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Jo is enjoying a good old slagging fest with John James about Corin right now on Live Feed so I don't believe Jo's friendship with Corin was ever that genuine. The fact Jo would now kiss Crabster's arse after slagging him off all week to Corin, and the fact she failed to nominate Crabster, goes to show how fake she truely is
Wow Spider what a nasty cah Another backstabber, I've run out of people to like in that house
She didn't repeat the conversation, Jo wanted to walk yet again at lunch time, they all knew about it. I hope Jo doesn't stay in a way, she's another wasted house mates place. bloody days she's gone on about walking, ye gods no ones stopping them. 

Corin needs ro be shot at dawn for nominating someone who's wanted to walk for days, I'm still supporting Corin, they all bottled it, she nominated same as last week.
Dama Ann, I just asked for clarification regarding her supposed promise (see above) and Stonks provided it for me.  I really don' t care who she nominated. My main point or gripe was her behaviour, I hated the hesitation, making them wait and then crying. I don't dislike Corin but I just wasn't keen on this aspect  of her today. 
I really don' t care who she nominated. My main point or gripe was her behaviour, I hated the hesitation, making them wait and then crying. I don't dislike Corin but I just wasn't keen on this aspect  of her today.

aww Fairfax, I didn't mean to sound snappy . Just they all took the easy way out, I'm not saying it's right or wrong how any of them voted, I just hated the way it was manipulated and I said the other day, it wasn't a punishment for JJ and Co, it was a reward. Dave was the only one who got his comeuppance, that's what's pissing me off and not you. Please accept my appologies if that's how I cam across, reading my post back it looked as if I was being grumpy and I was, but it certainly wasn't meant at you  
Please accept my appologies if that's how I cam across, reading my post back it looked as if I was being grumpy and I was, but it certainly wasn't meant at you
Aww darling, no offence taken at all and I certainly never get that vibe off you. (Promise) I know exactly how you feel. I think that today we're all especially sore at the way things went. Big hugarooney & kiss for you
Aww darling, no offence taken at all and I certainly never get that vibe off you. (Promise) I know exactly how you feel. I think that today we're all especially sore at the way things went. Big hugarooney & kiss for you

Thanks Fairfax, that's very generous of you considering I had a little rant in your thread   I'm beginning to think it' s not worth the bother. The only thing keeping my interest is trying to outdo the manipulation, I can see Sam winning it and good luck to him I say, I'll still support Corin, but if she goes then I've decided Sam's the man, just to piss the rest off 

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