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People being bullied can end up being bullys he did not say this I am, he now seems to be taking the blame for his actions and rightly so.
People with no character to begin with can start off being bullied an end up doing the same themselves.
If you're any kind of a decent human being, you'll know what it feels like and would never hesitate to jump in if you see someone being made to feel as crap as you used to.
Nothing is EVER that turd's fault is it? Surely, having been bullied, the last thing he'd want to see is (never mind orchestrate) the bullying of someone else? I was bullied at school, and one of the results of that is, whenever I see anyone else getting the same treatment now, my first instinct is to stand up for them.
Exactly Deman....He is a bully of the highest order ,he targeted who he perceived as weaker HM's ,when that opinion was posted here dear dear the refusal to even contemplate that suggestion and there we have it he's been forced to admit what he is BUT as always,it's not his fault.
He said he will talk to Josie and if she wants to do it he will and give her the money.
So  it's for Josie's benefit,he's prepared to compromise himself after all the ranting he done, berating other HM's for this very thing ,I believe if many of us felt so strongly opposed to something this wouldn't be happening....Does he think she needs him or the money that much?,is his self importance coming into play again I wonder.
So how come, if Josie wants to do it, he won't treat her to the same crap that he gave everyone else for wanting to tell their stories? Is it OK as long as it's her?
She won't do it though,she went mad when Sam suggested she'd sell her story to the mag's,to her that was like prostitution so no way will she do it,will she?,no.
Love and life is about compromise. If he thinks the money will benefit her life more than his ideals that's his decision to make
If they intend to be together,he's said he's going to propose, it won't be singularly be her life it will be their lives no?...Yeah it is his decision,as it were the decision of the HM's he tore to strip for the same thing,it was theirs to make,not his.
He always said that it wasn't what they would do, after the show, it was that they came on the show specifically for those things.
Not that it was any business of his, what they chose to speak about, of course!

Oh, and Josie didn't like Sam making out that she wasn't being genuine towards John James and was only doing it to sell stories.

Sam - "Oh yeah, it's all for the love, isn't it, Josie!" - said in a sarcastic voice.
Yeah it is his decision,as it were the decision of the HM's he tore to strip for the same thing,it was theirs to make,not his.
yes his decision if he decides to forgo his ideals and do what Josie wants to do, if she wants to do it, time will tell when she leaves. Like I said love and life is about compromise. Through being in the house and all that's happened I think John's now realising he's on a huge learning curve that could undo his previously fixed ideas about certain things, hence compromise, It will benefit him in the longer term if he realises some changes are needed
Yellow Rose
Flipping cheek of him. The minute anyone stands in queue (or hop on a 12 hour flight to queue) to audition for any telly programme that short cuts you in to Celebville, a Wannabe is born!
I think Endermol chased him, he only did one interview here all the ithers were done by phone and considering he'd applied to Endermol for Aussie BB it makes sense....
Some of the repeated stuff I read about him coming from Oz, how many flights it's assumed by some he made, why did he do it etc. etc etc make me laugh. So what!!!! if Endemol offer opportunities to be on bb from whichever country anyone's allowed to apply from why wouldn't those who want to be a part of it apply the same as all the Brits who apply.? Personally I've no clue why tens of thousands from anywhere or everywhere would want to be on such a show but hey we've seen it before with all the other reality shows, X Factor BGT etc, that's life now
Yellow Rose
Difference is, YR, they don't all fly halfway round the world to take part, claim never to have seen the show (despite knowing intricate details about the process and all previous BBs and HMs), spend 10 weeks analysing everyone else's motives in forensic detail and then still expect the public to believe they 'don't give a rip' about it.
Differnece is, YR, they don't all fly halfway rounjd the world to take part, claim never to have seen the show (despite knowing intricate details about the process and all previous BBs and HMs), spend 10 weeks analysing everyone else's motives in forensic detail and then still expect the public to believe they 'don't give a rip' about it.
I wonder how many others from different countries applied to be on BB, oh of course we never get to know that. Yes he did research by watching past bb's, tbh I'd probably do the same if I was going to travel long distance to see if it was worth my time. Whatever he learnt from watching past bb's, and all hm's watch bb, he still would have had no clue what his experience would be like or what kind of people he'd be with, that's something all the research in the world couldn't prepare anyone for as we've seen from Brit hm's who walked
Yellow Rose
Corin's "girlfriend" sold her story FIRST to a trashy magazine called New which is a gossip magazine.

Corin did not have the chance to defend herself from the allegations and consequently was hung drawn and quartered before she got out of the house.

Why is everyone automatically believing that Rachel is right here?
Two sides to every story.Let's hear what Corin has to say.
And interestingly she has hardly mentioned Rachel - perhaps that's because she wants to talk to her first?
John James last night admitted he was a bully in his first newspaper interview since being evicted – then blamed schoolgirl bullies for his bad attitude. He told the Daily Star Sunday: “It’s not a good thing to be a bully towards women and I’m going to have to deal with that. There were lots of girls who bullied me at school. They took the mickey out of me for being short and the way I looked. I got that vibe from the first Rachael.”
Nuff said. 
she went mad when Sam suggested she'd sell her story to the mag's
Her reaction to Sam, imo, was about the fact that he was implying that she was only in the 'relationship'with John James in order to get mag deals/sell the story when she got out i.e. that she was faking it. Sam said, when he first went in, that he thought John James was genuine about Josie, but that she was not genuine about him. He appeared to change his mind, once he saw it with his own eyes
I think his disapproval is more about people getting their kit off. than appearing in mags per se?
Nope. It was all kinds of Celebrity seeking. He was very dismissive of Andrew Stone too for coming in the house for the Glee task and again last week because he was an airtime thief and only in it to promote himself. Duh!

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