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Yeah that's right, Vids. PC is what people like you start screaming when they're not allowed to get away with being nasty to a group of people just because they don't like them for their own bigotted reasons. I'll wear that badge, and proudly.

Now what were you saying about "we can't agree on everything?" before you decided to have another dig?
Yeah that's right, Vids. PC is what people like you start screaming when they're not allowed to get away with being nasty to a group of people just because they don't like them for their own bigotted reasons. I'll wear that badge, and proudly. Now what were you saying about "we can't agree on everything?" before you decided to have another dig
Im not having a dig, I leave that to certain other people on here (not you BTW) who cant handle debate,   I like you and have enjoyed rows with you.

Im just saying we cant agree on everything because thats true, it's what makes free speech heres a Brandy.
Reference: bolton fan
How dare I what? Who do you think you are Barmie? You come on here with your forceful opinions and then get enraged by people who dare to challenge you. Just because some people agree with you doesn't make you right and you are aggressive in your opinons, just as I am. You are entitled to them - just as I am - but don't ever challenge my right to them or to express my opinon against you. To say how dare you is like saying you own this forum and no one has the right to challenge you! If you don't like people expressing their opinion when it doesn't agree with yours then go elsewhere!

  Agree wholeheartedly Bolton fan.  I do think that the suggestion that anyone is 'more like a man' because they have the audacity to shout back is ludicrous to the extreme.  And I certainly agree that YOU are not the one being offensive here.

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