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Most people on this and many other forums are either John James or Sam fans.  I think they are both completely awful and have proven to be nasty, vindictive cowards who enjoy targetting good natured housemates while steering clear of those housemates who can hold their own in an argument.  AKA typical bully mentality, picking on the weak.

So why do most people wish to reward this behaviour?

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Well I'm with you on this spider.
I think John James is utterly nasty. He is devious and desperate and deceitful.
Don't trust him at all.
Being shallow I can't even fall back on his looks - because I don't think he is good-looking (thatched hair, unlined bland face, saggy gormless-looking mouth, spindly legs and no bottom.)

As for Sam. I think he's done his one and only trick, (stirring) but that rapidly became exhausted. More subtlety and craft may have paid off, but I'm afraid he was just full-in-the face rude. It all seemed very child-like and immature, and attention-seeking.
Being shallow - I cannot stand his voice. His camp inflections, appalling diction, glottal stops, and only 2-tones droning on.

I don't like either of 'em, and certainly don't want them rewarded.
I agree the forum was in an uproar if Ben was picked on how things change now most are loving Sam

Yes Marge, the hypocrisy has not gone unnoticed by me.  I think the sad truth is that a lot of people enjoyed Josie's treatment from Sam, simply because they don't like her.  Using this type of mentality, it probably goes a long way towards explaining why his behaviour is rewarded by the viewers.
have been in a minority for the whole series (in terms of forum opinion)...   ok... disliking Sam may put you in a slight minority... but nothing like being a Shabby supporter (from week 1) and then a JJ supporter. THAT is being in a minority

Ditty - you are a completely crap BB fan - you support all the baddies!

You you anti hero fan you..
disliking Sam may put you in a slight minority...

You'd be suprised.  Recently I made a "rank the housemates" thread, and the vast majority had Sam in their top 3, while John James was in their bottom three.

I don't differentiate between John James and Sam.  As far as I am concerned they have behaved in very similar ways.

John James has made housemates cry, he's ridiculed housemates' physical appearances, he's been verbally aggressive countless times towards various housemates.

Sam has not been in the house long, but even so he relentlessly belittled Josie's appearance and been verbally aggressive with numerous housemates.

Much of a muchness.  If you like one, you should like both!!  If you dislike one, you should dislike both!!
Ditty - you are a completely crap BB fan - you support all the baddies
I don't normally...  and as you know, they aren't baddies in my opinion.    My all time worst hm's were Charley Uchea, Ahmed, Alexandra, Carole...     THEY were baddies.   Also dislike Pete, Susie goldenticket bird, & Rachel Rice (who weren't really baddies)

All time fave is Rex (baddie to some, fab hm to others)....    and I loved the twins (hardly baddies)...  

bizarrely....   this BB is the first one were my preferred housemates seem to be in with a chance of winning
If you like one, you should like both!!  If you dislike one, you should dislike both!!
In your opinion Spider!

I disliked Sam a great deal when he first when in the house & was targetting Josie...  I felt his behaviour was disgusting...  I am only warming to him now because he seems to be chilling out a bit.

And as for John James...  I've already said numerous times that I disagree with the nasty stuff...  so to me its very easy to like one but not the other
I disliked Sam a great deal when he first when in the house & was targetting Josie... I felt his behaviour was disgusting... I am only warming to him now because he seems to be chilling out a bit. And as for John James... I've already said numerous times that I disagree with the nasty stuff... so to me its very easy to like one but not the other

Sorry you've confused me, which one are you saying you support?  You've conceded that they've both done "nasty stuff", and it's easy for you to support one and not the other, but I'm not sure which one you mean.

As for Sam chilling out, I suspect that was just for the benefit of nominations.  He has successfully made Jo cry today.
You've conceded that they've both done "nasty stuff",
no... I haven't.    John James might have got his knickers in a twist a couple of times, but I don't think he has been nasty.   I do support him.

I was dead against Sam...  I am finding him ok at the moment...  but if he reverts to how he was when he first entered the house, I will be wanting him out pronto.
Since we're on a tangent about Bea, may I add that she completely stunned me.  Her game plan was possibly the most amazing in BB history.  Getting in with Freddie, who was currently enjoying a run-away popularity with the viewers, and then completely destroyed him from the inside out.  I will never forget the image of Freddie lying in the bed, crying and shouting at Bea, calling her evil and wicked.  All those weeks of people picking on him, and he never let them get to him, but a few short weeks of Bea and she completely broke his spirit.  Quite amazing.  She was thoroughly awful.

calm down

i like Sam don't have to agree with everything he has said but find some things he says amusing 

ie when he left the goodbye video for rachel and said you didnt stand a chance i laughed when he said to John James get your high heels on im sure theres a fire exit near by for you to go out of i laughed when he said to Dave you'll be watching me next week from yur house i laughed

i don't find Josies crudiotys funny i don't find Corins desperate diary room attempts funny either 

i like housemates that make me laugh         


ea broke freddie in days. he trusted her which i think was easy for him to do after getting so much stick from the rest of the house. he thought he finally had a friend, she was cruel
Very cruel...I too remember that day when Freddie finally broke, and of course my darling Siavash was there to comfort him. No suprise to me they are still good friends...
Senora Reyes

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