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Reference: Gyps
and this is why i hate her. for all those who said she didnt have a girlfriend and it was over blah blah blah i would like to highlight this and add it as a scrolling message across the top of the screen. nasty heartless cold and detached cow that she is.
She also says:

"Two weeks before I went in the house we were going to end it. It wasn't laughter and fun with us."

  *** runs away ***
they had an argument 2 weeks before, im sure theres some diluted truth in that. . didn't stop her telling everyone when she was in there how happy she was with her girlfriend at the start of the show then slowly forgetting her....

ONLY to come out and remember her...plan on working on it ....but throwing a little damage limitation in on it.

nah. i see right through her.

and finally....

 if it was sooo bad and sooo awful why is she working at it now
she shared a bed with a bloke and talked openly about how much she fancied him??????? if steve or any other bloke did that with a girl they would have been crucified.

steve got more shit for flirting with keely and nothing was said or done.

she was blatently up for cheating on her partner, MORE than up for it, encouraging it and revelling  in it. That is not OK behaviour in my book. if my other half did that, i would not be happy.
He has admitted he has been a bully towards woman saying he was bullied at school by  girls  who also can be very cruel, I  can see why he has issues with woman which is a shame as it seems to have really affected him, I think it is a case of the bullied ending up being the the bully which happens in so many cases,Corin saying Josie is to good for him may be her opinion I think JJ would be very good to Josie and treat her well and  hopefully he will learn by his experience and get his anger problem  sorted out, I dont think he is the most hated man in Britain did he kill someone, Corin put that in his head when she said he would need security at the wrap party which was way below the belt,she wants to get her own house in order before having a go at someone elses relationship, I thought she could be pretty volatile watching her explode was not a pretty sight even the other HMS commented about her when she lost it.
she tried her hardest to get him in her bed, she fretted over how much he fancied her? is this normal for your other half's to do to you? because its not from my point of view.

If your single yes, but not if you are in a 3 year relationship. Oh wait, yes it was as good as over, which is why when now she has more choice to walk away than ever shes going to try and save it?
I liked Corin but don't understand why in the interview she's directing all her anger to John. Her pet hate in the house was people moving or taking her things - starting the time some of them messed up the bedroom and her stuff when Shabby and Keeva were there. It was Sam who spent 2/3 days taking her stuff, not John, so much for being angry at Sam, perhaps she really wasn't
Yellow Rose
From what I've heard John say since he's left, and read what he's said I think he's learnt a lot about himself, and especially through Josie who although she loves him didn't hold back on what she thought of his behaviour at times. I admire his honesty, not easy for someone like him maybe. To me he was one of the most real hm's in there.
Yellow Rose
He had her sussed out and told her she was a fake I think he got Corin to T.
He despised Corin Marg and imo it all stems back to how she stood up to him and in fairness she got no support from any of the other HM's,if they'd stood together against him he'd have had no choice than to wind his neck in....I don't think she's *fake*,trying to deal with her past yes,putting on a happy face,yes,probably in her own unique way but give me that than a hate the world person any day.
anger to John

He had her sussed out and told her she was a fake I think he got Corin to T.
Marge for quite a while I thought the Corin we saw was who she was but towards the end I wondered if I'd been taken in. Having read the interview I wonder even more now that she's picked on John rather than Sam, I thought Sam would be the focus of her anger
Yellow Rose
He was he laid himself bare we saw all sides of him the nice side and the angry side he never sucked up to anyone before nominations in fact the opposite he usually went into ranting mode he certainly was not fake IMO
He done his usual though,every Friday night after evictions his nom's campaign started,FM's were able to post here who his target for that Monday was.
How the heck can someone have an arguement..1 arguement with their lesbian lover then go into the house and say I wish there were some fit blokes in here and only chase blokes?,,I do honestly believe the whole I'm a straight girl now sleeping with a woman was a ploy to get into the BB house....
wouldnt suprise me if it was all a plan from her. and if i find out ive even been sleep ranting over someone who doesn't exist ill be right pissed off
He was he laid himself bare we saw all sides of him the nice side and the angry side he never sucked up to anyone before nominations in fact the opposite he usually went into ranting mode he certainly was not fake IMO.
Right... he claimed he didn't care about any part of the process, having flown business class halfway round the world just to audition, having already failed several times to get into BB Australia. He spent the entire series analysing everyone else's motives, and still claimed he didn't 'give a  rip' about any of it.

He was he laid himself bare we saw all sides of him the nice side and the angry side he never sucked up to anyone before nominations
Who? John James? He was always sucking up to Dave and the Baron (telling them how real they were, and how they were the big boys in the house). When JJBland came in to the house, the Boys' Club was complete, and then the Court Jester arrived in the shape of Sam. Sam was gutted when he heard them bitching about him in the shower because the 2 JJs had said that the 3 of them would share a pad in London after the show (Sam felt like part of amigo crew then). The damage limitation JJ1 did to win Sam back on side was one of the biggest displays of sucking up I've seen on BB (this was before they were informed that there were no more noms.).
Corin wasn't my cuppa tea at the begining, but I did find her enthusiasm infectious, and I found her 'real'. I found JJ1's angst ridden Kitchen Soap drama tiresome and laboured.
Anyway, I've had a lovely night on the tiles, so I'm buzzing and luvving it, whatever it is 
He's blaming being bullied by girls at school,as always it's someone else's fault.Are they the reason he records conversations with his own mother,follows her around the house arguing,even to the bathroom,has memory cards with texts and emails his friends send for future reference....FGS for once he needs to take FULL responsibility for his own actions and stop blaming others.
She wasnt a nice girl in my oppinion. She was a girl whos plan was to go in there and be happy and loving it and everybodys friend and just smile and be a lil ray of sunshine that nobody had any gripe with.

She hoped that would be enough for her to sail through and win. She never wanted any sittuation to arise that would test her metal. Like.... the nasty girlfriend situation coming bacl to spoil her fun or the way she ignored keelely when she hurt her ankle.

She wasn't nice she just skilfully avoided conflict and anything that would make her act slip.  I would say that made her rather calculating and therefore not a nice person. A nice person wouldn't have to go to such lengths.

right to the end she did it...she even tried to talk over davina to avoid being drawn on any potentially tricky issues.
Oh yeah! Forgot to say, nice pic of Corin there in the OP. Her and Rachael made no secret of the fact that they were after the glamour deals after the show (just like the person JJ1 has/had a crush on, Sophie from last year's show). Now, let's prepare for JJ1's U-Turn in to the land of Heat and Ok! when his paramour Josie comes out 
He had her sussed out and told her she was a fake I think he got Corin to T.
I am a BB die hard and think I've got them all sussed but mr stonks started watching this year and os nowhere near any forums..when he saw Corin carry on with the task Keeley broke her ankle in and was shouting.."I'm going to carry on guy's" stonks blew a fuse and disliked her from that day on and its true what he human being on this earth would have carried on like that seeing another fellow human being injured but Corin did....

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