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I practically stood up and cheered.

They warned him about "threatening behaviour" - a total joke, since all he did was ask Sree if he would dare be as insulting on the outside.

But they would have also warned him about "behaviour insulting to another HM's culture" if he hadn't pointed out that they'd let Lisa, Kris and co get away with mocking Freddie's accent and cultural background in the most insulting, aggressive way for weeks, without stepping in. Clapping

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Originally posted by Videostar:
Clapping totally agree.

He kicked BB's behind and didn't let them treat him like a naughty school child.

He was right in everything he said. Thumbs Up

Nod They were dead set on tarring him with the racist brush until he challenged them. Basically, how well would their biased, one-sided "opinion" have stood up in a court of law on the outside, if he'd decided to sue them for libel once he got out?

It's no fluke that they went away and thought about it for a good while (taking expert legal advice, probably) before calling him back in - and making clear that racism wasn't what they were warning him for. He threw up a flag and told them he wouldn't stand for what they were trying to accuse him of.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I practically stood up and cheered.

They warned him about "threatening behaviour" - a total joke, since all he did was ask Sree if he would dare be as insulting on the outside.

But they would have also warned him about "behaviour insulting to another HM's culture" if he hadn't pointed out that they'd let Lisa, Kris and co get away with mocking Freddie's accent and cultural background in the most insulting, aggressive way for weeks, without stepping in. Clapping

i thought that freddies analysis about the usage of words was good, when he said that it could be understood to mean the same thing as, for example if you were in an argument in a pub and asked the other person to 'step outside', under certain circumstances this could intimate an act of violence, but obviously we all know, as you point out that marcus was just saying that sree would not talk to anyone like that outside the security of the bb house, like the child who pokes thier tongue out at you when hididng behind a parent........
Originally posted by Amythist:
He was absolutely right about the double standards re taking off accents.

A warning about threatening behaviour....I felt Marcus was brilliantly articulate and made a really good case for his words to Sree. BB was made to look stupid for the first time ever.

Nod I think the subtext was: "Do you know the law of libel? I've got a vague idea, and if you fancy publicly branding me a racist, get the lawyers ready". Laugh
Originally posted by Rekaf:
i thought that freddies analysis about the usage of words was good, when he said that it could be understood to mean the same thing as, for example if you were in an argument in a pub and asked the other person to 'step outside', under certain circumstances this could intimate an act of violence, but obviously we all know, as you point out that marcus was just saying that sree would not talk to anyone like that outside the security of the bb house, like the child who pokes thier tongue out at you when hididng behind a parent........

Freddie took the straightest line possible there Nod
But it was obvious to me that Marcus, far from being threatening, was just telling Sree to back up his own demands, to "shut up".

It's exactly what I would have said. If you can't make me, don't tell me. Doesn't mean I'm offering you outside for a fight.

BB cracking down on Marcus basically says that he should have just accepted Sree telling him to shut up, and obeyed.
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
BB looked like a real fool yesterday Laugh.. They thought they could intimidate Marcus but Marcus proved to be intelligent and articulate... As soon as he mentioned the double standards regarding Freddie they quickly shut up Laugh...

Nod I was actually curious to see what you'd make of this, PCE, as a woman of colour who usually wants to give non-white HMs a chance, and defends them against people whose main agenda against them seems to be their skintone.

I did have the feeling you'd be too perceptive to swallow BB's line. Nod

If I was black, I think I'd find it quite insulting that BB would try to make PC capital out of a simple argument. I think it casts them in a very poor light, to be honest.

Cowardly, and scared of the consequences, without even considering whether there was a real case to answer.
I suspect BB thought they were doing 'Oh so the right thing' by pulling Marcus in and smacking his wrists and hoping that us the British public would say 'Oh bravo BB well done' after the race debarcle of CBB with Jade and Shilpa but what they were NOT expecting was that they had called in a very perceptive and intelligent man and got an reaction that they so weren't expecting...

BB f**ked right up in underestimating Marcus and the whole situation.

I for one was so happy and thankful that Marcus told them exactly how it was.

I now have my winner and BB now have lost all kudos for trying to be too clever and second guessing what us the British public actually think.

Well done Marcus Clapping You rock!

His outburst to BB will go down as one of BB's great moments and what a moment to end 10 years on hahahahahahaha Laugh BB - You got owned!
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Amythist:
He was absolutely right about the double standards re taking off accents.

A warning about threatening behaviour....I felt Marcus was brilliantly articulate and made a really good case for his words to Sree. BB was made to look stupid for the first time ever.

Nod I think the subtext was: "Do you know the law of libel? I've got a vague idea, and if you fancy publicly branding me a racist, get the lawyers ready". Laugh

Absolutely right - Marcus may not look like the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he's no fool and when he chooses to he's extremely articulate and cool in an argument. He was accused of being aggressive last night by some. If I was being accused of what he was, I'd be bloody aggressive too. Well done to him, I say. I was veering between being so angry at BB and cheering him on!
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
BB looked like a real fool yesterday Laugh.. They thought they could intimidate Marcus but Marcus proved to be intelligent and articulate... As soon as he mentioned the double standards regarding Freddie they quickly shut up Laugh...

Nod I was actually curious to see what you'd make of this, PCE, as a woman of colour who usually wants to give non-white HMs a chance, and defends them against people whose main agenda against them seems to be their skintone.

I did have the feeling you'd be too perceptive to swallow BB's line. Nod

If I was black, I think I'd find it quite insulting that BB would try to make PC capital out of a simple argument. I think it casts them in a very poor light, to be honest.

Cowardly, and scared of the consequences, without even considering whether there was a real case to answer.
Its cases like this that makes people resentful Nod.... Sree played all the cards possible and I hate it when people do that....
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:

Its cases like this that makes people resentful Nod.... Sree played all the cards possible and I hate it when people do that....

Siavash made pretty much the same point last night Cocoa. Nice to see common sense prevailing, even if it wasn't coming from BB, who are obviously running so scared these days it's pitiful.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:

Its cases like this that makes people resentful Nod.... Sree played all the cards possible and I hate it when people do that....

Siavash made pretty much the same point last night Cocoa. Nice to see common sense prevailing, even if it wasn't coming from BB, who are obviously running so scared these days it's pitiful.
Im glad he voiced that out, I hope they show it in the HLs.... Sree has said more derogatory things in there, How he got away with it baffles me....
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
I am not a fan of Marcus but last night he changed my opinion on him and I actually whooped at the tv in agreement with him.

So many people are worried about saying the right thing and he had the balls to do it. Well done Marcus.

Even Siavash told Sree not to use the Racist Card as it makes 'everyone' bad.

marcus really didn't give a toss if bb threw him out, not many would stand up and be counted that way
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
BB looked like a real fool yesterday Laugh.. They thought they could intimidate Marcus but Marcus proved to be intelligent and articulate... As soon as he mentioned the double standards regarding Freddie they quickly shut up Laugh...

Nod I was actually curious to see what you'd make of this, PCE, as a woman of colour who usually wants to give non-white HMs a chance, and defends them against people whose main agenda against them seems to be their skintone.

I did have the feeling you'd be too perceptive to swallow BB's line. Nod

If I was black, I think I'd find it quite insulting that BB would try to make PC capital out of a simple argument. I think it casts them in a very poor light, to be honest.

Cowardly, and scared of the consequences, without even considering whether there was a real case to answer.
Its cases like this that makes people resentful Nod.... Sree played all the cards possible and I hate it when people do that....

Nod Exactly! Just what Siavash said, too. No-one in there notices what colour or race anyone else is - apart from Sree. Because he insisted on ramming it down everyone's throat.
Siavash is rapidly beoming one of my favourite HMs, and his race or colour have nothing to do with it, except to outline how much more mature he is (coming from a country that's been oppressed by Western forces since he was a kid) than Sree (a former colony that is now a world power in its own right).

Which one should be playing the victim, again? Confused
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I do think that BB deserves some kudos for letting us witness what Marcus said as they could have covered it up and edited it out.
That is true Nod I'm very grateful to BB for showing that because up until now I'd not really got into BB this year and certainly didn't have a fave but no I want Marcus to win!
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
BB looked like a real fool yesterday Laugh.. They thought they could intimidate Marcus but Marcus proved to be intelligent and articulate... As soon as he mentioned the double standards regarding Freddie they quickly shut up Laugh...

Nod I was actually curious to see what you'd make of this, PCE, as a woman of colour who usually wants to give non-white HMs a chance, and defends them against people whose main agenda against them seems to be their skintone.

I did have the feeling you'd be too perceptive to swallow BB's line. Nod

If I was black, I think I'd find it quite insulting that BB would try to make PC capital out of a simple argument. I think it casts them in a very poor light, to be honest.

Cowardly, and scared of the consequences, without even considering whether there was a real case to answer.
Its cases like this that makes people resentful Nod.... Sree played all the cards possible and I hate it when people do that....

Nod Exactly! Just what Siavash said, too. No-one in there notices what colour or race anyone else is - apart from Sree. Because he insisted on ramming it down everyone's throat.
Siavash is rapidly beoming one of my favourite HMs, and his race or colour have nothing to do with it, except to outline how much more mature he is (coming from a country that's been oppressed by Western forces since he was a kid) than Sree (a former colony that is now a world power in its own right).

Which one should be playing the victim, again? Confused
You know who Wink... Siavesh is really acting older than his years... I think Sree had an agenda, he wanted Marcus kicked out... Im glad Marcus exposed the double standards...
marcus was not one bit frightened of what they would do like others in the past have with the threat of being thrown out

And he had them by the you know what with his argument for his side.

It was totally justifiable put across with no doubt what he thought of them and he was right

Didnt bank of that did they

I know marcus has the sleazy side which i dont like

but he has a good side that i do

stood up to lisa had sree spot on to big brother and told him exactly what he thought he was doing in his game plan,does well in tasks,and the big brother diary room when he was being warned was classic never seen the like of it and big brother looked a fool so fair play to him

I want marcus to come in the top 3
I think it was a real stroke of genius on all levels. Marcus was excellent and absolutely spot on, I was whooping and laughing at his rants, and was in complete agreement. I also liked the way BB edited the show and after his rant they flicked over to Kris, Charlie and someone else and all three of them were mocking Sree's accent. It just showed Marcus's rant to be all the more justified.

Freddie was spot on as well ,and Siavash was just the icing on the cake. Good luck to all three of them. It seems (for a change) we have some genuinely intelligent and nice people in the house. Funny how the three of them get mocked by the morons and team nasty. Ninja
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Has anyone ever had a better moment in the Diary Room? It was so controlled and articulate it was like something from one of those James Stewart films where the hero turns the tables on the corrupt politicians.
When we look back on this series it could well be the iconic moment.

I agree captain i posted never seen the like of it in 10 years and it was classic

not one of them in there would have the wit,intelligence to put their views over the way he did,and he was so right and they knew it.

It is always same old when they are getting warned told off not this time

Big Grin
Marcus has pre-empted, and even instigated many of the rows with Sree.
Whatever words of wisdom Marcus may have used in this instance I still will balance it with the fact that Marcus induced many of the Marcus-Sree clashes, and showed he could be aggressive and tactless.
One good performance isn`t always enough to wipe the slate clean.
Originally posted by brisket:
Marcus has pre-empted, and even instigated many of the rows with Sree.
Whatever words of wisdom Marcus may have used in this instance I still will balance it with the fact that Marcus induced many of the Marcus-Sree clashes, and showed he could be aggressive and tactless.
One good performance isn`t always enough to wipe the slate clean.

Totally agree with you Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Amythist:
He was absolutely right about the double standards re taking off accents.

A warning about threatening behaviour....I felt Marcus was brilliantly articulate and made a really good case for his words to Sree. BB was made to look stupid for the first time ever.

Not before time. Marcus is a star. I've always been disgusted at what sheep previous HMts have been when taken to task by BB.
Suppose another case for bringing in more mature HMts, although Lisa is hardly a good example Eeker
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by langster:
I think it was a real stroke of genius on all levels. Marcus was excellent and absolutely spot on, I was whooping and laughing at his rants, and was in complete agreement. I also liked the way BB edited the show and after his rant they flicked over to Kris, Charlie and someone else and all three of them were mocking Sree's accent. It just showed Marcus's rant to be all the more justified.

Freddie was spot on as well ,and Siavash was just the icing on the cake. Good luck to all three of them. It seems (for a change) we have some genuinely intelligent and nice people in the house. Funny how the three of them get mocked by the morons and team nasty. Ninja

Freddie,Siavash and Marcus have been in my top 3 for quite some time. Although I'll have to get Marcus on my sig.
It will be a travesty if they are up against each other. Just hope that Kris and Charley are up too next week.
Team Wolf are running scared and have been for weeks as they know what they're up against. Thats why there are taunts, as it the only ammunition their tiny brains can muster. That and pretending, like Lisa, to be friends.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by langster:
I think it was a real stroke of genius on all levels. Marcus was excellent and absolutely spot on, I was whooping and laughing at his rants, and was in complete agreement. I also liked the way BB edited the show and after his rant they flicked over to Kris, Charlie and someone else and all three of them were mocking Sree's accent. It just showed Marcus's rant to be all the more justified.

Freddie was spot on as well ,and Siavash was just the icing on the cake. Good luck to all three of them. It seems (for a change) we have some genuinely intelligent and nice people in the house. Funny how the three of them get mocked by the morons and team nasty. Ninja

Absolutely spot on Thumbs Up I just hope Marcus isnt put up this week for eviction against Halfwit which is more than likely if Team Plastic have anything to do with it. Its time BB put them all up so we can get rid of the likes of Chris, Lisa and Karly Hug

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