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Not watching the footage but an educated stab in the dark....

Josie dragging yet another conversation back to JJ1 and seeking supportive reassurances that he does fancy her - when really in her heart of hearts, she knows he doesn't. 

More positive reassurances for Josie, more airtime for Josie, more being the centre of attention for Josie.  Sounds like it's business as usual for Josie.

As for Nick and Ulrika, I'd guess they're just telling her what she wants and now expects to hear.
Yeah,.. she did say 'but nadia said the same' those two idiots wittering on about interpretation.
From what I saw Nadia told her that she doesn't think JJ1's actions were that of a man who was in love? (in more or less the same words) For Josie to still be questioning things even now should be ringing enough alarm bells for her to wake up and listen to surely?
It's all falling on deaf ears though - she's completely deluded.
I said last week that even though I can't stand the pair of them and they wouldn't be my choice of friends in the outside world, I really hoped that what was going on between them was genuine and that things worked out. I just remember John James' face when she came out of the house as the winner. The smile that never reached the eyes. And the more people may tell her that is isn't real or to be careful (like Nadia), the more John James (might) dig in to prove most people wrong. I just remember past couples like Nikki and Pete, hell even Michelle Bass and that dullard she latched on to was more believable than Josie and John James.
I really hoped that what was going on between them was genuine and that things worked out

I think it's pretty obviously real on her side - but it's not and never has been on his.       You've got it spot on about the look on his face - his uppermost thought wasn't 'Great she's won!'  it was 'Shit.. I blew it!'
Although, to be fair, the person who was most effusive about telling Josie how wonderful she looked after her makeover was JJ.

Didn't make him fancy her any more though, did it, 'toid?      I don't doubt he cares about her, just not in a sexual way - and to say she looked great is the sort of thing a girlfriend would say to her.

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