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sean slater had keys to the vic too

Jackson Sean wouldn't need keys to get in he'd kick the door in or use his army skills to get in unnoticed. If it was him which I don't think it isn't maybe Stacey kept in touch with him secretly or he came back to visit Amy but ended up hearing the Bradley and Stacey conversation about Archie?. Bring on tomorrow to end the speculation.. can't wait.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I'm still wondering if it was Ryan who killed him - I don't get why the locks were changed though

I was thinking that Stacey's friend has removed Ronnie's hair from the hairbrush and replaced it with either Stacey's as she wasn't invited to the wedding, or even Bradley's because she sees him as the one that's breaking up the friendship.- but do men use hairbrushes lol. Also don't women remove their hair from the brush?, and Stacey and Ronnie have different hair colour so Ronnie would notice. Guess I've just talked myself out of that scenario lol.
Yellow Rose
Becca hid in the Mitchell's living room yesterday so it must have been her YR.

Ryan's only motive is only Janine though would he kill for her? yet he doesn't even know yet about the baby being his, well he did ask Stacey at the start when it came out aobut the pregnancy and she said no so he'll be angry once he knows she lied plus he hasn't a clue about the rape which is none of his business anyway.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I missed a couple of episodes a few weeks ago so didn't know he'd asked Stacey about the baby but tonight when she looked at him after telling Bradley Archie wasn't the father was when I realised Ryan was.

Yes probably true what you say about Ryan and Janine although he did seem angry at her being with him. Janine should think about who were the last few people in her flat that could have planted the ring - I doubt Pat was well enough to do it though when she stayed there lol.
Yellow Rose
Peggy and Ronnie have more motives than anyone but because the scriptwriters have made that so obvious it probably won't be them.

Why did Jack give money to his ex colleague, to do what? I missed that part because of the phone, and what did Jack hide in his pocket the night of the murder, any ideas? To think by tomorrow night we'll all be put out of our sleuthing guesses lol
Yellow Rose
I hope Stacey is not the killer, she's far too good a character IMO to be one if it was someone like Ronnie, Roxy, Phil or Peggy fair enough plus it would just undermine the brilliant Bipolar storyline. Ryan would be a disappointment also.

Maybe Jean heard the conversation Stacey and Bradley had about Archie and to make up for not protecting Stacey in the past because of her own issues did it as her way making up for things?. I'm getting carried away with theories YR
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I'm getting carried away with theories YR
Me too lol. I love mysteries and I'm usually pretty good at solving who dunnit whether in books or on tv, but this one has me stumped lol.

I also hope it's not Stacey as she and Jean are two of the best actors there   Chelsea's one of the worst actors so I wish it was her that was leaving although it won't be lol. Ronnie's also annoying, I prefer Roxi to her. Someone here said that what we see tomorrow won't be in the series till March - if that makes sense lol. Maybe by then one of the actors contracts won't be renewed so we don't need to think about who we've already been told is leaving, does that make sense lol
Yellow Rose
well janine, dot, lucas and probably phil have all got away with murder
Lol, well Janine didn't seem to be in prison for very long, Has Phil ever been to prison for any of his past crimes  Lucas has got away with it so far, I suppose that'll be the next murder enquiry lol. Dot??? can't remember her killing anyone...or was it something to with a child many many years ago - that just came back to me lol
Yellow Rose

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