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Dave struggled to grasp Sams skin
Dave gives me the blooming creeps and everytime he puts one foot up on the bed he reminds me of the Father Ted episode where the Imposter Priest comes to stay..he goes int Teds and Dougals room puts one foot on the bed and shows them his scar and says I remember you Ted, with ya big hury arse......or is that just me?....
all that time Sam was hyped up about his hats and going bonkers.. two hours later Josie asks Corin why he was taking stuff. .2 hrs later!!!. . this after he finally returned their baccy. .Corin tells her tis cos someone hid his hats. .Josie appears  totally oblivious to the previous two hours and says oh is that it. .I hid them!!!

Who is she trying to kid little miss innocent?  Plus she then tells Corin more or less that she may have a chance with JJ2 as well cos JJ1 said at first he just saw her as a friend ..blah blah.... this after JJ2 told her he didn't fancy Corin and Sam also told Corin JJ2 wasn't interested in her..

Josie's playing a dodgy game messing around like that and sitting back pretending she doesn't know what is going on cos she has a bad memory.. yeah right. . shit stirrer more like ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
She definitely hid the hats Marguerita she told Corin it was her..

I find her very self centred. .and i have done from the beginning which put me off her even tho she seemed ok in other aspects ... .she zones out when speaking to people unless the topic is about her. .took her 6 or more weeks to find out about Corin's Hubby yet everybody else knew..

She seems to have a low attention span as well..  tho not if the subject is about her.. and not even giving a 'mate' a quick hug when she was upset.. not a nice person. . 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie's playing a dodgy game messing around like that and sitting back pretending she doesn't know what is going on cos she has a bad memory.. yeah right. . shit stirrer more like .
I was speaking to a good friend yesterday,she's very perceptive but the type of person who always see's the good in folk and in all the years I've known her she's not one to slate folk....Her comment on Josie was she's very devious,this coming from her of all folk was a shock.
she told Corin it was her
I was not sure thank you Olly I was really starting to like her having not liked her in the begining as I saw a lot of traits in her I did not like,everybody deserves a second chance but to be honest when she gunked Andrew and JJ2 and thought it was funny gunking her friends it made me think back what she did to Keeva who was suppose to be her friend and realised she shows loyalty to nobody,love him or hate hate JJ1 has shown her more loyalty than she has ever shown him,will be interesting to see if she turns on him in the final furlong if she does she will lose all the teeny votes, she wants to be very careful how she plays out her gameplan.
trouble is Marguerita she knows how to get out of every mess.. laugh her shrill giggly laugh. .state she is an airhead and always in a daze...  shove her thumb in her gob and look all innocent.. everybody seems to fall for it.. except they may miss her eyes scanning absolutely everything going on while she suckles on her thumb. .she doesn't miss a thing..

She sooooo did not want people to know how she nomm'd either. .hence her 'playful' noms in full view.. I pissed myself laughing when it backfired on her with JJ tho 

gawd I really dislike  the lot of them yet again. .had high hopes that this year I may actually like a HM all the way to the end, after 5 or 6 ys of not liking any after a few weeks in.. or earlier in some cases, but yet again they all display some characteristic that I have to  walk away from if displayed [as I would from someone in RL too] cos no matter how nice the rest of them is the worst parts are too horrid for me to want to stick around with. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mount Olympus *Olly* offline 2,685 Forum Posts Today at 10:13 AM Last Edited: trouble is Marguerita she knows how to get out of every mess.. laugh her shrill giggly laugh. .state she is an airhead and always in a daze... shove her thumb in her gob and look all innocent.. everybody seems to fall for it.. except they may miss her eyes scanning absolutely everything going on while she suckles on her thumb. .she doesn't miss a thing.. She sooooo did not want people to know how she nomm'd either. .hence her 'playful' noms in full view.. I pissed myself laughing when it backfired on her with JJ tho gawd I really dislike the lot of them yet again. .
Olly I will be glad when it is finished and it is the all stars the only thing that will spoil it for me is seeing one of them in there reminding me of how bad this years BB has been .. oh well you cant win them al
tbh I wonder why I am still a BB  fan. .I torture myself every year getting more and more wound up at the antics of the HM's and wondering where the laugh out loud BB's of yore went. .yet every year I tune in..  .more so this year cos I have the LF on my other puter going all the time as I potter around at home..

maybe I am a masochist
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Toid
Maybe he should try tying her tits in a knot - sounds about comparable to what she's been doing to him
He's already stuffed his nuts in her mouth, constantly jumps on her in bed, chucks sauce on her, and if she does anything back, she's a bully!

They have definitely developed a sister/younger brother relationship now, and she defends him quite often, even though he tries to irritate her.
Blizzie online 14,290 Forum Posts Today at 10:54 AM Last Edited: Reference: Toid Maybe he should try tying her tits in a knot - sounds about comparable to what she's been doing to him He's already stuffed his nuts in her mouth, constantly jumps on her in bed, chucks sauce on her, and if she does anything back, she's a bully! They have definitely developed a sister/younger brother relationship now, and she defends him quite often, even though he tries to irritate her.
Didn't Josie chuck the sauce on him first?

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