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I was at home and just happened to turn the tv on btween the first and 2nd planes hitting...I had to leave the coverage to do the school run and by the time I got to school I heard the 1st tower had cone down...the head at the school told us cos he was keeping abreast of it cos his brother worked in one of the towers....luckily that day he'd been going into work later than normal.

I was at home at the time. It was my night time (still in Oz) & I had the two TV's on cause I was getting different coverage on both. I had the tvs turned & I was sitting kinda in the middle. I watched the whole horrible thing. But I just sat in complete silence & disbelief & just remember tears uncontrollably rolling down my face as the first tower started to fall. My OH was at work for the night & the kids were fast asleep.

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

I was attending a training course at Hawkhills Cabinet Office Emergency Planning College, watching on TV screens in a state of shock, disbelief and horror. I was also at Hawkhills on 7/7 Not planning on visiting there again in a hurry!

**says a silent prayer that the balloon never went up, one could have been governed by absolutely anybody.... and the county librarian .... unless the Russians had hit Easingwold mind.**


The previous week saw me in Hamburg actually eating in an Afghani place near the University.

That day which I think was a Tuesday was my first day back at work on earlies. Just before two I was driving home when the bloke on the radio said that news was coming in that a plane had collided with the tower. I assumed a light aircraft of some sort. However it sounded increasingly bad and I entered the house and switched on the tellybox. Later I realised that I had been standing watching for over two hours.

Garage Joe

I was working from home and had the radio on.. heard a newsflash and went into the bedroom and put the telly on.   I had to phone a colleague who was also at home and told him to put the telly on.. we both sat on opposite ends of telephone as we watched the first tower collapse and the second plane hit.   We hardly spoke a word, but both sort of felt we needed to share what we were seeing with another human being, it was so unbelievable. 


I was preparing to go to the hospital for my big scan (the one where they tell you the sex of the baby) and was rushing round the house excitedly when my Dad called me downstairs and showed me what was on the news.  I didn't even ask how it happened, I was too excited about going to the hospital   I honestly thought it was a fire in the building and that most people would have been evacuated.  My taxi came and the OH and I got in and it was then that we actually listened to the details and were gobsmacked but for some reason it hadn't clicked with me that it was a terrorist attack (I stupidly thought a plane had accidentally flown into the tower.......I was 17 and madly excited about finding out the sex of my baby, I wasn't paying attention to much else).  Once we'd got home the first thing my Dad said was that it was a terrorist attack and that the 2nd tower was hit also and they were gone   We sat down and watched the news for hours before we remembered to tell my parents that we were having a boy.  It just seemed too trivial once we'd realised the severity of the attack. 

Originally Posted by Ells:

I was preparing to go to the hospital for my big scan (the one where they tell you the sex of the baby) and was rushing round the house excitedly when my Dad called me downstairs and showed me what was on the news.  I didn't even ask how it happened, I was too excited about going to the hospital   I honestly thought it was a fire in the building and that most people would have been evacuated.  My taxi came and the OH and I got in and it was then that we actually listened to the details and were gobsmacked but for some reason it hadn't clicked with me that it was a terrorist attack (I stupidly thought a plane had accidentally flown into the tower.......I was 17 and madly excited about finding out the sex of my baby, I wasn't paying attention to much else).  Once we'd got home the first thing my Dad said was that it was a terrorist attack and that the 2nd tower was hit also and they were gone   We sat down and watched the news for hours before we remembered to tell my parents that we were having a boy.  It just seemed too trivial once we'd realised the severity of the attack. 

That, I think, is what we all thought at first - A terrible accident.

It wasn't until a bit later that it started to emerge that it was something much worse.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I was out shopping with my friends before we all headed off to uni, someone came into the shop we were in (she may have worked there and been out on lunch) and said a plane had hit the 2nd tower. Up until that point we didn't know anything, we all piled out of that shop and went across the street to the electrical shop which had it on all the TVs in the window... we watched it on those TVs for ages with loads of other people who had gathered around


We were demonstrating outside an arms fair in Docklands. The police moved us on telling us they were afraid of a terrorist attack on Canary Wharf because there had been one on the WTC. We thought they were just lying to make us move.

When we got to Euston Station it was all over the tvs there, everyone just stood and stared.


The next day when the entire world was in shock the arms fair opened again and sold more weapons!


I was on my holibobs......I saw the TVs in all the bars, they seemed to be showing a film instead of the usual sports coverage....but I didn't find out what had happened until I went down to dinner at 8.30 pm, but still didn't know that the Towers had been hit, just that the US had been attacked...finally saw coverage at about 11 pm

I was at work, alone, I was 20. The salon didn't have a tv or a radio, just a cd player at the time. I first heard about it when a sort of friend who lived in the flat upstairs came to ask if I'd heard the news. I didn't even know what the world trade centre was so I didn't grasp what had happened. I thought perhaps the plane had crashed in an accident Then a friend who worked across the road came to tell me, and that the towers had collapsed. I saw for myself when I arrived home after work and watched it on sky news. I didn't really take in the magnitude of what had happened, I naively didn't realise how many people were killed or the horror of what the survivors had suffered.. I stupidly thought that the buildings had been evacuated & the fire fighters would have put out the fires. I was such a child really back then, it's only the in the years that have followed, and with watching the incredible documentaries made since, that the true enormity of it all sunk in.
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

i was at work at an embroidery company and heard on the radio that a plane had hit the tower, i remember thinking `that was clumsy`

I was so naive that when the 2nd one hit I actually turned & said

`whats the odds of that eh? 2 in one day`......i got blank looks back, then i clicked... then i got worried.....



I was at home all day...didn't put the TV on till my son came home from school.


I know what happened to the Towers was the worst thing about that day, but my over-riding memory is the fear I felt when I heard a plane had hit the Pentagon. I remember turning in shock to my son and saying "oh god.....this means war now".


Probably not the best thing to say to a 9 year old on reflection


My son became obsessed over 9/11..... an obsession that weirdly led to so many good things for him, it changed his life for the better.  Probably not the best time to go into it now, but this day means a hell of a lot to me because of it.

Last edited by Ducky
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

i was at work at an embroidery company and heard on the radio that a plane had hit the tower, i remember thinking `that was clumsy`

I was so naive that when the 2nd one hit I actually turned & said

`whats the odds of that eh? 2 in one day`......i got blank looks back, then i clicked... then i got worried.....



I was at home all day...didn't put the TV on till my son came home from school.


I know what happened to the Towers was the worst thing about that day, but my over-riding memory is the fear I felt when I heard a plane had hit the Pentagon. I remember turning in shock to my son and saying "oh god.....this means war now".


Probably not the best thing to say to a 9 year old on reflection


My son became obsessed over 9/11..... an obsession that weirdly led to so many good things for him, it changed his life for the better.  Probably not the best time to go into it now, but this day means a hell of a lot to me because of it.

oh, its so nice that someone has something positive to come out of the tragedy 


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