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Wouldn't bother me if Steve wins, although I want Sam to but if Steve wins good for him.
He has put up with a lot LL. Maybe it's the sympathy vote, but I think he deserves it.
Sadly the money will most likely go to that oaf Josie. She will then rake it in with before and after slimming shoots and all sorts crud. Josie is very aware of her market and has been pushing her agenda while in the house. She was on about Gok Wan yesterday. So that is one gig in the bag already!

Hate her
G&P I can't stand her either. I think she is an absolute disgrace condoning, YES condoning his behaviour. Her little quips at lip service and chastisement get applauded here by her fans, but her actions speak volumes, what the hell is with her hanging off him like a limpet. She is only speaking out now since she has her free ride to the final, says a few negative words to him and then jumps back under the minging duvet. If that is not accepting of his behaviour, well I don't know what is. She needs to get a grip.
If she wins it will make me sick, she is certainly no champion in my book and Ms. Lazylump and that nasty argumentative creep have destroyed BB this year.
G&P I can't stand her either. I think she is an absolute disgrace condoning, YES condoning his behaviour. Her little quips at lip service and chastisement get applauded here by her fans, but her actions speak volumes, what the hell is with her hanging off him like a limpet. She is only speaking out now since she has her free ride to the final, says a few negative words to him and then jumps back under the minging duvet. If that is not accepting of his behaviour, well I don't know what is. She needs to get a grip. If she wins it will make me sick, she is certainly no champion in my book and Ms. Lazylump and that nasty argumentative creep have destroyed BB this year
I am with you all the way Fairfax. Josie knows she has John James by the balls and she throws out her chastisement knowing that she is in the final and that he will still want to cuddle up to her eventually. The only consolation is that it will end in tears between her and John James. Sadly she will do well out of that too.

There is a difference between the pretend angry (at JJ) as she is when defending Corin and the genuine and bitterness she has toward JJ when he has slighted her. She is a spiteful cow. She is one of the slyest, most vile most manipulative HM ever.

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