if to say oh yeah you say that but you don't 'live' that. He had no need to do that OR come out and do his chesting beating antics.

He said on the HL show on Wednesday he would stay out of situations.. that he could stay out of situations.. but he can't bliddy help himself if he can score a point.

Maybe he and Bea are better suited than she'd like in that case? Big Grin

tupps ... Freddie's laugh was perfectly valid, and since Charlie took the row into the bedroom where people were trying to sleep so was Freddie's move into the living area. He felt (and whether he's sought to gain mileage out of it is neither here not there) he's been at the receiving end of her diatribes all week. For once she was on the receiving end and she did not like it. Hence her comment to Marcus - whilst notionally about Marcus - resonated with Freddie in terms of the way she's behaved towards him these last days.

my thoughts too but you put it so much better than i ever could. Clapping
Penelope Pitstop
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

Tupps i watched it libve in the earlly hours.... she went on and on and ON Freddie this Freddie that, Freddie is a this Freddie ia a that for over an hour.... i would have got out the bed and skelped her one, i'd have been removed from the house. I really think thats what she was wanting to happen cos her voice was getting louder and louder!

Yes!! I watched the whole thing last night being menopausal and insomniac.I too would have swinging for her! SO Freddie should just lie in bed and hear that cow going on and on about him,spouting shit!

Too feckin' right I would be in her face,with me though her face might not be intact,I could rattle her goofy teeth for her. Devil
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
cos he wanted in on the action.......his gritted teeth as he tried not to shout at charlie was a classic.....

i agree with what bea said in the d/r.....he really is playing the 'poor freddie' card and milking the arguement for all it's worth....

Your comments are soo naive - its amazing.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by SJ:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Just a thought after watching it again tonight. Did Marcus engineer it all in that BB brain of his. He told Freddie to go back to bed so he wouldn't look stupid. Freddie did what he was told despite being told by Charli to go to bed as well.

I was thinking similarly. Even if not engineered by Marcus, why go to bed when Marcus said, who is he? Daddy?

The whole argument was started by Bea and not Marcus.

Freddie will do what he wants, he isn't under coercion. Even if someone says it's better to go away from the situation he still has his own free will to do what he wants. He obviously wished to take the advice of Marcus. Marcus was very calm in that situation despite Bea attacking him (such as attacking his appearance), but Bea and Freddie were not so calm.

I think that Marcus knew exactly what he was going to do when Bea engineered the converstion, he knows she is her own worst enemy, and he knew he had to keep calm to show her for what she is...I'm glad Freddie listened to him when he advised (not told) him to go back to the BR.

If I was Freddie i'd have come out to defend myself as well! Nod

Marcus may not talk with a fancy accent and big long words, but I do believe he is a very intelligent Man, more intelligent & astute than people give him credit for, and is more than a match for anybody in there Nod
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by SJ:
regardless of the fakeness, he heard her sobs from bed and waited until then (and the shout) to get out of bed. If it was b ecausehe heard his name countless times, there was time before that to get out of bed.

He was SNORING when it started...he cant be right for being wrong sometimes!
When he woke up he must have wondered what the hell he'd done this time.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

Tupps i watched it libve in the earlly hours.... she went on and on and ON Freddie this Freddie that, Freddie is a this Freddie ia a that for over an hour.... i would have got out the bed and skelped her one, i'd have been removed from the house. I really think thats what she was wanting to happen cos her voice was getting louder and louder!

Yes!! I watched the whole thing last night being menopausal and insomniac.I too would have swinging for her! SO Freddie should just lie in bed and hear that cow going on and on about him,spouting shit!

Too feckin' right I would be in her face,with me though her face might not be intact,I could rattle her goofy teeth for her. Devil

I admire the fact he listened to it for as long as he did before coming out
Originally posted by SJ:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Just a thought after watching it again tonight. Did Marcus engineer it all in that BB brain of his. He told Freddie to go back to bed so he wouldn't look stupid. Freddie did what he was told despite being told by Charli to go to bed as well.

I was thinking similarly. Even if not engineered by Marcus, why go to bed when Marcus said, who is he? Daddy?

Freddie went to bed on the GOOD advice of Marcus. Freddie didnt go to bed when gobshite Charlie TOLD him to go to bed and basically mind his own business and stop picking on (his new fake best mate) Bea and that the only reason he got up was because he was paranoid etc etc.

Please bear in mind that Bea had been slating Freddie for HOURS previously (calling him a pensioner was one of the nicer things she said). All Freddie did was to call her out on the 'dont give it if u cant take it' comment
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

What the HLs failed to show was that Bea had been slagging off Freddie for an hour - Freddie was awake and heard most of it. Marcus told her to stop saying negative things about Freddie all the time but she just wouldn't stop. Some of the things she said about Freddie were very derogatory but not shown. She couldn't beat Marcus down so pulled the bully card.
Originally posted by SJ:
IMO the question should be why did Freddie wait until thattime to come out. Of course people should defend themselves but why wait until then, when it sounded like Marcus had broken her and she was crying.

Because Charlie went into the bedroom and asked what he was laughing at, he told him and then Charlie went and told Bea Freddie was laughing...he got up to explain himself and then was pounced on by numpty Charlie demannding he go back to bed!
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
cos he wanted in on the action.......his gritted teeth as he tried not to shout at charlie was a classic.....

i agree with what bea said in the d/r.....he really is playing the 'poor freddie' card and milking the arguement for all it's worth....

Your comments are soo naive - its amazing.'s my i don't think it is naive..
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

that's funny - I am sure I heard the word "Freddie" mentioned by her several times!
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
he come out of the bedroom because Charlie went in, asked who laughed, then when Freddie told him it was him and why, charlie went out and said 'hes laughing in there', so Freddie jumped up to explain what he said,

TBH I dont see the problem

Ok he explained to Charlie, why then come out and say something to Bea? Marcus was dealing with the situation and defending him adequately both against Bea and Charlie.

Best tactic would not be to come out with a quick remark to a crying Bea or to engage in an argument with Charlie when those two obviously can't communicate with each other. Charlie can't even understand some of his words lol. Charlie played the role of comforter to Bea and pretended he was some kind of mediator between Bea and Marcus very cleverly.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
he was getting slagged off by Beatch.I bloody wouldn't lie in bed taking it.I'd have come right out and fookin' got right in the cows face! Mad

she was talking to Marcus... and about Marcus.. but don't let the facts get in the way of a damned good rant huh...

that's funny - I am sure I heard the word "Freddie" mentioned by her several times!

Nod Freddie was asleep and she started talking about him! Any oppurtunity and she's at it....if it were me, I'd have been out long before Freddie was!!
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Shar:
In a way I don't blame him for snapping at the sheer hypocrisy of the woman saying what she said ... but marcus was spot on when he told him just to go to bed ...

Freddie is his own worst enemy ... I fear that Bea has got into his head so much at this stage that there's no going back now ... he's becoming bitter and angry and that is going to be his undoing .. Frowner

Please don't use long words!!!! Big Grin
Originally posted by SJ:
regardless of the fakeness, he heard her sobs from bed and waited until then (and the shout) to get out of bed. If it was b ecausehe heard his name countless times, there was time before that to get out of bed.

Do you people not get irony. Her comment "You can't take it but you can dish it out" was Freddie's cue if ever there was one, and that was after Charlie came in. He laughd at the irony of it, after she had torn him apart before. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by SJ:
IMO the question should be why did Freddie wait until thattime to come out. Of course people should defend themselves but why wait until then, when it sounded like Marcus had broken her and she was crying.

Because Charlie went into the bedroom and asked what he was laughing at, he told him and then Charlie went and told Bea Freddie was laughing...he got up to explain himself and then was pounced on by numpty Charlie demannding he go back to bed!

OK then, back track, we agree he has every right and actually should get up out of bed and defend his good name.
So, why wait until she started crying?
Because he started laughing and retorting at her comment?
why wait until her comment before he started laughing and ansering?

My question is, since she was backsstabbing and saying his name for an hour, why wait for an hour to get up? Why not get up half an hour beforehand and defend himself?
My opinion is because of the set of circumstances, but primarily because he thought there would be drama as Bea was crying at that stage. (he was in bed and didn't know if they were crocodile tears or not - and she was sobbing convincingly at that point)
Firstly.. this evening I watched the LF from last night.. so no more top trumps on that score huh.

Secondly.. I'm not disputing she slagged Freddie off.. and while she may not have couched it in the most flattering terms.. when someone has right royally ****ed you off you are hardly likely to. I defy anyone here who has fallen out with someone to say they haven't thought/said/felt the same things. She thinks he is a twat. NEWSFLASH: she is not the only person to do so.

Thirdly.. we know from the Dave incident that Freddie can, if he has a mind, be a right royal twat. He can jump on things and like a Jack bleedin' Russell gnaw at them ad nauseum.

I don't hate Freddie... but I can see his bliddy faults..

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