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... I have people in my life that make me feel the way he made her feel, but I have enough self control not to go into meltdown every time I'm around them.

It doesn't make it right Kaffy.  Like everyone who ever went to school I went through the name calling/ridicule which is all part of growing up and maturity taught me how to deal with it.  When it's done by a grown man on prime time television who proports to be the the coolest man ever it puts a different slant on it.  
He's not cool or funny.
Well, we'll never know for a fact.. but we do know that she came out the Diary Room and said 'I've told them either he goes or I go'     Whichever way you look at it, she was instrumental in his departure.   As was the Nikki troll btw... she had them all in the kitchen saying 'We should all go on strike and tell Big Brother we want him out and demand they remove him'
I hope they show more on the HLs tonight. I cannot believe that he went for just taking shoes.
Nadia is acting like a great big diva - it doesn't suit her, she looks stupid and actually her behaviour was embarrassing.
Reference: CROC
But he said it and then started laughing...he was joking but it seems that in there most of them seem to have had a sense of humour bypass.
I know, but he seriously believes his own hype Croc. I cannot believe that he was only kicked out for a row over shoes...there must be more to it than that. I'm waiting to see if BB offer a believable explanation.
They're both excellent housemates, I've always liked Nadia, and let's face it, she's better for BB than Coolio

I'm waiting to find out the full details of his leaving.....atm tho is does look like she's got a certain amount of pull there....I'm sure I heard it on the LF yesterday that she told them 'it's him or me'

I love the Diva....not in everyone, but I just cant dislike her
I'm sure I heard it on the LF yesterday that she told them 'it's him or me'
I heard that too, but it can't be that simple. They wouldn't boot him just to appease her, well you'd hope not anyway. If anything, of the two of them she should have went. She's the one that threw a mental fit and got completely out of control. She's more a danger to anyone in that house than he is. We'll have to wait to see what the HL's reveal but it sounds very much like the wrong HM left the house.

Nadia has no redeeming qualities for me, not one, nor has Coolio for that matter but I hate to see that kind of injustice. BB has really lost the plot this year.
I think the problem with the whole Coolio thing is a lot of people don't know how to take him. Yes he comes across as an arrogant shit and I will never agree with the way he screamed in Nadia's face, but he's the sort of person that if you fight with fire you're never gonna get anywhere. Not saying that anyone should pussyfoot all over him or walk on eggshells, but that whole situation with Nadia could have been resolved if they'd both sat down and talked about it when things had died down. I also honestly believe that when he says he is a true friend he means that.
I heard that too, but it can't be that simple.

She did say that, for sure.   My opinion?   She and Nikki were going round the HM's telling them they should refuse to take part unless he went (that's not opinion - I saw that bit)  BB probaby didn't want to risk a house full of HMs like John McCririck (sorry edited cos I missed that out!)   Coolio was in the DR for over an hour yesterday morning and didn't say anything when he came out.  I expect there was a bit of contract negotiation going on.
That's why I'm waiting to find out the details, from what I saw she did overreact, but you know what they're like for leaving out the important stuff

I do see her differently than I did in BB5, she seems far more 'predatory' than her first time round...I think this time she's more Jungle Cat than anything else! I still like her though...even though she does have appalling dress sense

I like the way she's put herself out there, and I think I like her Diva side most of all
I think there is more to the Coolio thing than just shouty rows..

the previous night when they rowed the HM's were talking later about his behaviour that night form the row and including something to do with push ups and other stuff that was sound dipped. . and it all being really weird and freaking them out..

sounds like he was grandstanding... can only guess tho as that was missed off the HL show and the LF hadn't come back on when he was doing all this .. . but it was that from the previous night that had them, or Nadia on edge the next day...hence the OTT stuff?

but regardless of how much of a prick he was Nadia was just as much of a prick too. . [hates Diva's with a passion  ]  and I should add an addendum that, the word prick  in no way refers to anything of a transsexual nature, it's a description of their behaviour
Mount Olympus *Olly*
IMO IMO IMO IMO IMO *Pointless disclaimer alert*

As soon as you bring a HM physical appearance, race, gender or sexuality into your argument you just invalidate it. (Unless that's part of a wider discussion relating to their character)  In this case, Nadia is just stroppy...nowhere near as stroppy as pow pow Alex. Unless Nadia has threatened to have someone shot and I've missed it?

Some of them have had such shockingly horrendous personalities there's enough ammo to keep you going for the next decade. *Cough Dave cough*
As soon as you bring a HM physical appearance, race, gender or sexuality into your argument you just invalidate it. (Unless that's part of a wider discussion relating to their character)  In this case, Nadia is just stroppy...nowhere near as stroppy as pow pow Alex. Unless Nadia has threatened to have someone shot and I've missed it? Some of them have had such shockingly horrendous personalities there's enough ammo to keep you going for the next decade. *Cough Dave cough*
I made a sort of waffly point late last night similar to this.
EXACTLY!! I made a sort of waffly point late last night similar to this.

True, but I still think Michelle Bass looks like she's been smacked full on in the face with a shovel 10 times
Well, I'll admit, I think Ziggy looks like an old mans testicle but that wasn't why I didn't like him....oh he gave me plenty of reasons not to like him

"It's not you it's me"

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