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Forgetmenot a blog is like a little diary snippet where you can just post general thoughts or something which doesn't necessarily fit into a thread.

People can then comment on it, and they can turn into a thread of sorts. 

Go to "explore" at the top and click blogs to see what ones are active ATM, or click on yours or anyone elses name and you'll go to their "site" ( a mini space like FB) and you can see what blogs a person has started.
thansk for info Vanaheim, I will be able to function on here soon at this rate of info from kindly folks!! while I am here, can i ask you about twitter and facebook? all I know about the latter is a friend gave out my email on and got loads of request from people to be their "friend"!! if you "talk" on there can any one read whats going on? and if  so, whats different to facebook from a forum, like here please? likewise twitter??
Forgetmenot I'll try and explain but I'm not an expert and Zaphod knows more about twitter than I do.

Facebook is like this place, priamarily a social network, but tends to be more personal, I use it to keep in touch with Family who live a long way away and I don't see that often, it means I can upload photos and see their photos and we keep in touch far more because of it.  You can set your profile and privacy as open or closed as you like, though anyone you accept as a "friend" on FB will see your details. 

A forum is usually open to the world with anyone being able to read what you post whether they are logged in or not.  This is set by the forum admin, not the user. (here is like a hybrid of the two, you can set your "mini" area to either private or open) but the forum is open.

Twitter is like sending texted messages out into the ether.  You "twit" what you are doing at the moment and can follow other people (most famously Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher) and other people can follow you.  LC has set up this place so that you can send you're "twits" direct to your mini site here.

OK I hope that helps.. and lord I've rambled on so there are probably 10 other posted already here telling you similar stuff.. LOL
Why not TiGi?

I'm not sure really. I can't find anywhere I feel comfortable posting. I'm probably in need of a break. I'm a whinging bastid lately.
It is a bit strange isnt it, thats why I asked the question too see if FMs were generally posting elsewhere as it's a bit quiet in hereI do believe things will get better though.
lainy m
It is a bit strange isnt it, thats why I asked the question too see if FMs were generally posting elsewhere as it's a bit quiet in hereI do believe things will get better though.
It does seem quiet but the BB forum always went quiet after BB finished. I do think with the move over we lost a few along the way, for whatever reason. I don't mind this place, only have one niggle but hopefully they will sort that.
I do post in other places, Spyka's and one other private forum, I an a member of DS but don't post there. I tend to stick to Facebook these days.

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