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Josie and Sam are in the Living Room. Josie pours water down Sam’s trouser while he is asleep on the sofa, he says he will get her back and heads to the kitchen to grab tomato sauce. He comes back to the living room and squirts the sauce over Josie. “This is war”, says Josie. She heads to the kitchen herself and opens a tin of pasta sauce. “Put the sauce down, Josie”, says Sam. “Face your punishment”, replies Josie. Josie throws the pasta sauce in Sam’s face who retaliates by squeezing ketchup over her.
So water down his trousers while he's asleep,then *sauce in his face*,a bit much imo.
Yes Lee I have said what I dont like about her I was not talking about you personally about the slating anyone, it is a forum and we are entitled to our opinions of the HMS,the majority on here will slate other HMS for bad behaviour but not Sam that is what I was saying, he is seen to be funny  so it is okay for him but not other HMS
Marg he has been slated,tbh some of the nastiest things I've EVER read about any HM were said about him,upsetting and callous things tbh.
Thanks, stonks, and it seems that came after all this  -

Sam walks over to Josie and John James and pulls the duvet from their bed. Josie get’s angry, “I don’t want my fat arse hanging out on television”, she says. “That’s your best bits right there, Josie”, says Sam. “You know how you said it’d be funny to get knocked out by a girl, that will be your best bits”, says Josie.

Most of the housemates are in the Bedroom. Sam is using coconut shells to make a ‘clip clop’ sound above Josie’s head. Josie kicks out at Sam who moves out of the way.

Sam heads over to the Garden and continues to make the noise. Josie also heads to the Garden and sit’s at the Carousel. “F*** off Sam”, says Josie as he claps the coconuts above her head.


Josie is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother. “I’m so angry with Sam.”, she says adding that she’s annoyed he pulled the cover off her for everyone to see her in her pants. She also adds that she’s annoyed with John James for laughing.

John James and Sam are in the Garden talking about Josie. “You just caught her at a bad time”, says John James. “She should where pyjama’s in bed” says Sam.
Josie goes to the Garden where Sam and John James are. Josie argues with Sam saying it is he who has made her feel self conscious telling her it should be illegal for her to wear a swimming costume. “That was all banter and you were bantering back”, says Sam.


Reference: Lee
Why wasn't Mario called to the DR too then,why didn't Sam go for him too when he went in the house?...As for lock down imo it begs the question what did Sam see off Josie that made him think she wasn't being genuine in the nomance with JJ,he thought he was genuine but not her,odd.
Josie had mentioned the one legged woman comment again, after that night. BB then told her to stop mentioning it. I've no idea why Sam thought what he did, but you can bet your life he's been on the forums, which have been rife with such opinions.

I would guess that Josie stood up for herself and others, during lockdown. Mario probably kept schtum.
I think all the HMS have a good side and  a bad  side about them some show theirs worse than others, I suppose all we can do is post as we see it we dont always get it right,in two weeks time we wont give them a second thought I know I wont
I find it impossible she done such a turnaround so quickly.
I'm sure that, really early on, Josie said something to Sam along the lines of: 'Sometimes I really like you, but other times you really annoy me,'  to which he replied:' 'I just don't like you'
Imo it really is an 'It'll all end in tears' situation with those two, whether it's the verbal banter, insults and put-downs or 'play-fighting.' Both of them take it too far at times
Some people on DS and TIBB have reported Crabster and Dave to Ofcom for bullying Sam.
Barbie Boy IS a bully imo,he TARGETS who he perceives weaker HM's and goes on his crusade to wear them down...To date we've had him target Rachael,Sunshine,Josie(gave as good as she got) Corin(likewise Josie) Ben and oddly enough Sam can't nominate next week or him and his sidekick heard something yesterday so now it's Sam...He's a loathsome specimen for sure is JJ.
I'm sure that, really early on, Josie said something to Sam along the lines of: 'Sometimes I really like you, but other times you really annoy me,'  to which he replied:' 'I just don't like you' Imo it really is an 'It'll all end in tears' situation with those two, whether it's the verbal banter, insults and put-downs or 'play-fighting.' Both of them take it too far at times
Supes she went on and on and on how she HATED him to other HM's and BB,within 24 hours,last Friday to Saturday, we had her saying how much she liked him and she went as far as saying she loved him....That imo is impossible,we went to her allegations about lock down,we saw their interaction in the house so no I find it impossible she had such a drastic change of heart so quickly,bear in mind how she turned and stayed turned against Caoimhe for a silly silly thing in comparison.
Josie is watching which way the wind is blowing on any given day. I expect her targets to be Sam and Corin in her own self-interest as they are both a major threat to her and her little gang. Rest assured, that  she will turn on them as well
Because he told JJ2 he had'nt or would'nt nom him....
Such a level playing field, Dave and John James discuss nominations in a much more open and scheming way every day, are they banned from nominating?
I dunno, I go away for 5 mins, come back and my name has been taken in vain
Avoid the Josie thread LL,your name will end up further than you'll feet will ever be the antics going on in there.
You can have 2 weight watchers cup e soups and 3 Ryvita's.
Pah!.....I've just raided your store cupboard...Cake all round in here, that lot need to stop lolling around and stuffing their faces all day wrapped in their duvets

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