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Ducky honey if you look at my first post I made a point of saying what I felt... Then I made a point about agreeing with what she said, at no point did I say she mentioned Josie.
I know you may not have meant to Senora, but honestly that's how it reads, and your reply to my first post  "I know she didn't say words to that effect, but" seemed to also imply you thought she meant a similar thing to you.

I just wanted anyone who hadn't seen the footage to know what Jo meant. Her point wasn't personal to Josie, it was aimed more generally at the other housemates.

Blizzie seems to be off duty, just thought I'd have a go at seeing what it was like to defend Josie.
Read somewhere here about her being fake and contrived and/or not being her true self. Hmmm, I can see that I suppose, she does seem to be holding back a bit, but what does come out of her mouth in regards to the whole fauxmance has been spot on.

I'd like to see more from her though cos at the moment she just seems to be a sounding board, saying things the rest of the HM's are only thinking, and that's cos I think she's been quite reserved, is newer than most of the others and hasn't made an allegiance with anyone one person so can afford to be neutral. Could be quite a good game tactic (if she has one) cos while all the pressure and focus is on Sam and the fauxmance it keeps her under the radar.
Reference: Senora
True Scotty babe, I hate all the "Cougar" nonsense...
God, me too. I took against her in the beginning because she was playing up to all that 'cougar' crap. Why label yourself? A bloke of 41 who liked younger women wouldn't automatically call himself a sugar daddy, or something.
But she seems balanced, modest and pretty OK.

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