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I think JJ is giving mixed messages. Don't think he is doing it on purpose, but he is not exactly distancing himself from her.
His mixed messages, merely reflect his state of mind.
On one hand, it's important for him to feel wanted affectionately by women, 
but on the other hand he wants to be emotionally detached, for fear of vulnerability.
His mixed messages, merely reflect his state of mind. On one hand, it's important for him to feel wanted affectionately by women,  but on the other hand he wants to be emotionally detached, for fear of vulnerability.
And may be Josie 'not getting it' reflects her state of mind. Fear of rejection, humiliation etc. etc. It works both ways 
Good post Sky.

I see what you mean LL about mixed messages and Josie fancying him.
She does fancy him, or she wants to latch on to him for attention, flattery and ambition and is very possessive.

 If Josie has a crush on him, it is easy for her to interpret any small thing he does as proof that he feels  the same way. JJ is giving out mega signals of devotion form what I can see. I would think I was in there with him too if he followed me around, showed so much concern over my welfare, AND wanted to leave the house for the way he did a while back.

JJ seems very complex and has a unique code conduct when it comes to loyalty.
I guess that stops him form distancing himself from Josie (plus his own need for security) osie is a possessive, compulsive attention seeker and manipulator and may not let go now without a fight. It's just a bad, bad combination. But I hope JJ stays.

Don't leave, JJ!!
JJ seems very complex
You may find that, I don't! He's not complex to me. I see an angry bloke who is never wrong, finally meeting someone in his adult life who wont roll over and jump to his tune. Whether I love or loathe Josie is irrelevant, but I'm not getting in to a debate about how it's all her fault that he behaves the way he does. He's culpable for his behaviour, and she is for hers. If they both want to play a game and dance around the subject of a 'relationship' then I'm not falling in to the trap of excusing (what I see as) JJ's nasty behaviour on to one person. I don't like the bloke, so call me a 'hater'. That's my final word, so I'll exit this 'JJ is so misunderstood' now 
greenandpink (Mario to win) offline 1,406 Forum Posts Today at 8:33 AM Last Edited: Reference: Good post Sky. I see what you mean LL about mixed messages and Josie fancying him. She does fancy him, or she wants to latch on to him for attention, flattery and ambition and is very possessive. If Josie has a crush on him, it is easy for her to interpret any small thing he does as proof that he feels the same way. JJ is giving out mega signals of devotion form what I can see. I would think I was in there with him too if he followed me around, showed so much concern over my welfare, AND wanted to leave the house for the way he did a while back. JJ seems very complex and has a unique code conduct when it comes to loyalty. I guess that stops him form distancing himself from Josie (plus his own need for security) osie is a possessive, compulsive attention seeker and manipulator and may not let go now without a fight. It's just a bad, bad combination. But I hope JJ stays.
I agree I think he is too.  I also think he is very insecure and has alot of unresolved issues - doesn't excuse some of his behaviour though but maybe explains some of it.
And may be Josie 'not getting it' reflects her state of mind. Fear of rejection, humiliation etc. etc. It works both ways
Naturally. Nevertheless, my response remains pertinent in the context of JJ's "mixed messages".  And with him having such a conflicting dichotomy - .it's no wonder Josie's "not getting it". Bottom line - they're both very insecure people. 
I think Josie does "get it".  She has said on several (thousand) occassions how guys like that don't go for girls like me.  She knows he doesn't feel about her the way she thinks she feels about him (I'm not convinced) but she doesn't want him to want anyone else.  If Josie let JJ get on with someone else, Josie will lose her airtime.
You may find that, I don't! He's not complex to me. I see an angry bloke who is never wrong, finally meeting someone in his adult life who wont roll over and jump to his tune. Whether I love or loathe Josie is irrelevant, but I'm not getting in to a debate about how it's all her fault that he behaves the way he does. He's culpable for his behaviour, and she is for hers. If they both want to play a game and dance around the subject of a 'relationship' then I'm not falling in to the trap of excusing (what I see as) JJ's nasty behaviour on to one person. I don't like the bloke, so call me a 'hater'. That's my final word, so I'll exit this 'JJ is so misunderstood' now
I didn't think it was a debate about how she is to blame for his behaviour. That is not what I was saying.
JJ has made it clear to others in the house and to BB that it is just a matey & platonic relationship.
Yet it seems that Josie is not aware of this.
Has he made it clear to her?
Has he made it clear enough?
Or is he dliberately not making it clear to her (puppet on a string.)
Or perhaps Josie is one of those self-delusional people who simply will not accept the facts as they are. Nothing will convince her otherwise because she is happy in her fantasy land.
An advantage of this of course, is that when it all falls apart, she can then play the victim and become the wounded woman.

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