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I often see people on here saying they don't like a particular HM but want them to stay in because they're entertaining. What's your idea of entertainment? For me it's a toss-up between Corin and Ben. Corin is unintentionally hilarious, Ben is a bumbling clown who seems destined to forever be lurching awkwardly in the direction of his next apology.

Forget about favourite or least favourite HM's what do you find entertaining in a HM?

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of course I am going to say BEN, Corin's good fun too - shes more than grateful to be in the house, and so far her noms have been as she sees it,  Andrew for me is a wait-n-see, am liking Keeley for the simple fact that I'm sure Steve dreams about her and she wont put up with JJ's sh*t.  I WOULD sort of find JJ entertaining IF he wasnt such a spiteful little sh*t with a huge chip on his shoulder, and I would actually quite like Josie if she hadnt'v fallen for the berk and did a bit more apart from lie down and eat and then moan she's fat...
Ravin' Dave the fake Christian is good for a laugh to a point - as in the point being when he gets out and 'outed' as a complete freak/fraud/charlatan and chief piss-taker of Ben.  Mario is good for a laugh in that he hyperventilated when he WASNT evicted last night .   Steve WOULD be good to watch if he actually had something to say that wasnt about how he got his legs blown off fifteen hundred years ago and stopped hating Ben with a smile on his face
Would love to see JJ start on Keely, then we can sit back and watch the S**t hit the fan with JJ and Steve.
I don't think that's going to happen. He hasn't said boo to Corin since she told him where to shove his personality disorder. Keeley also had a go at him (in tonight's HL's) so he won't go anywhere near her either. It's only harmless non-threatening women and men weak of will (Ben) that JJ goes for, remember?
josie ben and corin...........dave i find funny too but in a weird cringe way!!.......jj could....and would start an arguement at a funeral.....chicken keeva just bitches and smokes......steve just sits about......mario's getting boring.....andrew has potential....but like others have said he seems to have disappeared........keely i think could be good if there was a scrap!..rachel is deadwood

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