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Hi madamski, maybe I've got this all wrong, but when I had my children my mum worked, mon-fri, 9-5, as did my dad, I was very aware that I had chose to have the children and my mum's week night and weekends were precious.  I didn't want to 'dump' my children on her when I wasn't working.  Could this maybe the case, your daughter is really thinking of you, young children can be really hard work and when we are new mums people are always telling us 'isn't it nice when you can hand them back'.  Don't seethe about this perhaps you could ask your daughter if she fancies a night off/out and you'd love to babysit for her?

Hope this helps x
I was gonna say the same as Kelloggs (that sounds funny ) but maybe suggest having your grandson overnight at the weekend? Even possibly a regular arrangement (once a month or something?) Explain how much you miss him and that you'd love to have the opportunity to spend some time with him. That way your daughter wont feel guilty thinking you're doing it out of duty.
i do know what you mean  but its not even other grandparents she asks ..... its my friend  ....... omg    i know what you mean    giving me a break  but i love the wee guy
You just need to tell your daughter how you feel, sometimes friends have a different relationship, my best friend is more like an aunt to my children (now 18 & 15) and her kids were the same age as mine so  I've got to be honest I baby sat her kids and vice versa more than my mum and mother-in-law, it was convenient and we were in similar circumstances.  Basically i don't think this is deliberate more consideration, but just tell her, I'm sure you'll be able to sort something that will suit you all.

i do know what you mean  but its not even other grandparents she asks ..... its my friend  ....... omg    i know what you mean    giving me a break  but i love the wee guy
 Of course you do! If you heard what my mum had called my son last week  Broke  his heart and he's eighteen  
I'd give my eye teeth for a grandmother for my kids like you.
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aw thanx    all of you i've already txt her saying i want him overnight every saturday ........   she txt bk saying no probz   i;m gon to bed and i will sleep well thanks guys for giving me  couraage x
Wanted to say totally agree with Cosmopolitan & Karma's points 

Well done you, there you go, same old, same old, we all put 2 & 2 together and get 37, lol, its good to hear from other peep tho, sometime we get it wrong but great whe we get it right
Night x
i'm with kelloggs, my mum moaned at me for not visiting enough with my eldest when he was nearly one (she died just after his first birthday ) i thought i was doing her a favour as when i go round she cooked for us and fed him and changed him etc etc. i thought she thought it was a job and not a pleasure he was a hyper little boy (started walking at 9 months)...still bloody is! lol! but she had difficulty walking and he would tire her out.

does your daughter know you feel this way? she probably thinks the last thing you want on your days off is a small toddler to chase around
madamski, please, please just talk about this to your daughter! It looks like you are both treading on eggshells about it.
My brother and SIL still moan about my parents not taking an interest in their children... 16 years later! My parents moan about never having seen enough of them when they were all younger!
I just listen to them all and  but it can still make me  

Just clear the air, one way or the other.
I'm so happy for all of you that have grandparents that want to be with their grandchildren.  I have 4 children, the eldest is 21, in all that time they have never looked after them, we always had to go there, and my kids earliest memories were of nanny and grandad falling over drunk.  My parents now complain that they don't see them, how do I tell them that my kids don't want to see them now?
similar here pussycatj. with my dad (my mum was brill but wasn't a granny for long).

not seen him for 3 months and in all that time he hasn't once even text me, or even asked my brother (who visits every so often) how me and kids are. yet if and when i do contact him the first thing he will moan about is how the kids will have fogotton him

i dont contact him cos frankly i dont want to see him, after the incident earlier this year where he terrified my eldest and slagged my OH off (and me)..he never apologised for it....expects it to be brushed under the carpet. if i go round there and he says something (he always does, makes snide remarks) i'll want to throttle him or at least start a row...esp with my hormones turning me into an emo angry beast i avoid lol

sadly not all grandparents are good

hugs for you pussy that sounded roode but i'm not changing it cos it made me snigger
haahaa I have the opposite problem...I have a mother who won't buzz the hell off!!!  She is wrecking my flippin head!!!!

Nonetheless, I divide my time between both sets of parents.  Finn gets to see both sets of grandparents twice a week   I think you're well within your rights to ask to see your grandchild more often

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