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computers...    way back, boy next door had a BBC...   brother had a spectrum (if you can call it a computer)

Interweb....    1998 ish.    Twas very early days.   Online shopping was pretty much restricted to books on amazon..    and in chatrooms you had to wade through a lot of pervs or IT peeps to find another normal person!

I remember the start of webcamming...   webcam chatrooms....   first one I ever went in they were having a Furbie night...   all sitting there with their Furbies next to them!    Webcam chatrooms never appealed to me...    the beauty of chatrooms and online chatting was being able to go on the pull, with no make up, looking dog rough in your pjs! 
My first experience of a home computer was the Vic 5 which belonged to someone else.

I then bought a ZX81.  Followed by ZX48 Spectrum, Commodore 64 (still got those 2 in a cupboard)

Then I got an Amiga 500.  Followed by my first desktop linked to a dial up modem.

Many more desktops have followed over the years but I usually build my own these days.
Smarting Buttocks
Suddenly being a single mum wasn't such a lonely existence anymore!

Too right!!! I have to say GBBF kept me (almost) sane.

And as a plus I met some grand people.

This June I'm off to the wedding of one of my oldest "online" mates (DJDave if anyone remembers that old name from GBBF) with another one (Msmiaow) and we're both wondering how the hell we explain how we all met.  People like us don't think twice but non-cyber bods still freak a little.

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