We all saw the footage of this elongated piece of piss prancing around the garden without his cock. People don't seem too perturbed by the fact, but I personally am concerned for it's welfare and possible whereabouts.
One lunatic I spoke to earlier, asked if I wanted vinegar with my chips. After summarily beating the shit out of him, and consuming flavorless fries, I went to the pub and got drunk.
Despite this effort, I'm no closer to ascertaining the whereabouts of his willy. A source from the Royal College of Dickology admitted to me this morning, that it could well have grown inwards, and ultimately consumed him...thereby making him the biggest COCK in Britain.
I fainted when he elaborated upon the possible location of his pubic hair, but for reasons of decency and decorum, I'll spare you the grisly details.
It saddens me to burden you all with this news; but on the flipside I'm a total bastard and the last assertion was an out and out lie.
Be strong I implore you all. We now know why it's only his 'ego' the poor chap has been stroking all this time.
Yours Bereftly
Rice Flu
One lunatic I spoke to earlier, asked if I wanted vinegar with my chips. After summarily beating the shit out of him, and consuming flavorless fries, I went to the pub and got drunk.
Despite this effort, I'm no closer to ascertaining the whereabouts of his willy. A source from the Royal College of Dickology admitted to me this morning, that it could well have grown inwards, and ultimately consumed him...thereby making him the biggest COCK in Britain.
I fainted when he elaborated upon the possible location of his pubic hair, but for reasons of decency and decorum, I'll spare you the grisly details.
It saddens me to burden you all with this news; but on the flipside I'm a total bastard and the last assertion was an out and out lie.
Be strong I implore you all. We now know why it's only his 'ego' the poor chap has been stroking all this time.
Yours Bereftly
Rice Flu