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Same as it is here Yogi ...most are against it ....same on DS I think ...and I heard Twitter wasn't too happy either, but I'm not sure about that . I think the people against it are either outraged about the girlfriend thing, or can't see how she was so close to going last night but seemingly the GBP wanted to giver her immunity today !
Originally Posted by Baz:
Same as it is here Yogi ...most are against it ....same on DS I think ...and I heard Twitter wasn't too happy either, but I'm not sure about that . I think the people against it are either outraged about the girlfriend thing, or can't see how she was so close to going last night but seemingly the GBP wanted to giver her immunity today !

 Bb made a big thing about being sorry for Daley's GF, then pull this stunt.

Inmust admit, I am baffled how Hazel was so close to being booted out last night, yet today people voted to give her immunity - it doesn't add up.

Originally Posted by erinp:

the wesite has not uploaded any vids today .Maybe they are in a huff at the backlash ,or they are in a meeting trying to solve this sh*t out.

AJ leaked the results on twitter ,she'll be popular.

 AJ is a walking disaster.

I think there will have been some hastily called meetings. 

Not sure they'll be able to sort things out though, it'll be too little, too late.

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Here's how it will work:

Imagine Daley fancies a delicious sushi platter. He'll be able to call the Safe House Request Hotline, mention that he wants a plate of fishy sweet-meats and then his order will be put through to the House. Housemates will be provided with the ingredients and will make the order up. The fact that BB won't be providing any recipes should not mess things up. Not at all.

I seriously hope that they're only using sushi as an theoretical example there:

Sushi is notoriously regarded one of those things you really don't want to cut corners on or do on the cheap...  


Eugene's Lair

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