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Vote for who goes into the Safe House!

10 mins ago

You have the opportunity to put a new pair into the Safe House, where they will not only be immune from eviction next week but also have the power to make a decision that will rock the House. 

For couple 1 - Jackie & Callum, call: 6 50 58 15

For couple 2 - Dexter & Charlie, call: 6 50 58 16

For couple 3 - Sam & Sophie, call: 6 50 58 17

For couple 4 - Hazel & Daley, call: 6 50 58 18

For couple 5 - Jack & Joe, call: 6 50 58 19

For couple 6 - Gina & Dan, call 6 50 58 20

For full terms, visit

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Sam and Sophie is the safe bet 

But they will need fans to get voted into the safe house, AKA they would need to have been noticed while in the house...Sam nice yes, Sophie pretending to be nice but is actually a bitch from hell, but they are bland, so will not get the votes in order to get in.


That's why we need vote to save coming back,  that will get rid of the bores, vote to save tonight, byebye Jackie or Callum.

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

I'll be pissed off if it's Daley and Hazel... this is all so blatently set up They never learn do they? No one wants this tedious crap.

Ch5 do some thing right, like the greater part of this series and then bugger it all up with this crappy pairing people off.i would have liked to see different pairings, like Gina and Hazel , or Dexter and Jackie or Callum and Dan.


I hate the way Ch5 ask people to vote, without telling them the full story.

We ought to know, before we pick up the phone, whether the HMs being voted into the safe house will automatically be up for eviction next week.

This smacks of CH5 being able to alter the 'twist', depending on whether they get the HMs they want in the safe house.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I hate the way Ch5 ask people to vote, without telling them the full story.

We ought to know, before we pick up the phone, whether the HMs being voted into the safe house will automatically be up for eviction next week.

This smacks of CH5 being able to alter the 'twist', depending on whether they get the HMs they want in the safe house.

But if that was never a consideration in their plans, why would they even think to tell us that such a thing won't be happening?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I hate the way Ch5 ask people to vote, without telling them the full story.

We ought to know, before we pick up the phone, whether the HMs being voted into the safe house will automatically be up for eviction next week.

This smacks of CH5 being able to alter the 'twist', depending on whether they get the HMs they want in the safe house.

But if that was never a consideration in their plans, why would they even think to tell us that such a thing won't be happening?

 I get what you mean.

It's more that I feel Ch5 are making it up as they go along, depending on which HMs are nommed/in danger of going. I don't trust them, there's too much fiddling about with the nomination process this year.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I hate the way Ch5 ask people to vote, without telling them the full story.

We ought to know, before we pick up the phone, whether the HMs being voted into the safe house will automatically be up for eviction next week.

This smacks of CH5 being able to alter the 'twist', depending on whether they get the HMs they want in the safe house.

But if that was never a consideration in their plans, why would they even think to tell us that such a thing won't be happening?

 I get what you mean.

It's more that I feel Ch5 are making it up as they go along, depending on which HMs are nommed/in danger of going. I don't trust them, there's too much fiddling about with the nomination process this year.


"It's more that I feel Ch5 are making it up as they go along"

Yes I think this also.

"there's too much fiddling about with the nomination process this year"

Agreed, you never know where you are. I much prefer to have noms, and vote out the one you least want in the house.

I feel that the only reason C5 have BB is to try and wring as much cash out of the GBP as possible. All this messing around is likely IMO to lose more viewers. just wish they could go back to basics. The final nail in the coffin for me is if they introduce new HM's this year.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Baz:
Surely they couldn't be so crass as to put Hazel and Daley in !!!! But I do wonder if the twist is that the house get to watch them rather than the other way around !! Whatever , it is a very bad move !

Of course they would.  They'll hope that they'll get some duvet action to boost the ratings.  Remember when they contrived a situation so as Jay & Louise would have a bedroom to be alone in. They're desperate for some sex action in the house.


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