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Well it's certainly cold outside where I am. TBH ........................i love the idea of a white christmas but Christmas involves a lot of toing and froing (dropping my mum off to my sisters 200 miles away) and picking her uup in the new year!

In theory it's lovely and romantic real terms - it's a bit impractical.

However - we'll make a good Christmas no maTTER WHAT'S THROWN AT US
Soozy Woo
BUT for down here it's a novelty. Usually the salt in the air keeps it at bay too. Are you snowed in Soozy?

I'm in North East Lincs -  it's a novelty for us - being that we're near the coast it doesn't usually hang around for long.

The snow is probably about 18 inches deep and doesn't seem keen to move. My son got a text message from the village school today.
'If any parents are free tomorrow about 8.30am to come and dig the school out (without kids in tow) we'd be very grateful).

I'm a Southerner and have lived in these parts for 23 years ...................never seen anything like this ever TBH.
Soozy Woo
...and to connect us with our lovely GaGa friends in Seattle here is a short video (accompanied by a gentle version of the Christmas carol 'Joy to the World') showing the Christmas decorations in downtown Seattle.
Importantly we know that this video begins a mere stone's throw and a short walk from the offices of GaGaJoyJoy.  In fact, opening shots show Macy's department store.
**I swear I saw Lori dashing into the store in the opening scene**

Technology brings us closer.
Some of those sceens from Dundee could easily have been mistaken for the area here in Lanarkshire. Took me two and a half hours to get home on Monday night and I didn't get to work today. I was lucky, I was able to get a bus and only had six miles to travel. Also I could have gone back to my workplace, a hospital, if necessary.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Twas irony but I`m glad you liked it anyway brisket
Scotty I do sometimes tend to miss the obvious.  

Fluffy - your comments help me to put the situation in perspective. I moan about the inconvenience (and the uncomfortableness) but I am reminded that - although it is not good here in South Yorkshire - some people do have it even worse.

Strange how something which is a massive nuisance and dangerous can also be the source of pretty pictures, music and images as we have in this thread.

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