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I admit that I invariably come into the Big Brother UK thread.
The screen capture picture shows some other forums which are rarely, if ever used now.
It is for our dear friends in Seattle to spring clean as they see fit of course.
But when there are choices of places to post it can happen that topics become dispersed and frequently missed.
I occasionally visit "games" and "films" but not often.
Do you come here as I do, or do you like to seek the mnore secluded spots?

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I've been wandering about other forums for a while.
There are many opening threads without a single response.
It is 20 months since anyone posted in "Time Team"
Deal or No Deal has only 1 post in the last 13 months.
Ducumentaries was last used in June 1009
Soaps - surprisingly - has not had a post since last August.

I can understand people not posting elsewhere because they think they will not be read and few people visit.
I am very surprised that Soaps has not been used much more.
A consequence of using this Big Brother thread for everything is congestion and threads disappearing very quickly because it is the busiest forum.

Yes mostly here.  I did post in some of the other forums, the soaps and IT crowd and desperate housewives, but there was so little action there, and so much here, that I kind of got into the habit of posting here more.  I don't post a lot usually, but am off work at the mo and have hurt my ankle and can't walk very well at the moment. so i am on the computer a lot more than normal.

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