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I've just been informed that we've been invited to my OHs eldest brothers for xmas day.  That includes dinner and then an evening of drink and fun.  Not too sure yet if we'll go because it's not fair to drag the kids away from their toys for so long but the OH wants to at least go for the evening, don't fancy laving my kids on xmas evening to go get drunk
had to get a small loan out for christmas..but least now we can afford some pressies so beginning to look forward to it
Same here but I borrow every year for xmas, I could probably get through xmas without getting a loan but I hate the stress of wondering where I'm getting the money so I'll borrow it and get the kids toys then but everything else out of my own money.
I hate Christmas with a passion, particularly all the hypocracy and greed that goes with it.  I try to avoid thinking about it until as late as possible, and wouldn't dream of starting my Christmas shopping until a week or so before Christmas Day.  I put my trees up on Christmas Eve, so that I don't have to put up with them for too long .
crossy 4504 Forum PostsToday at 12:57 (Edited: ) Unfortunately I won't be working Christmas Day this year. I look forward to the racing on Boxing Day but in general wish that I could warp to January 1st.
Yes, the Boxing Day racing is always the highlight of Mr G's Christmas too, and it's the one day in the year when he cooks 
I hate Christmas with a passion, particularly all the hypocracy and greed that goes with it. I try to avoid thinking about it until as late as possible, and wouldn't dream of starting my Christmas shopping until a week or so before Christmas Day. I put my trees up on Christmas Eve, so that I don't have to put up with them for too long

Garage Joe
I consider me and the OH to be a "proper family" even though there's just two of us.
Sorry Deman, that was badly worded.  Of course you are a proper family even though there's just the two of you. Me and my OH have spent the last 16 years on our own and I've always considered us to be a proper family, having Hetty just makes us a different sort of family.
Queen of the High Teas
I hate the over-hype, because that's exactly what it is. I don't see why we should be bombarded with Crimbo adverts from October onwards, just because retailers are desperate to cash in. I start feeling festive around the second week of December, and no amount of aggressive marketing will make me change my mind
Gawd - i bet your a scream at a party, lol
Has it not occurred to you that Christmas can ben a particuarly sad and depressing time for many people, and they might not enjoy other people trying to force their own jolliness on them?
By the same token Christmas can be a time for happiness and excitement and who is anyone to deny people something they enjoy and save hard for in a lot of cases.

I can't see anybody "forcing" anything here, there is a mix of opinions and that is good, I am in the firmly loving Christmas camp whilst being aware it can be a sad time, it is for me I visit my grandparents graves on Christmas morning, but I know they would want me to enjoy the holiday as much as if they were here.

Each to their own I suppose.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
One of my favorite bits of christmas is wrapping the presents. When the house is all tidy and its just me. I have baileys or wine and some nice telly or music on and just sit and get all creative with wrapping. My wrapping is great.
Mine too Gypsie, I sit with a bottle of Baileys and wrap my pressies with a Christmas CD playing and me singing along, how it never snows every Christmas Eve with my singing is a miracle!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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