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Reference Kaytee Today at 14:37:
Reference: "I'm with Blizzie, though... The next time there's a lull in the plot, just watch: some council official will turn up and declare the tree either diseased or in breach of planning permission..."

Or the dog will dig him up
Hmmm... Just keep watching over the next couple of weeks, Kaytee.
That's all I'm saying...
Eugene's Lair

Loved all the past references in tonights episode, it had it's funny moments here are some of the one liners:

Come on Bradley, when the lads in the Vic were singing it to him down the phone.

Robbie to Tiff: What happened to Wellard?.
Tiff: Me and you need to talk, mom killed him.

Robbie to Max: You heard about Wellard.
Max: Yeah it knocked us for 6


A toast to Wellard lol.

Minty: Zainab, is she as scary as she looks?.

Minty: Shirley is Zelda from Terrahawks.

Everyone wearing black gloves was weird and naked Sonia in bed when Phil walked in.

darloboy (Play The Game!)

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