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Personally I don't get the fascination for some to use Twitter, from the little I understand as I don't use it it's more or less a one line convo, what's the point of that lol
It's OK for Celebs and folk with loads of friends etc; for one liners-- but this can be doe on FB--- why clog up Blog pages on here with them--- I like to read and look at Lou61 and Harolds posts--- many times they are gone off the page coz of Twitter-- this was brought up ages ago on here and nowt's been done--- feeling we have been forgotten now by " Social Strata" and "Groupee"... If they don't want us --- why not just say--- Fix the probs-- listen to the members-- or just call it a day... Some of us still want to be here-- Problem free--- and with suggestions taken seriously..
It's OK for Celebs and folk with loads of friends etc; for one liners-- but this can be doe on FB
Although I didn't mention it I was thinking of FB when I wrote that, why not stick to that as you can only post so many words. With FB and Twitter it may appear some have loads of friends, but in reality who has that many "real" friends. I sometimes think maybe some need to feel popular with the so called amount of "friends" they have.
Yellow Rose
YR... fm's have been saying these things about the twitter stuff to the mods.  In fact James has been on an anti twitter crusade for months now.

Recently there was a response from Ted( to another request from James for them to do something to allow us to filter out the Twitter stuff and be able to see the blogs again.... )  saying this was going to happen.

I can't give you a link to where this was... its something to do with SHarks    THe new Service boards... (we had to have en masse coach trip to the shark service board place)....  

SOmeone should be able to give you a link to it...  Zaph, James or Fluff definitely know how to get there.
Karma_ 5329 Forum PostsToday at 04:12 (Edited: ) I still think it was that Baby George Michael that did Archie in Have you noticed in EE though that Heather seems to be on her own a lot? Or talking to Shirley somewhere but the sprog's nowhere to be seen? How do they get these phantom baby sitters?
and everyone seems to have forgot about owen going missing *libbys dad* everyone was searching him for and now they haven't mentioned him, even though he's buried in the square
Reference Aimee Today at 10:36:
and everyone seems to have forgot about owen going missing *libbys dad* everyone was searching him for and now they haven't mentioned him, even though he's buried in the square
To be fair though, that was always rather the point about Owen - he wasn't exactly popular with the other residents. His mother's no longer in the square, and Ronnie lost their baby, so the only one left who cares about him is Libby - every-one else who knew him was just glad to see him gone.

I'm with Blizzie, though... The next time there's a lull in the plot, just watch: some council official will turn up and declare the tree either diseased or in breach of planning permission...
Eugene's Lair
Reference Croc Today at 12:16:
Where has Owens mum and the dog gorn??
His mother (Liz) went back to Spain. His dog (Sugar) is, with beautiful irony, now being looked-after by Jordan (Lucas' son).

I don't want to go into into spoiler territory here, but I believe Sugar will be involved in a major plot twist in a couple of week's time...
Eugene's Lair
And why HAS everyone forgotten about Owen? They really are rubbish about their stories. They either go on for ever and ever, or are not "finished" at all
Could be anybody and will turn out to be someone really crap like the Guy who shares the flat with janine OR the gorgeous Doctor (to free his beloved Roxy from her Fathers evil grip)

....when does Lucas get found out????

Are there really people like Janine who are evil ALL the time?

WHy do they never show anybody laughing and joking, at least Corries has abit of humour in it....

...and the question on everybodys lips, bigger than 'Who Shot Phil' and 'Who Killed Archie'.....'Does Mr Popodopolis really exist?'...maybe he killed Archie!!!
The Devil In Diamante
Reference The Devil In Diamante Today at 14:12:
Drat, i missed it....was he tall, small, fat or thin...was he balding or grey...I need to know
I may be tempted to start a FB campaign - 'Mr Popodopolis, I demand you reveal yourself'...what ya think?
Sorry - all I remember about him was a smart suit...

As for the FB campaign: go for it!
Eugene's Lair
Stacey Slater.

The night Archie was murdered we saw Bradley come out of the pub with his hands covered in blood. Stacey saw him as she was in the square at the carol service, she made off from the service to go across to Bradley, but we never saw her meet Bradley or infact anymore of them together in that episode. I think she went into the pub to see what Bradley had done and whacked old Archie across the head with the bust of queen Victoria while she was there.
Stacey Slater.

The night Archie was murdered we saw Bradley come out of the pub with his hands covered in blood. Stacey saw him as she was in the square at the carol service, she made off from the service to go across to Bradley, but we never saw her meet Bradley or infact anymore of them together in that episode. I think she went into the pub to see what Bradley had done and whacked old Archie across the head with the bust of queen Victoria while she was there.
Hmmm, Kat and ALfie are coming back soon, so i hear...the plot thickens
The Devil In Diamante

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