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Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
The grandparents will in all likelihood bring up the kids now... Great Roll Eyes They did such a good job the first time...

Whatever happened to the mother? Debbie someone, wasn't it?
I think she was paid off and handed the kids to Jackson after they were born. There were noises that she wanted custody now, but think she is being paid off again..

Are they even his kids, Sub? That's the thing... not one of them look like him..

I've only seen one pic of them without the veils. You do have a point. Who knows? (Well, he and Debbie do).
Just incase you wanted to see sub,

Blimey, they really don't look like him, do they? They do have a look of each other though.

Thanks for that SWR. Thumbs Up

they're good looking kids, i would think they are his.

sorry for stretch Blush
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by mrsstipe:
Originally posted by Cagney:
I've had the jokes all weekend. People/family members texting me even though they know I was a HUGE fan. THAT is disrespectful. I don't find one of them funny. I'm not demanding anyone respects him themselves but I am demanding they respect my right to feel sad and not want to read crass jokes. The "get over it" "god he was only a singer" "it's not like you knew him" comments. AGAIN disrespectful to me and I feel it's the same on a forum. If someone is telling you how sad it makes them feel then nobody should go into a thread posting jokes and telling them to get over it etc. There is a time and a place.

Aw Cagney, family & friends can be funny like that, I've had it myself when I was sad about a death that they didn't find important. Frowner

I think I was vocal enough that they now know not to do it again Big Grin

I've felt a bit deflated since it happened. Not weeping and wailing...just deflated. Does that make sense? His music has so many memories attached to it for me. My friend is getting married soon and we were due to start learning the Thriller dance for her wedding reception Blush

I told my friends/family that if they want to slag him or make jokes find someone else to listen. Same on the forum IMO. Find a thread where there are likeminded people Thumbs Up

I can totally empathise with you...I am feeling tearful watching his music..soooo many childhood memories. Thumbs Up It is a huge loss IMO. Frowner
Sending you texts was a bit out of order in my opinion as that's a one-to-one thing. This is a public forum with a diverse audience. Not the same thing at all. Threads are public and open for comment. I choose whether I comment, other forum members don't do that for me, and I won't be censored by what they personally think is appropriate. That's the moderator's job. If it's not an abusive comment then it falls into the realms of forum over-sensitivity to me if people want to censor it.
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Ta, Cagney. Smiler Do you happen to know how old the kids are?

12, 11 and 7. All still very young Frowner


To be left without a Dad so young is hard. To be left without a Dad but with a million diverse opinions and 'facts' on him...(almost legendary / mythical status), must be even harder. Hope they have as peaceful and happy a life as they can.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Sending you texts was a bit out of order in my opinion as that's a one-to-one thing. This is a public forum with a diverse audience. Not the same thing at all. Threads are public and open for comment. I choose whether I comment, other forum members don't do that for me, and I won't be censored by what they personally think is appropriate. That's the moderator's job. If it's not an abusive comment then it falls into the realms of forum over-sensitivity to me if people want to censor it.

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.

Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.


It's not rocket science eh? Big Grin

IMO it's antagonistic.
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Sending you texts was a bit out of order in my opinion as that's a one-to-one thing. This is a public forum with a diverse audience. Not the same thing at all. Threads are public and open for comment. I choose whether I comment, other forum members don't do that for me, and I won't be censored by what they personally think is appropriate. That's the moderator's job. If it's not an abusive comment then it falls into the realms of forum over-sensitivity to me if people want to censor it.

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.

Clapping Very well said sentiments entirely.
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.


It's not rocket science eh? Big Grin

IMO it's antagonistic.
I am sorry if my posts re the kids seemed offensive.... apologies.. Valentine
Originally posted by Cagney:
But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.

There are also dedicated MJ sites or even PMs if people want private 'grief' chats with just like-minded people. Common decency is really just another name for social censoring. For instance, it's common decency in my world to respect the principle of innocent until proven guilty before the law but a surprisingly large swathe of the forum don't seem to have that common decency. So be it, it's a forum afterall. I'm happy to argue the toss each time.

I don't buy the piggy-backing in the argument of personal, unrelated grief onto celebrity deaths and censoring others on that basis either. That piggy-backing smacks of emotional manipulation to me, unconsciously or otherwise. I doubt if I'm the only one but when I've encountered family deaths, I've found that everyone seems to be joking about death or making insensitive comments. I just deal with it internally rather than make a public issue out of it as I know I'm sensitised at that point. For sure, a celebrity death might be a conduit for repressed emotions from other deaths but that's a personal thing.

Celebrity grief isn't the same as grief one feels when someone close dies. Personal grief can take years to quell. I bet most people renting their clothes now over MJ will have got happily drunk this weekend or will be getting on with their normal lives in a day or two. It's just a hightened emotional moment, possibly leaving a residual sadness for a few days, and a bit of nostalgia when his songs are played.
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.


It's not rocket science eh? Big Grin

IMO it's antagonistic.
I am sorry if my posts re the kids seemed offensive.... apologies.. Valentine

I didn't see them as offensive at all. Just discussion without a value judgement.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.


It's not rocket science eh? Big Grin

IMO it's antagonistic.
I am sorry if my posts re the kids seemed offensive.... apologies.. Valentine

I'm not offended Hug

Like I said there is a time and a place and this thread seems to be for all opinions.

My gripe is for threads specifically aimed at fans where others (non fans) come in taking the piss
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Cagney:
But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.

There are also dedicated MJ sites or even PMs if people want private 'grief' chats with just like-minded people. Common decency is really just another name for social censoring. For instance, it's common decency in my world to respect the principle of innocent until proven guilty before the law but a surprisingly large swathe of the forum don't seem to have that common decency. So be it, it's a forum afterall. I'm happy to argue the toss each time.

I don't buy the piggy-backing in the argument of personal, unrelated grief onto celebrity deaths and censoring others on that basis either. That piggy-backing smacks of emotional manipulation to me, unconsciously or otherwise. I doubt if I'm the only one but when I've encountered family deaths, I've found that everyone seems to be joking about death or making insensitive comments. I just deal with it internally rather than make a public issue out of it as I know I'm sensitised at that point. For sure, a celebrity death might be a conduit for repressed emotions from other deaths but that's a personal thing.

Celebrity grief isn't the same as grief one feels when someone close dies. Personal grief can take years to quell. I bet most people renting their clothes now over MJ will have got happily drunk this weekend or will be getting on with their normal lives in a day or two. It's just a hightened emotional moment, possibly leaving a residual sadness for a few days, and a bit of nostalgia when his songs are played.

Indeed. Well said DanJay. Clapping
Garage Joe
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Am I missing sumat?

Sorry to start another MJ thread, but if I see 'have some respect' one more time, I might have to peel my face off (not as a tribute).

Some people didn't like him. A fact not changed by him snuffing it. Get over it.

havent got the time or the notion to read thru 21 pages which this thread has so far clocked up but I think the OP makes a very good point and whilst it is sad that somebody has died, I have to say that Mr Jackson never touched my life either musically or otherwise so I cant muster up any more upset about his death than some random in the newspaper that I have never heard of. Yes, he was talented but not my cuppa tea. In many respects he had a sad life, especially his childhood, but he also had lots of opportunites because of that lifestyle which us mere mortals never encounter. I am sorry that he has died young and as such will be immortalised like so many others before him who have also died young but for me personally I will not be shedding a tear
I dont care who respects MJ or disrepects him everyone is entitled to view their OWN opinion on him........what I find quite sickening is that during a general discusion on the issue the day after he died the op decided to enter the thread telling sickening jokes about the child abuse issue.....So I think thats why people may have told you to show some respect.......not because MJ had died but them jokes are disrespectful in themselves and not funny.

Shake Head
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Daniel J*:
For instance, it's common decency in my world to respect the principle of innocent until proven guilty

I agree with your illustrated view re. the differences between "celebrity" deaths and "close" related deaths, but i've also noticed how some FMs who favour MJ less than others, have even tried to coerce the MJ fans into showing some "respect" to another FMs sad loss! whilst i acknowledge the sad losses of others who aren't "well known" should be logically understood WHY MJ (and other popular people) ARE acknowledged - because they're well known! NOT because they're considered more important!

I highlighted that particular part of your post (above) because of its in "guilty before proven innocent" seems to be the main (excuse?) or reason certain individuals display a disliking for seems they've acquired "evidence" hidden from the rest of the world.. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Garage Joe:

Sorry Big Grin Conspiracy Theory, which may or may not include requests for further post mortems, accusations of wrong-doing, mystery, comedy, tradgedy etc.

In death as in life eh? We'll never know the truth imo. The only thing that keeps popping into my mind when I think about it is the strangeness of the timing. How many people REALLY thought he would do all those O2 gigs? It's almost as if it were pre-ordained.

That's not a conspiracy theory btw - just a comment. It's not really affected me, I like some of his music, but wasn't a huge fan. Sorry for his kids obviously, but then, I was sorry for his kids when he was alive too.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
What's going on here now is a fight for the centre space where 'normal' people hang out. Is the celebrity grief normal? The indifference normal? Whose common decency is really common, or decent? Whose not rocket science is logical and obvious rather than just a mere opinion?

Yes I think you are right Daniel.
Originally posted by Sky:
I highlighted that particular part of your post (above) because of its in "guilty before proven innocent" seems to be the main (excuse?) or reason certain individuals display a disliking for seems they've acquired "evidence" hidden from the rest of the world.. Roll Eyes

I've spotted that too and sat on my hands as we've already done that one recently. I don't actually dislike MJ myself, I'm mostly indifferent but I thought he was very odd and quite delusional. That's observation rather than dislike. There's the tragedy for me, not his untimely death. Also, the obsessive fans are quite arguably complicit in that tragedy although that's probably quite an unpopular thing to say.

I'm a huge fan of James (the band) and I think Tim Booth is god-like. When they split up a few years ago, I was very sad as their music completely fills me up, spins me around, and leaves me quite exhausted if I'm in the right mood. And their concerts, lordy! Luckily, they're back together again and going strong but I 'mourned' the loss of their future music making at the time. In my responses to that, I've always separated their public music from their private lives though. I'm not actually that interested in the people themselves, truth be told.
Originally posted by Sky:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Daniel J*:
For instance, it's common decency in my world to respect the principle of innocent until proven guilty

I agree with your illustrated view re. the differences between "celebrity" deaths and "close" related deaths, but i've also noticed how some FMs who favour MJ less than others, have even tried to coerce the MJ fans into showing some "respect" to another FMs sad loss! whilst i acknowledge the sad losses of others who aren't "well known" should be logically understood WHY MJ (and other popular people) ARE acknowledged - because they're well known! NOT because they're considered more important!

I highlighted that particular part of your post (above) because of its in "guilty before proven innocent" seems to be the main (excuse?) or reason certain individuals display a disliking for seems they've acquired "evidence" hidden from the rest of the world.. Roll Eyes

I cant believe that people are arguing over the merits of MJ. Everyone respect or don't respect, it is up to each individual person. May I point out that there is a FM on here who lost her mum today and I only hope that everyone of you have gone to her thread to give your condolances to her, now that would be a respectful thing to do.

Show me here, where I have tried to coerce anyone? I supported everyones right to have an opinion. And please note I said 'I hope' not 'you must', send the fm your condolances.
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
I dont care who respects MJ or disrepects him everyone is entitled to view their OWN opinion on him........what I find quite sickening is that during a general discusion on the issue the day after he died the op decided to enter the thread telling sickening jokes about the child abuse issue.....So I think thats why people may have told you to show some respect.......not because MJ had died but them jokes are disrespectful in themselves and not funny.

Shake Head
I agree with you, it sickens me that people still this even after his death...
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
I dont care who respects MJ or disrepects him everyone is entitled to view their OWN opinion on him........what I find quite sickening is that during a general discusion on the issue the day after he died the op decided to enter the thread telling sickening jokes about the child abuse issue.....So I think thats why people may have told you to show some respect.......not because MJ had died but them jokes are disrespectful in themselves and not funny.

Shake Head
I agree with you, it sickens me that people still this even after his death...

I still believe MJ was guilty, and I am adamant that had he just been your average Joe Bloggs then he would have had the book thrown at him and would be rotting in a prison cell. In Martin Bashairs interview Michal Jackson said to him, 'I think it is special to share a bed with a young boy' For crying it loud that is almost evidence enough in itself! That aside, he is a great music artist and he should be duly remembered for this, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the stuff should be forgotten.
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
I dont care who respects MJ or disrepects him everyone is entitled to view their OWN opinion on him........what I find quite sickening is that during a general discusion on the issue the day after he died the op decided to enter the thread telling sickening jokes about the child abuse issue.....So I think thats why people may have told you to show some respect.......not because MJ had died but them jokes are disrespectful in themselves and not funny.

Shake Head
I agree with you, it sickens me that people still this even after his death...

I still believe MJ was guilty, and I am adamant that had he just been your average Joe Bloggs then he would have had the book thrown at him and would be rotting in a prison cell. In Martin Bashairs interview Michal Jackson said to him, 'I think it is special to share a bed with a young boy' For crying it loud that is almost evidence enough in itself! That aside, he is a great music artist and he should be duly remembered for this, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the stuff should be forgotten.

Originally posted by Daniel J*:

There are also dedicated MJ sites or even PMs if people want private 'grief' chats with just like-minded people. Common decency is really just another name for social censoring. For instance, it's common decency in my world to respect the principle of innocent until proven guilty before the law but a surprisingly large swathe of the forum don't seem to have that common decency. So be it, it's a forum afterall. I'm happy to argue the toss each time.

I don't buy the piggy-backing in the argument of personal, unrelated grief onto celebrity deaths and censoring others on that basis either. That piggy-backing smacks of emotional manipulation to me, unconsciously or otherwise. I doubt if I'm the only one but when I've encountered family deaths, I've found that everyone seems to be joking about death or making insensitive comments. I just deal with it internally rather than make a public issue out of it as I know I'm sensitised at that point. For sure, a celebrity death might be a conduit for repressed emotions from other deaths but that's a personal thing.

Celebrity grief isn't the same as grief one feels when someone close dies. Personal grief can take years to quell. I bet most people renting their clothes now over MJ will have got happily drunk this weekend or will be getting on with their normal lives in a day or two. It's just a hightened emotional moment, possibly leaving a residual sadness for a few days, and a bit of nostalgia when his songs are played.

I agree with everything you said despite being one of those opposing your opinion regarding 'innocent until proven guilty' and in retrospect I shouldn't have made the comment I did (but here's not the place to discuss that).

I lost my parents within a very short space of time a few years ago and the profound pain I still feel doesn't compare to sadness I feel about MJ, who I admired because of his contribution to the world of music.

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