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Ahhh, hello Ms Burger..... 

Right, at a tasting tonight, Leoville Barton '97.  Stupendous.  I would type out my taste notes but it would make me look more of a twat than I already do. 

It's ÂĢ45 which I know is 15 nicker more than your max but it is really worth it.  Could probably find it cheaper for you if you are interested.

It's a Pauillac, just over the river from St Emilion, but same region obviously.

It is a fucking class bit of kit.  A very very good wine.  And underpriced - even at ÂĢ45 - as Barton's wines always are.

Put it this way, it was up against several bottles around the 100 quid mark tonight and one of ÂĢ345.

And, for drinking now, it was clearly superior.

Buy it.  If your friend doesn't love you for ever then you need to drop them.  And probably have them deported.  To the moon.

Prof, you are an absolute diamond thank you so much. two questions - Where can I get it and will my mate who really loves St Emilion like it? I know nowt about wine and even less about Reds! Sorry report · permalink
gimme a minute.....

And yes, you're friend will love it.  It's just over the river from St Emilion.  And it's at perfect maturity.  It sits perfectly.
Thanks Prof. I will stitch something fetching in a lavender tuille as a thank you
I'm guessing that I could ask the wine shop in Mill Hill to order it for me?? Sorry I don't know how this posh wine malarky works - I buy my wine in the supermarket (when I get wine which is next to never)
*runs away in shame*

Lecsual  I am ok thanks hun, glad you're good. Did your mam make the leap with us?
*waves to Leccys mam in case she's here*
I answered you, Cologne.

Buy Chile, avoid California, at that price point.  I actually gave you one of the more reliable brands to buy as well.

Have you not been able to read that?

Answer number two: piss orf you spotty bummed flopper.  If you're unable to read then you shouldn't be in charge of any alcohol.  Stick to to inhaling cat farts.

Sheese you try to help someone....
I've never reported you, whatever gave you that idea? Just because we don't get along and you behave the only way you know how does not bother me enough to go to those lenghts.

Never said you did report me.  Not ever.  I neither know nor care whether you have. 

I'm not aware of you enough to know whether I forum get along you or not.  You seem to think we do not.  Okay!

You know nothing about be, Cologne.  You asked a question, I answered it kindly and in good faith.  Letttt the public decide.....

Good deals available on Cono Sur - I know, I hate the name too - Pinot Noir in various places.  A good modern wine. 
[spellingpolice]Maybe, but as a part time (is it?) resident of that country's grape, you really should be able to spell it.[/spellingpolice]
Yes, I should, but as a fully fletched resident of this country (Britain), your spelling isn't so hot, unless, of course, you're typing with beer goggles.

"The bit where I lose it and start f'ing and blinding and you get to report me.  Ain't never gonna happen, honey-bun.  Bad luck"

Like I said, I wouldn't dream of reporting you or, for that matter, anybody else.
cologne 1
Britain, Cologne, Britain.  There is no "British" language.  Thought you would know that?

And my  [ /spellingpolice...]ssss were meant to indicate humour.  Sorry, clearly lost on you....

I make no claims for my command of the English language. 

Like I say, you either can't read or are a humourless pair of plums.  Your choice.  

Happily answered your question, you manked out.  *shrug*

Rhones Reds at the villages level are a good, very good, way into French wine at an affordable price. 

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