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Okay I'm going to tell you all a little story. I used to live in an area I moved away from but in my local bar there was a barman who was generally liked by and got on with everyone. One night he showed up wearing make-up and ladies clothes behind the bar. We all thought there was some kind of fancy dress gig going on that we knew nothing about, but no, he was 'coming out'.

This guy was a football fan and quite vicious when confronted about anything he didn't like. He almost knocked a guy out the other side of the bar who got out of order. He also had a girlfriend, thinks didn't work out so he gave up on it. They had planned to marry.  

So here we all are, expected to believe this football thug was actually gay all of a sudden. Confusion was rife but everyone thought 'oh well, takes all sorts' that kind of thing. He later announced he was going to have a sexchange. He demanded to be called Charlotte not Charlie (names changed just in case by some wild coincidence he reads this lol, would be just my luck) and suddenly everyone though well this is tres weird.

Like I said, I have since moved away, I don't know if he ever had the op. I know he was on stage 1 or 2, he took hormone tablets etc, so he may well be a she by now. The point is, no matter what anyone says, nobody who ever knew him will think of him as anything other than a bloke and will think of his male name not his female one. If he has done the deed, he will be thought of as a male football thug with tits and a fake lady garden  where his John Thomas used to be. 

Nobody who knew him for many years would ever consider him to be a woman born in a man's body. Nobody, not even his closest friends. Nadia reminds me of him. I know it may be true for some transexuals that they genuinely feel more female than male but for this guy absolutely no way absolutely no way. 

To cut a long, boring story a little bit shorter, Nadia still seems like a man to me and if I think that, other people will too. It doesn't make us bigots, we are just commenting on what we see. If those on the other side of the argument take that into consideration I believe they may well be a little less antagonised by some people's opinions on this thread.

I am not homophobic, or transphobic, or anythingphobic I just call it how I see it. I respect other people's right to do likewise. Please respect mine.
what I DO care about is someone purporting to be a woman who resorts to being a man to suit
I didn't think her actions were those 'typical' of a man - she didn't stand up and say 'Right - for the next 10 minutes I'm gonna become Narked Nigel' and roll up her sleeves or start talking like Barry White. She just looked pretty pissed off and screamed a bit, no different to any other woman's reaction that I've ever seen in anger. On the flip side, I've seen straight fellas who cry in arguments as opposed to getting stereotypically aggressive and are just not up for rolling up their sleeves and having a punch up. Not every man/woman/trans can be compartmentalised like that. We're all individuals and all have our triggers and temperaments. Gender has nowt to do with it, well not to me anyway.

*carries on reading thread*
There has been a lot of talk about bigotry on this thread. Whether we like it or not, this is an anonymous forum where all sorts of views are expressed.
Arguably there are people on here who say they do not like HMs because they are "thick" or ( even worse) their voices annoy them.
Just as I think it is an appalling reason to dislike Nadia because of her transgender ( and no I am not accusing anyone of this but the point was raised) so I also think that to dislike a person because of the way that they talk is unacceptable as well. Corin for example could not help her voice and yet was vilified by some on here.

I am of the opinion that providing people are decent, it doesn't matter how they talk,. what sex they are or were or whether they are geniuses or the other end of the spectrum.
It is what is inside that counts.
one second she's all gracious and all-woman and all that crap, likes to paint her nails, then Coolio/Jason/Victor have a word and suddenly she's bloody what's his name... summat out of WWE/WWF whatever its called. You cant have it both ways - your either a lady or your not

Did she ever say that now she's officially female that she will never ever lose her temper or get cross ever ever again (but instead will act like a Stepford Wife)? She's got every right to get annoyed or angry about whatever she chooses, and use whichever mannerisms she chooses. I'm just not getting this argument that now she's female and paints her nails, wears high heels and does her hair, that she has no right to get up and stand up for herself against a bloke who is shouting in her face, or how there is a real issue in her natural reaction against that behaviour. And I still don't think she behaved any differently to any female I know, in fact, she was rather reserved and much more lady like in comparison to how some women I know would have reacted to that (me included - he would have got a kick right in the jacobs for starters and maybe a right hook for the main course)
Corin for example could not help her voice and yet was vilified by some on here.
I'm one of them. Her voice went right through me, and I do think her diary room entries were extremely faux at times. As has been said earlier, if these people choose to put themselves on a platform where they will be judged and scrutinised, then that is their choice to make, and I reserve my right to critique as I please. However, there is a line (albeit a fine one) on how far critique can or should go (in my opinion). For example, I thought Steve was a pervy git who brought zero personality to the house. But I saw a post on here one night mocking the fact he had false legs - that to me is going too far.

We're all different and we all have our own limits and boundaries. What I think is right is not gonna be what someone else thinks is right and vice versa. C'est la vie and all that gubbins.
this subject wouldn't even have been brought up, if it was not for the fact she is transgender. the world has always and will always be sexist, towards both sexes for different reasons. aggressive men are seen as thugs and aggressive women are seen as's not new....i've seen really girly girls get really aggressive in a fight, we dont all play happy slappy

i've had to be held back from a fight once, due to a bully pouring a drink on my best friend (i was about 15 lol) even 'born ladies' who are most elligant are not ladylike 24/7
Reference: Prom
Okay I'm going to tell you all a little story. I used to live in an area I moved away from but in my local bar there was a barman who was generally liked by and got on with everyone. One night he showed up wearing make-up and ladies clothes behind the bar. We all thought there was some kind of fancy dress gig going on that we knew nothing about, but no, he was 'coming out'. This guy was a football fan and quite vicious when confronted about anything he didn't like. He almost knocked a guy out the other side of the bar who got out of order. He also had a girlfriend, thinks didn't work out so he gave up on it. They had planned to marry. So here we all are, expected to believe this football thug was actually gay all of a sudden. Confusion was rife but everyone thought 'oh well, takes all sorts' that kind of thing. He later announced he was going to have a sexchange. He demanded to be called Charlotte not Charlie (names changed just in case by some wild coincidence he reads this lol, would be just my luck) and suddenly everyone though well this is tres weird. Like I said, I have since moved away, I don't know if he ever had the op. I know he was on stage 1 or 2, he took hormone tablets etc, so he may well be a she by now. The point is, no matter what anyone says, nobody who ever knew him will think of him as anything other than a bloke and will think of his male name not his female one. If he has done the deed, he will be thought of as a male football thug with tits and a fake lady garden where his John Thomas used to be. Nobody who knew him for many years would ever consider him to be a woman born in a man's body. Nobody, not even his closest friends. Nadia reminds me of him. I know it may be true for some transexuals that they genuinely feel more female than male but for this guy absolutely no way absolutely no way. To cut a long, boring story a little bit shorter, Nadia still seems like a man to me and if I think that, other people will too. It doesn't make us bigots, we are just commenting on what we see. If those on the other side of the argument take that into consideration I believe they may well be a little less antagonised by some people's opinions on this thread. I am not homophobic, or transphobic, or anythingphobic I just call it how I see it. I respect other people's right to do likewise. Please respect mine.
Yeah but, no but, Nadia is more feminine than me, so...   
[Prometheus] Prometheus offline 2,239 Forum Posts Today at 18:00 Last Edited: Okay I'm going to tell you all a little story. I used to live in an area I moved away from but in my local bar there was a barman who was generally liked by and got on with everyone. One night he showed up wearing make-up and ladies clothes behind the bar. We all thought there was some kind of fancy dress gig going on that we knew nothing about, but no, he was 'coming out'. This guy was a football fan and quite vicious when confronted about anything he didn't like. He almost knocked a guy out the other side of the bar who got out of order. He also had a girlfriend, thinks didn't work out so he gave up on it. They had planned to marry. So here we all are, expected to believe this football thug was actually gay all of a sudden. Confusion was rife but everyone thought 'oh well, takes all sorts' that kind of thing. He later announced he was going to have a sexchange. He demanded to be called Charlotte not Charlie (names changed just in case by some wild coincidence he reads this lol, would be just my luck) and suddenly everyone though well this is tres weird. Like I said, I have since moved away, I don't know if he ever had the op. I know he was on stage 1 or 2, he took hormone tablets etc, so he may well be a she by now. The point is, no matter what anyone says, nobody who ever knew him will think of him as anything other than a bloke and will think of his male name not his female one. If he has done the deed, he will be thought of as a male football thug with tits and a fake lady garden where his John Thomas used to be. Nobody who knew him for many years would ever consider him to be a woman born in a man's body. Nobody, not even his closest friends. Nadia reminds me of him. I know it may be true for some transexuals that they genuinely feel more female than male but for this guy absolutely no way absolutely no way. To cut a long, boring story a little bit shorter, Nadia still seems like a man to me and if I think that, other people will too. It doesn't make us bigots, we are just commenting on what we see. If those on the other side of the argument take that into consideration I believe they may well be a little less antagonised by some people's opinions on this thread. I am not homophobic, or transphobic, or anythingphobic I just call it how I see it. I respect other people's right to do likewise. Please respect mine. never got to know them as a woman did you, you said yourself that you had of course you will always think of them as a bloke...pretty much your only memories of them
Nadia, Ulrika, Nikki,("He intimidates me!"WTF!! you hardly spoke to the guy) and Brian, all had pre-concieved ideas about Coolio mainly planted by Ulrika, and they never gave him a chance, and he was never going to win with so much open hostility against him...Shame really.
To be fair we and all those people ^^^^ you mentioned above had watched Coolio last time round. I don't think we or them ^^^ needed Ulrika to remind us how highly strong and intimidating Coolio's personality can be in a confined space. From the comfort of our home we watch these people tear into others and think there was nothing wrong with that. But there is, if apart from the exit door there is no where else to run to to get away.

Nadia has not changed either, she single handedly brought down two (Jason & Victor) highly strong characters in BB5 and all along she told the public from the DR chair that all she wants is acceptance and the public granted her that.

They are both aggressive and rude to people one does it under the name of having a bit of fun and the other does it to protect her own insecurities.

For what it is worth I think Coolio got a row deal from what we saw, unless they show us more of what he did to warrant his exit then they have applied double standard yet again.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Hey hey hey, you need to chill a bit. Barmy gets very passionate about BB but I would never call her aggressive. 'does that mean you were once a male?' is uncalled for too. People who enter BB by default are fair game for discussion that's just how it is. If Nadia was male, female or alien I would still hate her because she's a horrible individual. I also think she is still very manly despite whatever she has or hasn't had done. I say that because I look at her and that's what I see. Has the world become so ridiculously PC that people can no longer state the obvious for fear of offending someone? Even if she was immaculately effeminate I would still find her repulsive. There is room for all views on this subject on a BB forum which discusses BB housemates. If anyone's being offensive here it's you, to Barmie, discuss the subject not the FM is my advice.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Reference: BBrum
Because PC - she wants to look and act the epitome of feminism - but as soon as she's upset she turns all manly - simple as that
am only on page 2 so dunno if this thread is still on topic but I'd say that's not a correct description at all. .Nadia tries to act all prim and proper and all ladylike but when annoyed turns into a Fish Wife.. ie she's as common as muck and no amount of pretending to be all proper will hide that when she's off on one .. .she needs to go on Ladette to Lady and learn a bit of Decorum 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
finally got to page 4...

Re Proms post about the thuggish footy fan becoming a woman but always being seen by those that knew him pre op as a man. . is it not true that some transsexuals and some gay people often 'act' out a completely opposite persona to the one they feel they really are because they can't or don't want to admit to what it is they really feel?

So as hard it it may be for people who got to know the 'act' persona the fact they can finally accept who they are and be brave enough to be that person where once they were another is to be applauded.. if Prom had never moved he may well, over time, have got to know the woman that was once the footy thug .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Well the altercation that started this thread, seemed to me to be six of one and half a dozen of the other. I thought Coolio (*I own this house*) was behaving like a right tosser and all Nadia did was stand up to him...forcefully I admit.
The so-called men in that house scarpered as fast as they could away from the took a woman to put that ego on legs in his box and in Nadia's place, I would have lamped him and I am both female and a titch
See I saw it completely differently...i saw it as not wanting to involve themselves in Nadia's huge over-reaction.

Me too.      I'd also add that I don't believe Nadia wanted him out because of what he DID, exactly - but because of what he (she feels) made HER do.    She was completely unable to keep herself under control and 'take him down a peg' by other means... intellect, humour or whatever (as Olly pointed out, she turns into a fishwife)   She made a huge deal out of her nieces seeing Auntie Nadia being so vulgar.   She knew full well she couldn't intimidate Coolio by bawling and shouting so she (and her other unfamous cohorts) got him booted out...... and why wouldn't she think she couldn't do it........... she got away with being that vulgar aggressive character before and actually won the show.   FWIW I think she was by far the more aggressive of the two and the most likely to try to take any argument to a physical level.   Intimidated my arse.
See I saw it completely differently...i saw it as not wanting to involve themselves in Nadia's huge over-reaction.
and Coolio's over-reaction Croc...and the rubbish that subsequently came spilling out of his mouth?....I'm not defending either of them, they're big enough and ugly enough to do that for themselves. However, if one FM spouts to the others that *this is my house* and *I'm the alpha male*....I would have thought that someone would have the guts to contradict him
if one FM spouts to the others that *this is my house* and *I'm the alpha male*....I would have thought that someone would have the guts to contradict him

Hiya Kaytee...  the thing is.. he's a wind up merchant - and the one thing a wind up merchant wants surely is for someone to contradict him so he can continue with it.     If I'd been in there I'd have probably said... yes, Coolio it is... may I have your permission to go and make a cuppa? He'd have probably reacted to that sort of thing by saying 'Great you know your place'... reply, 'I certainly do.. thanks for letting me stay in your house'  He'd get bored soon enough.
got him booted out
Do we know that for a fact Kaffers?....that row was just a row and didn't have anything really bad in it...perhaps there is something that BB aren't showing us, because of the Ofcom and media interest and outrage it would cause? Twice bitten and all that. I think I will reserve judgement until we know EXACTLY what happened from a reliable source
Hiya Kaytee... the thing is.. he's a wind up merchant - and the one thing a wind up merchant wants surely is for someone to contradict him so he can continue with it. If I'd been in there I'd have probably said... yes, Coolio it is... may I have your permission to go and make a cuppa? He'd have probably reacted to that sort of thing by saying 'Great you know your place'... reply, 'I certainly do.. thanks for letting me stay in your house' He'd get bored soon enough.
Yes he is a wum, but he believes his own hype. I wouldn't have had the patience with that, that you would and my reaction would have been to tell him where to go. So my opinions are based upon my own probable reactions and the fact that I really dislike the man...yes,I am a tad biased against Coolio, but while he was in there chasing the women, I had no problem with him in the house, but he got my hackles up last night.
Do we know that for a fact Kaffers?....

Well, we'll never know for a fact.. but we do know that she came out the Diary Room and said 'I've told them either he goes or I go'     Whichever way you look at it, she was instrumental in his departure.   As was the Nikki troll btw... she had them all in the kitchen saying 'We should all go on strike and tell Big Brother we want him out and demand they remove him'
He boasted coming in that his game was to make them cry and get rid of them one by one. Go pick on some men Coolio and see how far you get

It's all about perception.... if you take him seriously or not.    I didn't, I'd have laughed at him, but you can't help if you have a personality clash with someone... .I'm sure we all do.    Nadia couldn't stand him ... I have people in my life that make me feel the way he made her feel, but I have enough self control not to go into meltdown every time I'm around them.

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