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Hi twee

thanks for your reply but I still don't see it. She is just voicing her opinion, cos she is allowed have one. If she says she doesn't like someone that's her choice. alot of the smokers stick together for obvious reasons. Chat happens, discussions take place and opinions are formed. I really don't see any manipulation or twisting of arms. She has always said things like you know that's just my opinion etc. I've never once heard her say to people that they were wrong in their thoughts and views and must follow her mantra. Unlike Marcus. Yes she is street wise and 41 yrs old. The younger ones may have looked up to her but thta was of their own volition. They are on a learning curve in life and may follow one train of thought this year and change their points of view with more knowledge and life experience next year or the year after. I just do not see how one woman can control the show. Even if she had influenced the younger housemates noms, she cannot control the public. I'm sorry to say that I think those that don't like her are pulling at threads for reasons not to like her. It's all too fantastical for my liking. And she has nice teeth. Your still welcome to mine for a cup ot tea though. We won't fall out. Wink
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
Hi twee

thanks for your reply but I still don't see it. She is just voicing her opinion, cos she is allowed have one. If she says she doesn't like someone that's her choice. alot of the smokers stick together for obvious reasons. Chat happens, discussions take place and opinions are formed. I really don't see any manipulation or twisting of arms. She has always said things like you know that's just my opinion etc. I've never once heard her say to people that they were wrong in their thoughts and views and must follow her mantra. Unlike Marcus. Yes she is street wise and 41 yrs old. The younger ones may have looked up to her but thta was of their own volition. They are on a learning curve in life and may follow one train of thought this year and change their points of view with more knowledge and life experience next year or the year after. I just do not see how one woman can control the show. Even if she had influenced the younger housemates noms, she cannot control the public. I'm sorry to say that I think those that don't like her are pulling at threads for reasons not to like her. It's all too fantastical for my liking. And she has nice teeth. Your still welcome to mine for a cup ot tea though. We won't fall out. Wink

Just as a matter of interest did you see the clip that was from the live feed that was readily available via a link from this forum? They certainly did not show it on the H/L's funnily enough. This is the one that showed her with Karly and Sophie at the bus stop, with Kris nearby and Lisa was drawing initials with her finger on the bus stop and mouthing names and nodding her head at people. And Karly and Sophie were going 'oh yeah I see', and Kris said 'what?' and was told, 'oh we'll tell you later'

Quite revealing I felt.
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
Hi squiggle

hmmm no I didn't see that. Did stuff like that happen alot or was it a one off. Still like her though. Ah well...if we were all the same we'd be boring.
Its been going on throughout the show. They dont have to hide it now though as shown with the four of them in the garden deciding who its going to be. I mean fair play its all part of the game but then so is trying to disrupt it which they get very prissy and self righteous about.
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
Hi twee

thanks for your reply but I still don't see it. She is just voicing her opinion, cos she is allowed have one. If she says she doesn't like someone that's her choice. alot of the smokers stick together for obvious reasons. Chat happens, discussions take place and opinions are formed. I really don't see any manipulation or twisting of arms. She has always said things like you know that's just my opinion etc. I've never once heard her say to people that they were wrong in their thoughts and views and must follow her mantra. Unlike Marcus. Yes she is street wise and 41 yrs old. The younger ones may have looked up to her but thta was of their own volition. They are on a learning curve in life and may follow one train of thought this year and change their points of view with more knowledge and life experience next year or the year after. I just do not see how one woman can control the show. Even if she had influenced the younger housemates noms, she cannot control the public. I'm sorry to say that I think those that don't like her are pulling at threads for reasons not to like her. It's all too fantastical for my liking. And she has nice teeth. Your still welcome to mine for a cup ot tea though. We won't fall out. Wink

hi rackthesack wavey Thank you for that kind invitation to tea. Next time I'm over in Ireland with my relatives, I'll give you a call Laugh

With regard to Lisa, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion and I like to think we can discuss differences of opinion in a civilised fashion. From my point of view, having watched the show from the beginning, I see Lisa as controlling young minds in a subtle way, a subliminal way, to convince them to think along her lines. She uses the tactic: 'I can't stand X because he/she is hogging the cameras' or 'Look at Y showing off'. These are hints for young minds to absorb. It's all very clever stuff, but underhand and devious. This has been her MO to eliminate the people she has chosen as dead wood.

She does have a lovely face and beautiful teeth, I agree. Beneath the shaven bonce though is a mind whirring with activity and filled with a machiavellian non-academic wish to control any situation to her own liking.

Now, to the making of arrangements for my next trip to my homeland .......... Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
I'm sorry but I just don't get this anti Lisa thing and I've said so from the start. I like Lisa. I don't know why everyone thinks that she has persuaded people to vote either way and lured them into her den and controls people to do he bidding. What den, what bidding. The worst thing about Lisa is her constant repitition of certain phrases and platitudes. Wait and the end of the day....the usual sayings... blah blah. Hardly enough to warrant such venom. The only ones that I could see with obvious gameplans and manipulations were Freddie, Mrcus and Siavash. I actually think Lisa is also very pretty with a lovely smile and beautiful teeth. People are banging on today about how she was upset when Sophie lost the task and they didn't get music. i too would be reaLLY PISSED OFF. EVERYONE LOVES A FEW SOUNDS AND PARTICULARLY WHEN YOU HAVEN'T HEARD THEM IN AGES. I REALLY ENJOYED WATCHING LISA AND mARCUS ENJOYING THEIR CLEANING SESSION WITH GUNS AND rOSES ON IN THE BACKGROUND. tHAT'S WHAT i'M LIKE WHEN i'M DOING A SPRINCLEAN. sorry about caps. Don't look at screen when typing. Anyway, as I was saying yeah... I'd be pissed off too. And I love Sophie, so does Lisa. She wasn't beimg nasty to Sophie, she was just really disappointed. I really like Lisa. I wouldn't mind if she won.

hi rackthesack. I have to disagree with you on quite a few points unfortunately. Lisa has controlled the show from day one. She is a 41 year old woman with a controlling manipulative nature. She has been put in a house with some impressionable youngsters who think she is the be all and end all, because Lisa told them she was and they believe her. She has got them each on-side by her mumsy persona, whilst all the time brain washing them against who she, Lisa, does not like. Her success stories in this regard are/were: Sophie, Charlie, Kris, Sree, Karly, David, etc. All young impressionable youngsters who are easily led, especially by a professional blagger, street-wise, school-of-hard-knocks, woman. Lisa is not academically clever, but she is clever and cunning in a street-wise kinda way. Wink

She managed to see off quite a few of the outsiders in her time in the house, by convincing her young cohorts to vote out who she chose for the high jump. She is doing it today still, she is getting rid of the people she doesn't want in the final. In short, Lisa is controlling the show. She is controlling who we want to see in the show. She is controlling who sits on the sofas on the final night.

But the one thing Lisa cannot control is her ability to win the show. She will leave empty handed on 4 September, with a reputation for being a person who condoned and encouraged cheating in a game designed to award the winner with 100k for being the public's choice. The public's choice has been narrowed down to Lisa's final 5 choice, and that is an insult to our intelligence.

Well said Twee!
Absolutely 100% spot on. Lets not forget Lisa happily condoned the bullying of Freddie and Angel,She did nothing when Marcus was bullying Sree, not once did she defend her mate "Alvis" and was so pissed off that Noirin preferred Marcus's company over hers, she started a deliberate quiet campaign against Noirin, and it worked a treat with some extra help from BB of course by putting Issac in.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
Hi twee

thanks for your reply but I still don't see it. She is just voicing her opinion, cos she is allowed have one. If she says she doesn't like someone that's her choice. alot of the smokers stick together for obvious reasons. Chat happens, discussions take place and opinions are formed. I really don't see any manipulation or twisting of arms. She has always said things like you know that's just my opinion etc. I've never once heard her say to people that they were wrong in their thoughts and views and must follow her mantra. Unlike Marcus. Yes she is street wise and 41 yrs old. The younger ones may have looked up to her but thta was of their own volition. They are on a learning curve in life and may follow one train of thought this year and change their points of view with more knowledge and life experience next year or the year after. I just do not see how one woman can control the show. Even if she had influenced the younger housemates noms, she cannot control the public. I'm sorry to say that I think those that don't like her are pulling at threads for reasons not to like her. It's all too fantastical for my liking. And she has nice teeth. Your still welcome to mine for a cup ot tea though. We won't fall out. Wink

hi rackthesack wavey Thank you for that kind invitation to tea. Next time I'm over in Ireland with my relatives, I'll give you a call Laugh

With regard to Lisa, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion and I like to think we can discuss differences of opinion in a civilised fashion. From my point of view, having watched the show from the beginning, I see Lisa as controlling young minds in a subtle way, a subliminal way, to convince them to think along her lines. She uses the tactic: 'I can't stand X because he/she is hogging the cameras' or 'Look at Y showing off'. These are hints for young minds to absorb. It's all very clever stuff, but underhand and devious. This has been her MO to eliminate the people she has chosen as dead wood.

She does have a lovely face and beautiful teeth, I agree. Beneath the shaven bonce though is a mind whirring with activity and filled with a machiavellian non-academic wish to control any situation to her own liking.

Now, to the making of arrangements for my next trip to my homeland .......... Laugh

We'll have to agree to disagree. I think they all are guilty of that. From BB1 to now. It's human nature to form alliances and friendships.

Now when are you over next and we'll have a good old gossip and bitch.....never mind the tea. Let's open a bottle...clink.
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm not a big fan of Lisa but I don't understand why everyone is blaming her.
Those still in there had a chance to nominate her after she lost Kris, Karly and Kenneth but they chose not to. In my mind, she can't be that bad then.
No they didnt because shes always held the greater numbers (lisa, charlie, rodrigo and sophie plus David, Sree, Karly, Kris) the others have never been that cohesive a group very often nominating each other. Kenneth was in there five minutes.
I am not blaming Lisa for any of it. She quickly sussed out that she can do what ever she wants as long as it is not to obvious.
The producers of this series have tried to make it slightly different from other years, but as usual have messed it up AGAIN.
They really should try employing people with experience and not primary school kids.
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
Hi squiggle

hmmm no I didn't see that. Did stuff like that happen alot or was it a one off. Still like her though. Ah well...if we were all the same we'd be boring.

She was doing it all the time from day one. There was even a very smug conversation between her and her 'gang' at one stage as to what they would do when they had voted everybody off that they disliked. 'Well that will be more difficult won't it'. And she took one look at Freddie and didn't give the guy a chance.
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
Hi squiggle

hmmm no I didn't see that. Did stuff like that happen alot or was it a one off. Still like her though. Ah well...if we were all the same we'd be boring.
Its been going on throughout the show. They dont have to hide it now though as shown with the four of them in the garden deciding who its going to be. I mean fair play its all part of the game but then so is trying to disrupt it which they get very prissy and self righteous about.

It didn't look fair and all part of the game to me when they ostracised Freddie and left him alone and sad. If that was a game it was a pretty nasty game.
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm not a big fan of Lisa but I don't understand why everyone is blaming her.
Those still in there had a chance to nominate her after she lost Kris, Karly and Kenneth but they chose not to. In my mind, she can't be that bad then.
No they didnt because shes always held the greater numbers (lisa, charlie, rodrigo and sophie plus David, Karly, Kris) the others have never been that cohesive a group very often nominating each other. Kenneth was in there five minutes.

she lost kris and karly because the public couldnt get to her and her treatment of freddie if she had been up then she would have been long gone.
Originally posted by luxor:
I am not blaming Lisa for any of it. She quickly sussed out that she can do what ever she wants as long as it is not to obvious.
The producers of this series have tried to make it slightly different from other years, but as usual have messed it up AGAIN.
They really should try employing people with experience and not primary school kids.
Its not Lisas fault I agree and if she had been pulled up on it probably would have stopped so hasnt helped her either.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm not a big fan of Lisa but I don't understand why everyone is blaming her.
Those still in there had a chance to nominate her after she lost Kris, Karly and Kenneth but they chose not to. In my mind, she can't be that bad then.
No they didnt because shes always held the greater numbers (lisa, charlie, rodrigo and sophie plus David, Sree, Karly, Kris) the others have never been that cohesive a group very often nominating each other. Kenneth was in there five minutes.

she lost kris and karly because the public couldnt get to her and her treatment of freddie if she had been up then she would have been long gone.
Yea she would just pointing out her group has always had the greater numbers despite losing a few and gaining a few.
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm not a big fan of Lisa but I don't understand why everyone is blaming her.
Those still in there had a chance to nominate her after she lost Kris, Karly and Kenneth but they chose not to. In my mind, she can't be that bad then.
No they didnt because shes always held the greater numbers (lisa, charlie, rodrigo and sophie plus David, Sree, Karly, Kris) the others have never been that cohesive a group very often nominating each other. Kenneth was in there five minutes.

she lost kris and karly because the public couldnt get to her and her treatment of freddie if she had been up then she would have been long gone.
Yea she would just pointing out her group has always had the greater numbers despite losing a few and gaining a few.

yes hun i realise that, well done you Big Grin
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm not a big fan of Lisa but I don't understand why everyone is blaming her.
Those still in there had a chance to nominate her after she lost Kris, Karly and Kenneth but they chose not to. In my mind, she can't be that bad then.
No they didnt because shes always held the greater numbers (lisa, charlie, rodrigo and sophie plus David, Sree, Karly, Kris) the others have never been that cohesive a group very often nominating each other. Kenneth was in there five minutes.

she lost kris and karly because the public couldnt get to her and her treatment of freddie if she had been up then she would have been long gone.
Yea she would just pointing out her group has always had the greater numbers despite losing a few and gaining a few.

yes hun i realise that, well done you Big Grin

And when you think about it, wasn't it timely that they put David in just when she had lost key members of her team. Do you remember he made a beeline for her and told her I have a present for you in my pocket. Well that worked out well for her didn't it and hey presto there she is back in the middle of her spiders web again.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I think they all are guilty of that. From BB1 to now. It's human nature to form alliances and friendships.

Now when are you over next and we'll have a good old gossip and bitch.....never mind the tea. Let's open a bottle...clink.


Your name is racktheshack and you were polite enough not to point out my mistake, when I called you rackthesack! Red Face

That suggestion about the bottle is a thoroughly Irish solution to the problem rack, and I'm sure many a disagreement has been settled in this way, Irish-style. Why would we want to change such a tried and true solution? I'll have a Baileys, ta. Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm not a big fan of Lisa but I don't understand why everyone is blaming her.
Those still in there had a chance to nominate her after she lost Kris, Karly and Kenneth but they chose not to. In my mind, she can't be that bad then.
No they didnt because shes always held the greater numbers (lisa, charlie, rodrigo and sophie plus David, Sree, Karly, Kris) the others have never been that cohesive a group very often nominating each other. Kenneth was in there five minutes.

she lost kris and karly because the public couldnt get to her and her treatment of freddie if she had been up then she would have been long gone.
Yea she would just pointing out her group has always had the greater numbers despite losing a few and gaining a few.

yes hun i realise that, well done you Big Grin

And when you think about it, wasn't it timely that they put David in just when she had lost key members of her team. Do you remember he made a beeline for her and told her I have a present for you in my pocket. Well that worked out well for her didn't it and hey presto there she is back in the middle of her spiders web again.

thats very true squiggs.
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm not a big fan of Lisa but I don't understand why everyone is blaming her.
Those still in there had a chance to nominate her after she lost Kris, Karly and Kenneth but they chose not to. In my mind, she can't be that bad then.
I agree she is not hated inside the house like she is on the forum.
Originally posted by figtree:
With all due respect Rucksack and to put this quite simply......You have been had!Lisa 'owns' you like she does the young'ens in there! Shake Head

Now listen here fugbush I'm Racktheshack not Rucksack... wavey No I really haven't been had. I can now see where people are coming from about Lisa but I don't think she has been any worse than Freddie or Marcus and I've actually watched the whole show bar two weeks near the start when I was away. Freddie was constantly going on about gameplans and Marcus has constantly aired his opinions in a subliminal way as much as Lisa if that is the case. This lady is not for turning. I still like her. Sorry fugbush... Smiler.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
We'll have to agree to disagree. I think they all are guilty of that. From BB1 to now. It's human nature to form alliances and friendships.

Now when are you over next and we'll have a good old gossip and bitch.....never mind the tea. Let's open a bottle...clink.


Your name is racktheshack and you were polite enough not to point out my mistake, when I called you rackthesack! Red Face

That suggestion about the bottle is a thoroughly Irish solution to the problem rack, and I'm sure many a disagreement has been settled in this way, Irish-style. Why would we want to change such a tried and true solution? I'll have a Baileys, ta. Laugh

I didn't notice the mistake but figtree thought I was a rucksack. Haha. Yes truly Irish Problem solving. I'm a traditionalist at heart. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Crystal Gaze:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
She has done NOTHING to warrant winning IMO...neither has Charlie or Sophie, or David for that matter....

...I wouldn't mind if Rodrigo or Siavash won, but my winner is Marcus...I've not always been a massive fan of his but you cannot deny he has brought entertainment to the show without breaking people down (like Bea)....Big Grin

What about Noirin she took a pasting. Maybe if she'd dissolved in tears she would have got more sympathy but wait she did. She got pretty down and desperate, yet she was vilified for turning to Siavash no doubt as an escape.

Noirin did get a pasting, Marcus had brain-washed her into not trusting or talking to Lisa & Co, thus isolating her. Then when he couldn't have her attention, because Siavash wanted and got it (I won't mention cheating on his GF), he enjoyed crusifying her with the Beatch. Nice man, nice people.
So Lisa has won the final week over Siavashs' strategy, but it wasn't a very good one was it, he had to rely on allies for it to work, and as Marcus is still pissed off with him over Noirin.. and his plan required the demise of the very HMs he needed to convince. Crazy I too would vote him out every week if my food and HM status was put in jepardy because of his twatishness.
Absolutely 100% spot on. Lets not forget Lisa happily condoned the bullying of Freddie and Angel,She did nothing when Marcus was bullying Sree, not once did she defend her mate "Alvis" and was so pissed off that Noirin preferred Marcus's company over hers, she started a deliberate quiet campaign against Noirin, and it worked a treat with some extra help from BB of course by putting Issac in.


SR hiya wavey I've been very quotastic today and I'm cutting down on it, so forgive me for not quoting in full. Laugh

Lisa's first targeted victim was Freddie. She managed to convince Freddie's peer group that he was not a nice person, he spoke too posh for her liking, lived in a stately home, had an Oxford Degree ... not her sort of person, really. The sheep followed along, allowing class hatred to convince them that Freddie was an outcast and worthy of the worst kind of bullying ever seen on BB. Result Number One.

She moved stealthily through her dislike list, cherry-picking her next victim but always making sure she kept her sheep sweet. They did her bidding. Today her flock are still around her, still doing her bidding. You have to hand it to her, she is good at what she does. It's a pity it's devious and all that, but who cares as long as she gets the result she wants. All's fair in love and war, and sod the way you play the game (cheat) as long as you win, eh?
Twee Surgeon
We have to remember that the show is a game, which Lisa and everyone else in the house has been playing.While Lisa's plan has been obvious to us...her thicko Team can't see it. Lisa has coasted her way to the final...that is the object of the exercise.
While I can't stand the woman and would only vote for her in extremis,(ie if the vote was between Lisa and Charlie at the end), you cannot fault the plan, even though it would have failed at the first hurdle had BB played the game properly themselves
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
Originally posted by figtree:
With all due respect Rucksack and to put this quite simply......You have been had!Lisa 'owns' you like she does the young'ens in there! Shake Head

Now listen here fugbush I'm Racktheshack not Rucksack... wavey No I really haven't been had. I can now see where people are coming from about Lisa but I don't think she has been any worse than Freddie or Marcus and I've actually watched the whole show bar two weeks near the start when I was away. Freddie was constantly going on about gameplans and Marcus has constantly aired his opinions in a subliminal way as much as Lisa if that is the case. This lady is not for turning. I still like her. Sorry fugbush... Smiler.

Fredie did not HAVE a gameplan. It was just that he could see everybody's else's gameplan and he was trying to point it out!
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
I didn't say he had a gameplan I said he was always going on about them which he was. He was like a broken record. Constatntly banging on about them but never able to make up his mind. He had to wait to hear Marcus, Siavash or Bea's opinion before he could form his own making sure that it agreed with them.

Yes he did go on about game plans quite a bit. I think it was because he was so frustrated at Lisa being able to get away with murder. He is still far far nicer than anyone else left in there. For me the show died a death when he walked out the door.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
I didn't say he had a gameplan I said he was always going on about them which he was. He was like a broken record. Constatntly banging on about them but never able to make up his mind. He had to wait to hear Marcus, Siavash or Bea's opinion before he could form his own making sure that it agreed with them.

Yes he did go on about game plans quite a bit. I think it was because he was so frustrated at Lisa being able to get away with murder. He is still far far nicer than anyone else left in there. For me the show died a death when he walked out the door.
Murder there,s been a murder ?? Sorry couldnt help that lol

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