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I havent made any yet... i need to make about 3 or 4 and start them Monday.

So your new year resolution is getting round to making some new year resolutions?

As for mine, it's an easy one (to have more fun!!) and i'm sticking to it despite being ill i've invited the brother inlaw and his gf round for drinks tonight, thats dedication i tell you~!!!!
#1:  Cut back on alcohol
#2:  Nights out to be cut to once fortnightly
#3:  No more takeaways
#4:  Strict diet

So far I ruined #'s 1 and 2 on New Years Day when I went out drinking and drank what I thought was a sensible amount and at the time felt fine. Only next day I realised that I had been pissed and couldn't remember a thing after a certain time.

#3 was ruined the day after that (hangover chinese) due to the prvios night's drinking.

The only one left is the diet which only really got a good start on Monday but I am soooooooo dying for a chinese   Will have to stay off the drink to make sure I don't ruin this one aswell.

Next year I'm making none!

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