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Reference: OLLY
she knows how to get out of every mess.. laugh her shrill giggly laugh. .state she is an airhead and always in a daze... shove her thumb in her gob and look all innocent.. everybody seems to fall for it.. except they may miss her eyes scanning absolutely everything going on while she suckles on her thumb. .she doesn't miss a thing..
so true Olly
Reference: Lee
Aww Blizz you have GOT to be joking,stomping on her feet?....Do you mean during the Taperoo video ?...I better go watch it again if that's the case,from what I saw he trod on her toe/toes.
Toid asked if he had caused her actual pain. She yelped in pain.

I didn't say it was malicious, but he can dish it out and can take it too.
Reference: Lee
Watched the video on full screen,he uses the his toecap in those ill fitting boots,stomping would be coming down HARD with his heel imo....Any road as even JJ has had to concede Josie does over-react.
And after she yelped in pain, he danced right up behind her and was trying to do it again. She got slightly irritated and asked him to be careful, as it really hurt her.

If he doesn't want people to react, then he could stop being so rough himself. I think he enjoys it and can take it back.

Josie seems quite fond of him, now, and really does see him as an annoying little brother character.

She even told Dave off, last night, when he suggested that they should all pretend that they knew it was going to be a double eviction, to worry Sam.
Reference: Lee
I really don't think she does tbh....Something just doesn't ring true,if we're to believe all what she said about him I find it impossible she done such a turnaround so quickly.
She's capable of changing her mind.
Maybe he was particularly obnoxious during the audition stage, in the hope that it would get him in the house, but he also seems to have changed his mind on her, since being in there.
She's capable of changing her mind. Maybe he was particularly obnoxious during the audition stage, in the hope that it would get him in the house, but he also seems to have changed his mind on her, since being in there.
Blizz she changed her mind in 24 hours,call me sceptical but going from HATING someone to LOVING someone is just not possible ,too much too soon for no legitimate reason....I can't remember Sam at any stage saying he hated her,yes he did say some near the knuckle things to her but he would have saw what she said about him when he wasn't there to defend himself.
Blizzie online 14,300 Forum Posts Today at 11:33 AM Last Edited: Reference: LL Didn't Josie chuck the sauce on him first? I read a thread on here, about Josie assaulting poor Sam with a whole jar of hot sauce, and then I read this - I'm inclined to believe the Digital Spy version, tbh.
Oh Blizzie I do admire your blind devotion to Josie, but sometimes you have to accept that Josie is not a pure little angel and that she does say and do some unpleasant things.   She did throw the jar of sauce over Sam and he then retaliated.

At least in my support of Ben and Sam, I am able to see their faults
Maybe she changed her mind about him, when he apologised to her and started behaving a bit better towards her?

I'm sure his abuse went on for way longer than 24 hours. I can't remember when the "It should be illegal for you to wear a bikini" comment was, but it was after that that he apologised and after his apology that she said that she was seeing a nicer side to him.

Watch them now, and you'll see a completely different relationship, and not just on her side.
Sam came straight into the house made a beeline for Josie when the ignore task was over,stuck his thumb in his mouth and put his face right into hers I would find that intimidating then started personally insulting her,she took it a lot better than I ever could, watching LF now they are all getting on..another day in the big brother house
The 24 hours I am speaking about is her complete turn around ...JJ and her questioned him about eviction related  things Friday night,prior to that we saw her declare to everyone and anyone who would listen including BB how much she hated him,Saturday she loves him....Human nature is just not like that,if he'd done something drastic that would genuinely account for her change of heart yes,imo she as fake/fickle in this situation as Corin's boobs are.
Reference: LL
Oh Blizzie I do admire your blind devotion to Josie, but sometimes you have to accept that Josie is not a pure little angel and that she does say and do some unpleasant things. She did throw the jar of sauce over Sam and he then retaliated. At least in my support of Ben and Sam, I am able to see their faults
You can call it 'blind devotion', LL, but I have admitted her faults, when I've seen them. I thought she went way over the top about Queefer, even though I disliked Queefer, for example.

Just because she gets so much stick on here, for almost everything she does, I happen to spend most of my time defending her.

I didn't see the sauce incident, only read about it on here, but are you saying that the DS story is a complete lie? It just sounds more realistic to me, than the 'evil Josie throws a whol jar of spicey sauce at Sam' story, considering what I've seen of their relationship.
Sam came straight into the house made a beeline for Josie when the ignore task was over,stuck his thumb in his mouth and put his face right into hers I would find that intimidating then started personally insulting her,she took it a lot better than I ever could, watching LF now they are all getting on..another day in the big brother house
Bear in mind Marg Josie got tore into him while he wasn't in the house to defend himself,he watched her do it,I'd have gone in  and made a beeline for her too,I think common sense dictates anyone would.
Reference: Lee
The 24 hours I am speaking about is her complete turn around ...JJ and her questioned him about eviction related things Friday night,prior to that we saw her declare to everyone and anyone who would listen including BB how much she hated him,Saturday she loves him....Human nature is just not like that,if he'd done something drastic that would genuinely account for her change of heart yes,imo she as fake/fickle in this situation as Corin's boobs are.
And yet she got irritated with him, when she was cleaning up and he was following her around and then dancing behind her and treading on her toes, yesterday?

She's given him a lot of chances and will continue to have fun with him, get annoyed with him, like him, dislike him, depending on her mood, his behaviour, the weather, whatever!

That, to me, is normal human behaviour.
Reference: Lee
Bear in mind Marg Josie got tore into him while he wasn't in the house to defend himself,he watched her do it,I'd have gone in and made a beeline for her too,I think common sense dictates anyone would.
They'd just been asked to choose three out of six new housemates. She, and Mario discussed why they didn't choose Sam. BB could have dipped the sound, to protect his privacy, but they didn't.

And I still haven't heard him deny what they both said.
Just because she gets so much stick on here, for almost everything she does, I happen to spend most of my time defending her.
I liked and defended her for weeks Blizz even turning a blind eye to her crudeness which imo was bad,a lot of what I see in her now I can't turn a blind eye too....perhaps it's because her and JJ are force-fed to us constantly folk   are seeing more of them than the others so more negative traits are visible.
Reference: Lee
I liked and defended her for weeks Blizz even turning a blind eye to her crudeness which imo was bad,a lot of what I see in her now I can't turn a blind eye too....perhaps it's because her and JJ are force-fed to us constantly folk are seeing more of them than the others so more negative traits are visible.
Oh, I love her crudeness earthiness!

Maybe that is my problem.
Blizzie online 14,304 Forum Posts Today at 1:14 PM Last Edited: Reference: LL Oh Blizzie I do admire your blind devotion to Josie, but sometimes you have to accept that Josie is not a pure little angel and that she does say and do some unpleasant things. She did throw the jar of sauce over Sam and he then retaliated. At least in my support of Ben and Sam, I am able to see their faults You can call it 'blind devotion', LL, but I have admitted her faults, when I've seen them. I thought she went way over the top about Queefer, even though I disliked Queefer, for example. Just because she gets so much stick on here, for almost everything she does, I happen to spend most of my time defending her. I didn't see the sauce incident, only read about it on here, but are you saying that the DS story is a complete lie? It just sounds more realistic to me, than the 'evil Josie throws a whol jar of spicey sauce at Sam' story, considering what I've seen of their relationship.
Nowt wrong with defending a HM you support, but you do get very defensive if someone criticises Josie.  All I am saying is, she has her faults she is no angel.  I applaud you for defending her, but not everyone likes the same HM and we all see them through different eyes.  Doesn't mean we are all wrong.
Reference: Marge
Lee I never heard her say anything about him to be honest what did she say that deserved the way he treated her.. I honestly dont know
She told everyone that he had called her Miss Piggy and also said something very nasty to a one legged woman. Mario confirmed it.

So, he's allowed to get annoyed that she was annoyed that he was abusive. 
I find it more odd Sam gets applauded for his bad behaviour on here whilst other HMS get slated when they behave badly.
Who's slating?....Marg you yourself have posted *negative* comments about her,which is your mine and every FM's prerogative,I don't *Applaud* bad behaviour from Sam or anyone nor by the same token do I blindly support any HM I have ever supported.
Marguerita offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 52,107 Forum Posts Today at 1:20 PM Last Edited: I find it more odd Sam gets applauded for his bad behaviour on here whilst other HMS get slated when they behave badly.
I disagree.  I think alot of people have said when they think Sam has behaved badly - I know I have.  He was sent into the house to stir things up and I believe was given cartÃĐ blanche to say what he wants - which he did do.  Admittedly, some of his comments to Josie were personal and rude, but most of the time he has not been malicious.  Whereas, some of the others have.
Reference: LL
Nowt wrong with defending a HM you support, but you do get very defensive if someone criticises Josie. All I am saying is, she has her faults she is no angel. I applaud you for defending her, but not everyone likes the same HM and we all see them through different eyes. Doesn't mean we are all wrong.
It may appear defensive, as I am defending her.

I'm trying to stick to the facts, as I see it, and I have no problem with others defending the HMs they support.

Did you actually see the sauce throwing incident, as I would love to know whether that article is complete lies?
So, he's allowed to get annoyed that she was annoyed that he was abusive.
Who's said that?....Some folk obviously thought Sam went in and for no reason whatsoever went straight for her,if I remember right Bliz I said at the time imo they had a history from lock down and it were a personality clash,no more no less,you weren't having that.
Blizzie online 14,308 Forum Posts Today at 1:29 PM Last Edited: Reference: LL Nowt wrong with defending a HM you support, but you do get very defensive if someone criticises Josie. All I am saying is, she has her faults she is no angel. I applaud you for defending her, but not everyone likes the same HM and we all see them through different eyes. Doesn't mean we are all wrong. It may appear defensive, as I am defending her. I'm trying to stick to the facts, as I see it, and I have no problem with others defending the HMs they support. Did you actually see the sauce throwing incident, as I would love to know whether that article is complete lies?
lol yes  you are and what a great job  you are doing

I have to admit, I didn't see the incident   I am going by Digital Spy and the update that was there when it happend.  So.... I could very well be wrong but it's highly unlikely
Reference: Lee
Who's said that?....Some folk obviously thought Sam went in and for no reason whatsoever went straight for her,if I remember right Bliz I said at the time imo they had a history from lock down and it were a personality clash,no more no less,you weren't having that.
If someone is offensive to people and those people react to it, I wouldn't describe it as a personality clash.

I agreed that there was history from lockdown, but it was a history of Sam going around dishing out insults, which Mario confirmed.
Here you go ladies..saucegate....


Andrew is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother about this week’s task. “I’m a little bit gutted for Mario because I feel I let him down”, he says. He also adds that he’s proud that he drew with John James and JJ as they are both quite athletic.

Josie and Sam are in the Living Room. Josie pours water down Sam’s trouser while he is asleep on the sofa, he says he will get her back and heads to the kitchen to grab tomato sauce. He comes back to the living room and squirts the sauce over Josie. “This is war”, says Josie. She heads to the kitchen herself and opens a tin of pasta sauce. “Put the sauce down, Josie”, says Sam. “Face your punishment”, replies Josie. Josie throws the pasta sauce in Sam’s face who retaliates by squeezing ketchup over her.

I agreed that there was history from lockdown, but it was a history of Sam going around dishing out insults, which Mario confirmed
Why wasn't Mario called to the DR too then,why didn't Sam go for him too when he went in the house?...As for lock down imo it begs the question what did Sam see off Josie that made him think she wasn't being genuine in the nomance with JJ,he thought he was genuine but not her,odd.
Marg you yourself have posted *negative
Yes Lee I have said what I dont like about her I was not talking about you personally about the slating anyone, it is a forum and we are entitled to our opinions of the HMS,the majority on here will slate other HMS for bad behaviour but not Sam that is what I was saying, he is seen to be funny  so it is okay for him but not other HMS.

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