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Hi all, what a time we have had on here and the earlier site. To be honest I have hardly been here but never thought when I first lurked then eventually logged on that I'd actually find real life friends who I really treasure. When I first went on the ch4 site I was having a hard time in life, in an awful job with a lot of bullying, over the years since I first signed on I have found a great new job, ran 2 half marathons, moved house, met my husband and got married, and shared plenty of it (and more) on the various forums.Never mind meeting up with folks in RL, I never thought I'd end up with BB forummers dancing at my wedding !!
It's been a ball and I know after BB I'll be less likely to come back but It's been great. Thank you to all the mental and not so mental contributors to the forums as you have really made me laugh and *rolleyes* and puke and wee myself a wee bit at times.
Highlights include first coming on and chatting all night on the old Ch4 site, and mainly the off topic threads as those were the ones that made me stay up far too late and keep coming back. Thanks to you all as I have mostly loved every minute. And frankly it's ALWAYS been more interesting than actually watching Big Brother!!


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Thanks. That's why I went from keeping my forum activities secret from my friends and family to coming out of the BB forum closet! Over the bad times it was coming on here (well ch4 but you know what I mean) that took my mind off stuff and made me realise there are a lot of good people out there. And it has been a place to leave all the RL shit at the door and have a laugh, and be childish and smutty ( I know I've been told to be more serious in the past but that's what RL is for, no?) and obviously I can't meet all of you but those that I have met are truly lovely and were normal (kind of) and everything!!!  - apart from Trollop!!
Aww thats lovely and made me feel all nostalgic. There have been far more highs than lows on the forums. I have made brilliant real life friends and shared some amazing times with them. And have a lovely relationship all because of a forum.  I only signed up to rant about sezer who would have thought it would change my life.
I think you're speaking for a lot of people Jonono.  I'd never been in a chatroom until I discovered the Ch4 forum in, I think, 2006.  I just lurked for a long time, mostly enjoying the LUT, until it became members only and I had to take the plunge and join.  Then I tentatively made a few posts and discovered that people were really friendly.

The LUT was always the thing I most enjoyed and I have sorely missed it the last two years.  But highlights for me have been taking part in the campaign against the 'Blue Spongers' who revered Carole as their Chairman - I was the one who was always waiting for Cinds to arrive with the drinks trolley;  and a lost afternoon with Angel 'blind-tasting' different brands of gin and getting virtually sozzled

Without the impetus of wondering what other people are thinking about the goings-on in the House I don't know if I shall come here again, but all you forummers have been a very positive part of my life for the last four years, so thank you to you all.

That's such a nice post Jonno ... it does seem the right time to think of these things. 

The forum has been a big part in my life as well.  I'm really glad I found it, I've had great fun and met some lovely people both online and in RL and it has made a huge difference to me.  I don't believe there can ever be another forum like it

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

I too have met ( well nearly) some great people a couple ( they know who they are) have helped me through one of the toughest times in my life and for that I am more then thankful. They will always have a special part of my heart.

As for the rest of you nut jobs you've made me laugh, cry and get angry at different times during my forum life. Thank you xxxxx
Awww loves and kisses to you all

I always remember posting in a thread about babies with another forum lady who had previous problems with pregnancy like myself and Lee saying we look forward to posting a congratulations thread of your new borns which i never thought would happen

a year or so later i gave birth to my son and a few months on so did the other fm who i stay in touch with on F/book.   That was a great time for me seeing that lovely congrats thread and obviously the highlight of my forum time
Wow! Loveley post jonono.  I can relate to so much of what you said.  I have such lovely feelings and memories attached to this (ch4) forum and I truly feel emotional tonight at the end of it all.  Yes there will still be forums, but that CH4 era, over a number of years,  had a special feel and I'm so glad i got to be part of it. As I'm drunk already i'll say 'I love you all!'   (This will be repeated, throughout the evening, on various threads!)  
Ms Golightly

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