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Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Hurricane:
Originally posted by Azure:
BEATCH the conniving, nasty, and manipulative lying piece of devious nowt.

She's that indeed.
I find her odious,so far up her own ass sneering at other house mates who she thinks are beneath her.

and then some, I cant believe we now have this total Beatch in, Noireen was bad but Beatch takes the prize as queen Biatch for me, she makes me cringe.

I agree with all of this above.
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Hurricane:
Originally posted by Azure:
BEATCH the conniving, nasty, and manipulative lying piece of devious nowt.

She's that indeed.
I find her odious,so far up her own ass sneering at other house mates who she thinks are beneath her.

and then some, I cant believe we now have this total Beatch in, Noireen was bad but Beatch takes the prize as queen Biatch for me, she makes me cringe.

She makes me want to hide her silly hair extensions.
Nasty hypocritical oink .
I want Bea-tch out this week.

She’s like the new girl at school, that everyone welcomes and likes. Slowly though, she starts to insinuate that one of your friends isn’t really your friend because they speak about you behind your back. She encourages a HM’s to speak about another in a totally innocent way, but then twists those comments to use against them with the other HM’s.

Although I admire someone playing the game against BB, I dislike the game of turning friend against friend.

She would be more suited to being in the US version of BB.
ARe you all thick or something?

I mean are you all reeeeeeeeeeally too dim to work out that the likes of Bea and Marcus are good housemates, maybe dickheads as well in some cases but good housemates all the same.

Yet hardly anyone has said they want Hira out next.
Do you all want it to end up like last years?

I honestly cannot get over the British Public's level of f**kwittery at times I really can't. I need to leave this country.
Crunchy Nuts
A double eviction would be great. Lisa and David, the Gruesome Twosome, would fit the bill perfectly.

When they are evicted I want each to lose their footing and bounce all the way down the steps on their arses, accompanied to the cacophonous sound of ear-splitting boos.

On reaching the bottom step it would be good if members of the gathered crowd would hurl sweet, sticky stuff at them which would attract swarms of wasps which would sting them!

I don't really like David or Lisa!! Wink

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