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(Karma, you'd have had crease-free lips. And don't even THINK of smiling..)

I have been saying for an age that I want to get my eyes done (crows feet) and the frown line in between my eyebrows, I use collagen cream every day on my lines and it does help but I want something instant and long lasting (ooer) and ideally, with minimal effort
She has had so much work done, I wouldn't be surprised if her belly button was on the side of her neck. shame - like you, I preferred her ginger, frizzy and thin-lipped, as she was in Dead Calm. Nowadays she looks totally 'Hollywood' clone.
yeah, 99% of the time your genes know what they are doing (well looks-wise *ahem* ) I may not think that they need it or even think they look better after, but I can sort of see why some folks might get a nose straightened or whatever  (teeth, oh yeah,teeth, for sure) but mostly why mess about with the proportions and the colouring? Blonde Kidman looked ill, ginge Kidman looked pretty.
I have been saying for an age that I want to get my eyes done (crows feet) and the frown line in between my eyebrows, I use collagen cream every day on my lines and it does help but I want something instant and long lasting (ooer) and ideally, with minimal effort
Botox is poison, however you look at it. If you must have anything done, I've heard the fillers are better and more natural-looking. At least they don't stop your face making expressions!I don't really have crows feet or bags (doing OK, since I was 45 at the weekend) but I do have scowl lines between my brows. I think they're me!
yeah, 99% of the time your genes know what they are doing (well looks-wise *ahem* ) I may not think that they need it or even think they look better after, but I can sort of see why some folks might get a nose straightened or whatever (teeth, oh yeah,teeth, for sure) but mostly why mess about with the proportions and the colouring? Blonde Kidman looked ill, ginge Kidman looked pretty.
Agree - people get their teeth evened out or whitened, and don't think of it as cosmetic surgery.
I had the bump on my nose shaved off years ago - big deal! No-one else even noticed, but I felt better for it
But mostly I'm natural. I get the t-section of my hair blonded up about four times a year (leave the rest natural) and can't remember the last time I went out with a full faceful of makeup. ~shrugs~
I have two white (not even grey, I mean proper sparkly platinum NOTICEABLE ) hairs in my fringe that must die be eradicated now and then, I prefer my hair wee bit darker (old rock chick shite dies hard) all honesty, if I could get rid of my every scar I'd do so in a heart beat...but changing just looks wrong...I'd change the lot if it was a magic pill but it isn't.  You start messing with the proprtions and shapes of things and you end up like MJ or Wildenstein....

Having said that, I support anyone's right to pierce, tattoo, mess about with anything...body mods shouldn't really be categorised into acceptable and unacceptable...BUT in a purely Hollywood context, you don't make yourself more bankable by messing with the lot. You really don't.

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