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nadia because of her outage at not having 'zigarettes ' she was ' fumigating!!'  and her muscling up to jason bellowing at him' whatchoo gonna doo  eh, whatchoo gonna dooo?'

gerry for his observation on the future and carole' after armageddon only the cokeroaches will survive only the cockeroaches, and there will be carole cooking for them' 

derek laud' good grief, where do they get these people from, she doesn't even know what a parsnip is'  - had me laughing out loud.

dan  because of the chained together task with nadia, funniest double act in bb.

aisleyne just because she  was aisleyne.

lesley for her suggestion during the house meeting to sort out  cleaning jobs' you'll all be much happier if i just do as i want, you can do the cooking and cleaning, i'll do the post modern irony' 

and bea, because  she livened up the whole series for me and made it interesting again.
Ooh I dunno, I have loads.

(In no particular order and for very different reasons) Aisleyne, Kate (in the house only, my God she's annoying now) Nadia, Science, Anna, Alison, Tickle, Helen, Brian Dowling, Lesley Brain, Freddie, Dan, conflicted but laughed at them even though they were gits awards go to Rex, Makosi and Marcus...

There are loads more that I've enjoyed watching...Siavash, Spencer (awww I loved Spencer)

And some very popular HMs that make me feel bad wrong inside
When Ahmed was in BB he owned a house that a work colleague was trying to buy from him (she was renting it at the time). She said he was the most difficult git to deal with. Still, my love is not swayed
If I could ask the Oracle (I mean the Egypt thingy not FM) one question it would be "What did Ahemed mean by 'I am not a sandwich'"...that question will bug me till my dying day.
I can't remember most of them - well I can remember them but not specifics
Nadia was fabulous, as was Victor BB5

Ohh Spencer BB3 - "Jade have you been taking stupid pills?"
John Tickle - complete legendary version of hotel california..
Alex BB3 getting all angsty when Sandy went over the top " Sandyyy stop.... sandy... you'lll hurt yourself. Oh and the whole toilet cleaning obsession.

God BB3 was my favourite,,, EVER
One of mine too...

Along with the usual Charley and Alex pow pow pow (don't think anyone likes them two)

My others are Dave, Maxwell, Sleazer, Alex Sibley (I know I'm in the minority) Dale, Bex, Luke, Jason, Dennis the spitter, Kenneth Tong, Grace, Adele, Sissy...ooh I could go on for ages
Last edited by Leccy

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