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Bully is a word chucked about far too easily on these forums...both in regards to HMs and does a great disservice to people who really have been bullied.

I think there is potential in Lisa to be a bully though, she took an instant dislike to Freddie and she was trying to belittle him...going on about wanting to see him break and all that guff.

She's got it in her Nod
Lisa picks on people she considers weak i.e. Freddie and Angel. She doesn`t argue or debate with them. She shouts at them, thrusts her opinions down their thoats and shouts over them when they try to reply. She`s a nasty piece of work but I`ll be surprised if she`s quick to take on Marcus again, because he gave her a taste of her own medicine.
Well the bully word gets thrown about too much but this is why i think shes a foul mouthed cow...
Last night HMs were talking about going on a hunger strike, it probably wasnt actually serious but Lisa took it too far. She then used the oppurtunity to push weaker HMs around. She went from Noirin to Angel to Freddie... Hms who are less argumentative. She then went and verbally harrassed freddie by calling him a "**** head" Roll Eyes and then hit a brick wall when someone who can fight their own corner got involved (Marcus). He was right... she is a bully. A bully is a person who is naming and humiliating a weaker person... thats the way i see it anyway. Smiler
Did you see the lf Rawky? If that wasn't bullying I don't know what is....picking on, screeching at and intimidating people who are weaker than her, her 'pals' watching silently as bystanders, some laughing ,(maybe nervously but, none the less condoning the behaviour by lack of intervention.)...ok , maybe not bullying- perhaps abuse would be a better word?
Naaaah, you lot been at the crazy pills you have.

It seems that she got over passionate about everyone going on hunger strike because poor Norin has had to wear drawn on glasses and mustache for a WHOLE WEEK! Eeker

To me it seems a pretty trivial thing to go on a hunger striker considering what goes on in 3rd world countries and maybe that's how Lisa felt. Yes she may have gone a bit far with accusations and that but the whole house did seem to turn on her, just for her beliefs.

Just saying is all Ninja
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Naaaah, you lot been at the crazy pills you have.

It seems that she got over passionate about everyone going on hunger strike because poor Norin has had to wear drawn on glasses and mustache for a WHOLE WEEK! Eeker

To me it seems a pretty trivial thing to go on a hunger striker considering what goes on in 3rd world countries and maybe that's how Lisa felt. Yes she may have gone a bit far with accusations and that but the whole house did seem to turn on her, just for her beliefs.

Just saying is all Ninja
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Naaaah, you lot been at the crazy pills you have.

It seems that she got over passionate about everyone going on hunger strike because poor Norin has had to wear drawn on glasses and mustache for a WHOLE WEEK! Eeker

To me it seems a pretty trivial thing to go on a hunger striker considering what goes on in 3rd world countries and maybe that's how Lisa felt. Yes she may have gone a bit far with accusations and that but the whole house did seem to turn on her, just for her beliefs.

Just saying is all Ninja

I've not been on any crazy pills and know what I saw last night.

Marcus just snapped with her tirade and rightfully put her in her place and not before time.

The others just stood by like bovine sheep! They're all running scared of her and her filthy bullying tactics.

Glad she wasn't in my school and I don't suppose she has many friends with a temperament such as that either!

There are ways of talking rationally to people - no need to shout and rave at them. She didn't take Noirin to task over her so-called hunger strike - Lisa chose to single out Angel and Freddie instead.
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Naaaah, you lot been at the crazy pills you have.

It seems that she got over passionate about everyone going on hunger strike because poor Norin has had to wear drawn on glasses and mustache for a WHOLE WEEK! Eeker

To me it seems a pretty trivial thing to go on a hunger striker considering what goes on in 3rd world countries and maybe that's how Lisa felt. Yes she may have gone a bit far with accusations and that but the whole house did seem to turn on her, just for her beliefs.

Just saying is all Ninja
If Lisa felt that passionate about it she should have confronted Norin about it...but she did'nt she made a b line for Freddy and Angel...AGAIN.
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Naaaah, you lot been at the crazy pills you have.

It seems that she got over passionate about everyone going on hunger strike because poor Norin has had to wear drawn on glasses and mustache for a WHOLE WEEK! Eeker

To me it seems a pretty trivial thing to go on a hunger striker considering what goes on in 3rd world countries and maybe that's how Lisa felt. Yes she may have gone a bit far with accusations and that but the whole house did seem to turn on her, just for her beliefs.

Just saying is all Ninja

Most of those in the bedroom at the time stayed silent.
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Naaaah, you lot been at the crazy pills you have.

It seems that she got over passionate about everyone going on hunger strike because poor Norin has had to wear drawn on glasses and mustache for a WHOLE WEEK! Eeker

To me it seems a pretty trivial thing to go on a hunger striker considering what goes on in 3rd world countries and maybe that's how Lisa felt. Yes she may have gone a bit far with accusations and that but the whole house did seem to turn on her, just for her beliefs.

Just saying is all Ninja

Agre with everything you said there, ( apart from the first sentence and the whole house turning on her- only Marcus did, i.e. one person)..... in addition when she couldn't exert her will/view she started intimidating people, attacking them verbally, putting them down,bossing them about, frightening some- in short, bullying
the thing I noticed was that when Marcus stood up to her domineering ways, was that her "cronies" IE Charlie, Kris, and Ceiron(?) didnt have a "go" at Marcus, but, as SOON as Fred spoke up they had NO problem telling HIM to shut up,...
I dunno about being "bullies" but they certainly ARE cowards, they were afraid to say anything to Marcus, so they jumped on Fred as soon as he spoke,
s, what I saw, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Yogi 19:
Lisa picks on people she considers weak i.e. Freddie and Angel. She doesn`t argue or debate with them. She shouts at them, thrusts her opinions down their thoats and shouts over them when they try to reply. She`s a nasty piece of work but I`ll be surprised if she`s quick to take on Marcus again, because he gave her a taste of her own medicine.

Its not even that she dislikes Freddie and Angel, she's entitled to her opinion... its the WAY that she belittles them.... like last night when she was bringing Freddie down in front of her pack.. lets face it thats what they are, her pck. SheTELLS them all not to give Freddie cigs as SHE wants to see him breakdown, but as she says it she turns away from Freddie towards her pack.... she does it all the time, hence stregthening her position with them and freezing him out. It's a very suptle way of always being in control. Watch her, you'll see what i mean, i cant explain it properly but its the worst kind of intimidation. I hate the word 'Bully'.... but if anyone is to be labelled with it, it has to be her.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Naaaah, you lot been at the crazy pills you have.

It seems that she got over passionate about everyone going on hunger strike because poor Norin has had to wear drawn on glasses and mustache for a WHOLE WEEK! Eeker

To me it seems a pretty trivial thing to go on a hunger striker considering what goes on in 3rd world countries and maybe that's how Lisa felt. Yes she may have gone a bit far with accusations and that but the whole house did seem to turn on her, just for her beliefs.

Just saying is all Ninja

Most of those in the bedroom at the time stayed silent.

Well yes, maybe not the whole house but...err...aww man! Now i'm getting over passionate Skull
Strange how Lisa set the tone of the argument.
The only way she was subdued was by another person using shouting and an aggressive tone.
Freddie, for instance appears not to debate in that way. His arguments/debates would be lower key, a more subdued tone - and would include listening.
Lisa doesn`t do listening very well.
So if that is how she pitches her arguments, she won`t be deflated by a gentler approach - only by overriding her. She must have little faith in her debating skills.
Shame. It is very infantile.
To me she is a bully...(and I hate the fact that the 'Bully' word is over used)....

She has formed a 'group'...she has picked on the weakest (nicest/won't retaliate)...she is closed minded to anybody outside her 'group'....her group 'titter' when her sparks fly, feeling embarrassed...stick up for her because they are glad they are in the 'group'........
It's not WHAT she said...... I think most people would agree starvation in this context was pretty darn ridiculous..... it's HOW she said it.

She called others "pathetic" for just not having the same view.... she shouted Freddie down till he had no choice but to shut up for his own sanity... she belittled him with name calling in front of the rest of the house.

Bully bully bully. Nod
Lisa sees herself as the head of that house. She may not be a bully, but she sure as hell asserts her perceived position by jumping down certain people's throats and drowning out anything they may be saying, and in an intimidating way.

The other day she shouted at Freddie "don't talk to me like that" when she was talking just like that (or worse) to him in the first place. Last night, she tried to do the same to Marcus in the clip someone did a link to, but had to resort to all that lalalalalala stuff, as he was able to stick up for himself more forcibly than say Angel and Freddie.

The sooner she goes, the happier I'll be, as I cannot stand the woman! And to think I was quite liking her to start with. Shake Head
Originally posted by Jingo:
It's not WHAT she said...... I think most people would agree starvation in this context was pretty darn ridiculous..... it's HOW she said it.

She called others "pathetic" for just not having the same view.... she shouted Freddie down till he had no choice but to shut up for his own sanity... she belittled him with name calling in front of the rest of the house.

Bully bully bully. Nod

The bit of her argument where she said "la la la la la la la" was great.
Lisa is a bully!

She pretended when nominating Freddie not remember his name, so she could belittle him, and drop a silly name for him, I think she called him Dipshit.

Lisa singled Freddie out when Sophia was being evicted, shouted him down, was dismissive, insulting and agressive towards him.

Rolls her eyes upwards if Angel even dare have an opinion.

She constantly acts as if she is in charge just because she is 41 years old, to me she has a mental age of an 8 year old.
Senora Reyes
We all know BB is not quick off the mark when these situations happen. But, last night they called her to DR immediately and when she returned she had her tail between her yuyu legs, that tells me; even they recognised she was bullying people. I think she has repeated the same thing before and they had no choice but to call her in and read the right act to her.

Does anyone recall Sree’s Oscar speech, he asked for Lisa’s permission to speak. They are scared of her she is controlling the Kitchen too but we don’t see it, you just had to read between the lines last night to see what she is up to in that house.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Jingo:
It's not WHAT she said...... I think most people would agree starvation in this context was pretty darn ridiculous..... it's HOW she said it.

She called others "pathetic" for just not having the same view.... she shouted Freddie down till he had no choice but to shut up for his own sanity... she belittled him with name calling in front of the rest of the house.

Bully bully bully. Nod

The bit of her argument where she said "la la la la la la la" was great.

You'll have to speak up Helen......


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