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Oddity Innit.

It takes one to know one profile.

As for your comment futher up, I have now idea what you are talking about. I only mentioned Britain, not British. 

French wine isn't what it's cracked up to be, I know, I've lived there long enough to try some of it.

PS. You seem to be the humourless pair of plums as you only have one response to any of my posts, being offensive. Night, night.
cologne 1
What kind of fooker has a wine merchant?

You know what we have? We have Asda, before that we had Ted.  Ted ran/run (?) Happy boozing shopper costcutzboooze...or whatever it was called.  The lambrini was stacked high and proud and sometimes the dry roasted peanuts were on special.  He always chatted about the weather when Mr L bought his LCL.

Welcome to my life Profile, welcome to my BLOODY LIFE!
Gin tastes like plants. Leave well alone.

Vod, well I have sampled some reet lovely stuff that slipped down like a silk quilt (hacksherly Saz Bomb once brought over some proper Russian stuff courtesy of her ex fella's folks...even the bottle was sexy...) but I'm afraid that even value brand hits my spot.  My brother usually gets me the black label Smirnoff for high days and holidays and I am sufficiently impressed by that to be well grateful.  I am mostly very cheap,  parky only in that I don't touch liqueurs, cocktails, anything creamy, sweet, fizzy...but man style cider...and white rum/dark rum..I'm all over like a rash.

I quite like oranjeboom lager (I don't even have any idea what kind of lager that is) brandy is ok in small doses as is cointreau...after that nowt. Literally nowt.

I convince myself I'm just picky...but I'm just a massive pleb TBH

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