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Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
They all abandoned him when the going was tough I think only Elizabeth Taylor risked her career and stood by him... I commend her for that the other can stick it where the sun dont shine...

I don't know whether you saw the Larry King show broadcast today in which he read out a statment from Elizabeth Taylor.

It was very moving - she had so much affection for him and is so completely grief stricken.

Not having followed MJ's career particularly over the years, I had no idea the two of them were so close.
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
They all abandoned him when the going was tough I think only Elizabeth Taylor risked her career and stood by him... I commend her for that the other can stick it where the sun dont shine...

I don't know whether you saw the Larry King show broadcast today in which he read out a statment from Elizabeth Taylor.

It was very moving - she had so much affection for him and is so completely grief stricken.

Not having followed MJ's career particularly over the years, I had no idea the two of them were so close.
Hi hun I didnt see the message I have switched off the news because its all too sad for me.. But yes they were very close and she supported him through the allegations... If you notice, this his new crop of so called friends havnt spoken to him for years Disappointed

Hypocrites if they said all these kind words to him and didnt alienate him, he probably would still be alive today...
Get over it

You know what, Trev? I don't really care. You're quick enough to jump on others, yet can't handle when someone calls you up on your posts.

Go back to your private forum and point and laugh at me and others who feel strongly about respect given to those who deserve respect for what they have contributed. I'm not really bothered.
Originally posted by Roxi:
Respect doesnt take to much time to give to a legend like Michael Jackson

Why should I respect someone who was a singer and dancer who I never met or touched my life exactly?

I am not belittling your feeling on this, but do not tell me how to feel about someone I don't know.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Get over it

You know what, Trev? I don't really care. You're quick enough to jump on others, yet can't handle when someone calls you up on your posts.

Go back to your private forum and point and laugh at me and others who feel strongly about respect given to those who deserve respect for what they have contributed. I'm not really bothered.
HugThere is no point hun just ignore .....
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Get over it

You know what, Trev? I don't really care. You're quick enough to jump on others, yet can't handle when someone calls you up on your posts.

Go back to your private forum and point and laugh at me and others who feel strongly about respect given to those who deserve respect for what they have contributed. I'm not really bothered.

What can't I handle? Laugh
The Secretary
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Hi hun I didnt see the message I have switched off the news because its all too sad for me.. But yes they were very close and she supported him through the allegations... If you notice, this his new crop of so called friends havnt spoken to him for years Disappointed

Hypocrites if they said all these kind words to him and didnt alienate him, he probably would still be alive today...

You may well be right.

As I said I don't know too much about his life which is why I've been very interested in the various tribute programmes that have been shown today.

There was a gentleman on VH1 talking today about the "shadowy figures" that surrounded him of late.

In particular the various doctors he sought to seek advice from in later years.

This was obviously just one man's opinion but it sounded like he was desperately lonely and perhaps had no one to turn to.

I wonder just how close he was to his family?

Having said that I believe his death was of natural causes but it's very sad to think he had to rely so heavily on prescription drugs and perhaps on people who were of no help to him whatsoever.
Originally posted by Ennis Del Beadle:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Respect doesnt take to much time to give to a legend like Michael Jackson

Why should I respect someone who was a singer and dancer who I never met or touched my life exactly?

I am not belittling your feeling on this, but do not tell me how to feel about someone I don't know.

To be fair, I don't think anybody does. The tributes could have been left alone by FM who don't feel the same way and this whole discussion would not have occured. Personally, I think it's natural that when a famous person dies (and suddenly like this) that their fans will feel grief, it isn't reserved for family and friends.
cologne 1
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Teh Trev has a private forum? Eeker

*feels shunned like an Amish with a walkman*

You wouldn't like it, Vegetablist Hug

We're all satanists and drunks Rudolph

All 4 of us Ninja

Big Grin

have you had those ribs removed yet??
I have the webcam standing by Ninja

I'm doing a yoga warm up first Ninja
The Secretary
Originally posted by cologne1:
To be fair, I don't think anybody does. The tributes could have been left alone by FM who don't feel the same way and this whole discussion would not have occured. Personally, I think it's natural that when a famous person dies (and suddenly like this) that their fans will feel grief, it isn't reserved for family and friends.

Well said. There's just no need to go into a thread about someone who doesn't interest you, is there? Confused
Respect doesnt take to much time to give to a legend like Michael Jackson

Roxi, I am sure it doesnt take a lot of time at all but I personally, me myself, for me, did not respect him in life and dont do now. He was great in his day, I will certainly give him that but to me he is not a legend at all, just got all the PR for doing oddball things in later years. If he had not done all the crazy stuff, he would be forgotten.

You liked him, that is just fine, but we dont all have to give him repect we dont have for him. I think we can all agree on that, yes?
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Ennis Del Beadle:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Respect doesnt take to much time to give to a legend like Michael Jackson

Why should I respect someone who was a singer and dancer who I never met or touched my life exactly?

I am not belittling your feeling on this, but do not tell me how to feel about someone I don't know.

To be fair, I don't think anybody does. The tributes could have been left alone by FM who don't feel the same way and this whole discussion would not have occured. Personally, I think it's natural that when a famous person dies (and suddenly like this) that their fans will feel grief, it isn't reserved for family and friends.

Why do you keep following me around and quoting me Cologne? I am exercising my opinions just the same way other people are here.
I don't see you quoting them, kindly leave me be Wave
Originally posted by cinderella123:
Respect doesnt take to much time to give to a legend like Michael Jackson

Roxi, I am sure it doesnt take a lot of time at all but I personally, me myself, for me, did not respect him in life and dont do now. He was great in his day, I will certainly give him that but to me he is not a legend at all, just got all the PR for doing oddball things in later years. If he had not done all the crazy stuff, he would be forgotten.

You liked him, that is just fine, but we dont all have to give him repect we dont have for him. I think we can all agree on that, yes?

I agree.
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Hi hun I didnt see the message I have switched off the news because its all too sad for me.. But yes they were very close and she supported him through the allegations... If you notice, this his new crop of so called friends havnt spoken to him for years Disappointed

Hypocrites if they said all these kind words to him and didnt alienate him, he probably would still be alive today...

You may well be right.

As I said I don't know too much about his life which is why I've been very interested in the various tribute programmes that have been shown today.

There was a gentleman on VH1 talking today about the "shadowy figures" that surrounded him of late.

In particular the various doctors he sought to seek advice from in later years.

This was obviously just one man's opinion but it sounded like he was desperately lonely and perhaps had no one to turn to.

I wonder just how close he was to his family?

Having said that I believe his death was of natural causes but it's very sad to think he had to rely so heavily on prescription drugs and perhaps on people who were of no help to him whatsoever.
I dont know much about his relations with his family... Maybe he didnt want their intrusion.. He led a lonely life because he was probably paranoid of people taking advantage of him like he had become accoustomed to...

Another Doctor said these Hollywood doctors like the power they have over stars and they control them through prescription medication... No one knows the truth and its just so sad.. I hope the toxicology results show what happens to him...

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