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Surely you are bringing yourself down by calling yourself Barmie??  All I can say is that if you think women can't stick up for themselves or act in an aggresive manner then you have lived a very sheltered life.  Just because Nadia was born male and reacts the way she does doesn't mean she resorts to being a man.  That is ridiculous
Bolton Fan
To be fair Peter I think people hate her because she's a complete and utter pain in the arse, regardless of past gender. Maybe you want to read it that way but it ain't true.
Some people may feel that, but there have been many posts on this forum and DS where it's obvious that the posters have real issues with trans people.

I did say some people. I'm very aware and happy that people may not like a trans person for being the person they are. What makes me both angry and depressed is when they have an issue with the mere fact that they're trans.
please dont anyone accuse me of being anything 'ist' because I certainly am not - do/be whatever makes you happy because life is too short - going back to Nadia, one second she's all gracious and all-woman and all that crap, likes to paint her nails, then Coolio/Jason/Victor have a word and suddenly she's bloody what's his name... summat out of WWE/WWF whatever its called.  You cant have it both ways - your either a lady or your not
Hey Barmy, I watched the so called altercation with Coolio and Nadia and this is my take on it...Coolio mocks Nikki's accent in a non malicious way, Nikki gets terribly upset and runs dramatically to the bathroom and waits 10 seconds for someone to come running and notice she is crying...Meanwhile Nadia is on the sofa giving it large, and muttering rude comments under her breath until Coolio catches up and realises she is aiming them at him, he then decides to mock her...At no point did I see Coolio swear or get serious with her, in other words he was winding her up, in his mind you wind me up, I'll wind you up worse and he did..

Meanwhile Ulrika is watching pouncing at her chance to hold court again and remind the others what a horrible man Coolio is and how little she thinks of him. Cue her minions Brian and Nikki nodding and agreeing with her like the Churchhill dog in the adverts.

Nadia's agression didn't match the events if you know what I mean, it was over the top, and she looked at any moment she'd throw a punch..I used to like Nadia a lot, now I just think winning BB has gone to her head, and she probably always had a massive ego, but it is 10x more noticeable now. Nadia, Ulrika, Nikki,("He intimidates me!"WTF!! you hardly spoke to the guy) and Brian, all had pre-concieved ideas about Coolio mainly planted by Ulrika, and they never gave him a chance, and he was never going to win with so much open hostility against him...Shame really.
Senora Reyes
for a woman you are yourself very aggressive on this forum - does that mean you were once male?
Hey hey hey, you need to chill a bit. Barmy gets very passionate about BB but I would never call her aggressive. 'does that mean you were once a male?' is uncalled for too. People who enter BB by default are fair game for discussion that's just how it is. If Nadia was male, female or alien I would still hate her because she's a horrible individual. I also think she is still very manly despite whatever she has or hasn't had done. I say that because I look at her and that's what I see. Has the world become so ridiculously PC that people can no longer state the obvious for fear of offending someone?

Even if she was immaculately effeminate I would still find her repulsive. There is room for all views on this subject on a BB forum which discusses BB housemates. If anyone's being offensive here it's you, to Barmie, discuss the subject not the FM is my advice.
How dare I what?  Who do you think you are Barmie?  You come on here with your forceful opinions and then get enraged by people who dare to challenge you.  Just because some people agree with you doesn't make you right and you are aggressive in your opinons, just as I am.  You are entitled to them - just as I am - but don't ever challenge my right to them or to express my opinon against you.

To say how dare you is like saying you own this forum and no one has the right to challenge you!

If you don't like people expressing their opinion when it doesn't agree with yours then go elsewhere!
Bolton Fan
You are the one who's hooked up on the "she acts like a man" thing with Nadia. What about when one of the other women get agressive or loud? Do you think Nikki acts like a man? Did Shabby?

Women are allowed to be whatever they want, and Nadia is certainly a woman.

As for being "the epitome of feminism", then yes, she can be. Strong, female and standing her ground. I see nothing wrong in that.
erm.... how DARE you question my gender Bolton - everyone here knows I am female - have I resorted to such tactics with you? I started the thread because I thought it was a good cause of debate/chat. I dont know whether you are man or woman and I havent accused you of anything. What you said to me was VERY low indeed - even by your standards

If you actually take the time to read what I wrote you will see I did NOT question your gender - you implied that Nadia behaved the way she did because she used to be a man, i.e acting aggressively.  In my opinion you are very aggressive in the way you express yourself on here so therefore do we question your gender?  No - I only know you are female because I have read it here.  My whole point was that aggression is not a male trait, females are capable of aggression too.  If you are going to have a go at other forum users then please at least have the decency to read their posts before acting aggressively towards them. 

Bolton Fan

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