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I recall when I used to watch the Jeremy Kyle show that many guests would talk about the appearance of a baby.
When disputing who was the parent many guests would say "The baby is the spitting image of him (or her), as if that were proof!
How can they possibly use their personal opinion of who the child resembles as
definitive proof of parentage?
Don't all most babies look like prunes anyway?
Don't some babies have quite different skin colour and pigment than a parent?
Don't some babies have different coloured eyes to a parent?
Thank goodness there are tests to confirm the correct parentage.
So many times, when asked, I have had to say I don`t see any resemblance, while a parent is swearing the child is the "spitting image" of one of the  parents.
I noticed too, on the J Kyle show, that the child would be "my baby", or "your baby"
according to who had the grievance. They rarely said "our baby".
A person's opinion on who a baby looks like surely cannot be proof.

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It's a hard one...cos there are babies I have seen that do look like the they were as a baby themselves....certain features are plain to see....whilst other times it would be a grimace or other facial's easier as they get older! times i could see every single member of my family in my children!
Do people still take pictures of babies stark naked on a cushion, so that many years later the picture can be brought out to embarrass the baby - now grown up - in front of their adult friends?
 the first time I met my MiL, she got out all the baby pics, to embarrass the OH in front of me
Then my mum did the same, the first time she met the OH
my eldest looked like yoda when he was born..but had hobbit ears (all bent inwards as he was late, unfolded and big now lol) he looks alot like his dad in some places, curly hair,eyes for example. and has done since he 'unpruned' at a couple of months old...though now he is the spit of my brother (leccy knows lol)..i think that's cos he inheritated my family ears my youngest looked just like his dad when born...still does, but i started to see myself in him as he gets older.
it's not as straight forward as 'you have your dad's nose' though. my youngest has my nose, but my OH's nostrils...and his dads eyes, in the shape of mine....all very strange.

when first born though they pretty much look similar to each other lol....depends how old they are
All babies look like Winston churcill. Thank god Jeremy Kyle's show wasn't around in his day.
You beat me to it!  They DO all look like Winston Churchill, and I have yet to see a really cute baby, including my own.  They are horrible things and should be kept out of sight until they are at least one. 
I know that one Ducky... both mine have gone through phases in their development where all of a sudden they are just like their dads.   Mannerisms, gestures.... its really weird.   Ickle hasn't seen hers since she was 4, so its not something she picked up from him.

It used to really do my head in!   My son is currently going through such a phase... everyday he gets more and more like my ex!   It doesn't help the mother/son bonding!
Some babies can be the spitting image of one of their parents. Mebbe not first off but as the weeks go by. My friends daughter (now 2) is a clone of her father - we're hoping that doesn't last!

I thought my son was a gorgeous baby in those first few weeks but looking back he was like a little wrinkly, hairless rhesus monkey. But it's all programming innit? We're meant to think they look cute otherwise there'd be abandoned babies everywhere. "Him? Mine? Oh I don't think so nurse."
I know that one Ducky... both mine have gone through phases in their development where all of a sudden they are just like their dads.   Mannerisms, gestures.... its really weird.   Ickle hasn't seen hers since she was 4, so its not something she picked up from him. It used to really do my head in!   My son is currently going through such a phase... everyday he gets more and more like my ex!   It doesn't help the mother/son bonding!
Snap!! Mine's 15 now and from the neck down his the spitting image of his father. Same bum and everything, It's most disconcerting. Especially when he fancies a cuddle and curls up next to me on the sofa.

Luckily he's facially more my side of the family.

And his mannerisms are his father's as well. So odd. Although he sees him every week or two he's not lived with him since he was 6.
Awww... I'd adopt that!  He's sooo cute! 

Wasn't what I came in here to post though.... what was I gonna say?..... oh yeah,

I have been sooo very very very tempted to post a pic of our friends new baby... but I can't cos it would just be really really wrong of me to do so.  

I have NEVER seen a baby look like this one does at all...  it really does look like an old man,  like Benjamin Button.. at the beginning of HIS life.  Its very funny on facebook looking at everybody struggling to find things to say when they post pics of him.

He's so strange looking he is cute.   But... he is odd looking.
my eldest looked like yoda when he was born..but had hobbit ears (all bent inwards as he was late, unfolded and big now lol) he looks alot like his dad in some places, curly hair,eyes for example. and has done since he 'unpruned' at a couple of months old...though now he is the spit of my brother (leccy knows lol)..i think that's cos he inheritated my family ears my youngest looked just like his dad when born...still does, but i started to see myself in him as he gets older. it's not as straight forward as 'you have your dad's nose' though. my youngest has my nose, but my OH's nostrils...and his dads eyes, in the shape of mine....all very strange. when first born though they pretty much look similar to each other lol....depends how old they are
RoFL, yoda I know what you mean sbout the nose those, i have my Dads nose and my Mums nostrils, also my Dads eyes but the same colour as my Mums....weird...yoda....
The Devil In Diamante

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