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IMO there is a huge difference in Sam and that sorry ass piece of work JJ....Sam and Josie have a history from lock down,she said things about him which he watched before he went in,in he went and off it went,tit for tat which btw I don't condone...JJ TARGETS who he perceives to be weaker HM's,Rachel,Sunshine,BenKeeley was also in his sights and yes he did try with Josie but when he gave as good as what she got he resorted to Tiny Tears in the closet...He proudly boasted how he would row with HM's so much he'd force them to walk,his self imposed reign of authority is laughable if it weren't so harmful to other HM's,he thrives on conflict saying himself he's only there for the rows,tell me that is normal behviour as imo it's anything but.
Senora Reyes
I seem to be changing my mind on a daily basis about all of them it is the first year I have not had a favourite who I have stuck with,I liked  Corin and JJ but have gone off him starting to go off Corin a bit, Josie is the best out of a bad bunch dont like her bad habits and some of the things she does but I dont have to live with her, what you see is what you get she has not got a fake bone in her body IMO.

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