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When you wander in and out of your favourite forums which of the below describes you best?

Threadstarter: you take a look at what's been posted, maybe make a few replies and if there's not much going on you start a new thread yourself to get people chatting. You like conversation and you're not afraid to be labelled an 'attention seeker' by starting your own threads to get the ball rolling.

Firestarter: you like chatting but secretly you thrive on adversity. You hate threads in which everyone agrees with each other, you like a good debate. You don't necessarily set out to start a ruck but you like when there are strong differences of opinion even if things sometimes get out of hand. OR, you just like a good ruck.

Keen Observer: everyone else is in the garden having a chat and there you are peeking over the fence to see what's going on. Maybe you have a lot to say but you're quite shy. You occasionally post replies but you'd never start a thread of your own but nonetheless you enjoy reading what other people have to say about things.

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I'm a wuss - and you haven't got an option for that

I suppose out of your three options I am more of a keen observer, but I can't be bothered with arguing, so if I disagree with anyone I just back off.

Which isn't really a good thing, often I see people fighting their minority corner and I should wade in and help, but I don't.

Coz I am a wuss
I'm variable.
I do start threads, and I also enjoy reading and observing other threads.
What I don't like at all is when differences of opinion take a personal turn.
I find personal abuse unpleasant and not necessary.
But there are threads where different points of view are strongly held and yet the posters are able to avoid personal abuse and respect other opinions even if they don't agree.
I like threads like that.
I also like learning things. New facts are good.
Also try to offer words of support to those who have problems.
I tend to take people at face value most of the time.
Last edited by brisket
Firestarter most of the time. Twee and cuddles is ok occasionally, but I like to see opinions and a bit of grit.
Here we go folks. Firestarter was a secret codename for Troll and now we have our first one. Shall we burn her? And don't believe her if she starts any of that 'I'm not a witch they dressed me up like this' nonsense 
am a face to face person really so tend to keep out of the arguementative stuff cos there will always be someone who wants to slap you down
Some people just don't like unnecessary conflict I think most people on here are like that. But yeah, internet keyboard warriors who would run a mile when confronted in person make up the vast majority of the net imo.

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