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Originally posted by TiGi:
It's disrespectful to peoples feeling Mazz, I'd rather not have to read jokes about child abuse, thats the point I was trying to make.
I've not seem anyone comment ALL the jokes are disrespectful but some definately have.

Not all the jokes have been about child abuse though....and I have to say I've not seen any of them on this forum(they would probably be pulled pretty quickly due to libel laws anyhow),but I dont see how some people feel they can dictate what others can and cant laugh at just because somebody has died(thats not directed at you btw..its a general comment about forums in general)
Originally posted by Mazzystar:

But I can't see how making jokes is,in itself disrespectful.A fair number of the texts have been very amusing and not personal attacks on the man.The personal attacks are disrespectful,but not all the jokes are

But jokes being sent, not 24 hours after his death, is bit heartless - whether they are funny or not.

Not everyone liked the guy, and I can accept that, but I feel its only right to respect his death and his family and children (who are now fatherless) feelings. They aren't ignorant they will know of the jokes and won't find them funny at all.

Just saying is all Glance
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:

But jokes being sent, not 24 hours after his death, is bit heartless - whether they are funny or not.

Not everyone liked the guy, and I can accept that, but I feel its only right to respect his death and his family and children (who are now fatherless) feelings. They aren't ignorant they will know of the jokes and won't find them funny at all.

Just saying is all Glance

I agree Nod
Originally posted by Roxi:
Michael Jackson is a legend. He was talented and was so big in the music industry. He should be respected

Should be in your opinion. Not in mine. I think he was hugely over rated in his later years. And I also think he wasn't the poor victim of the media that everyone seems to think he was. He certainly knew how to use it when it suited him.
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by TiGi:
It's disrespectful to peoples feeling Mazz, I'd rather not have to read jokes about child abuse, thats the point I was trying to make.
I've not seem anyone comment ALL the jokes are disrespectful but some definately have.

Not all the jokes have been about child abuse though....and I have to say I've not seen any of them on this forum(they would probably be pulled pretty quickly due to libel laws anyhow),but I dont see how some people feel they can dictate what others can and cant laugh at just because somebody has died(thats not directed at you btw..its a general comment about forums in general)

Like I said, not ALL have been disrespectful, I've not once said they have.
I've seen a fair few jokes on here which are a bit sick, thankfully the threads gone anyway.
I also don't think anyone (apart from one) has said what people can and can't laugh at, but I have seen a few people asking others to respect each others feelings, sadly respect seems to be lacking these day.
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Michael Jackson is a legend. He was talented and was so big in the music industry. He should be respected

Should be in your opinion. Not in mine. I think he was hugely over rated in his later years. And I also think he wasn't the poor victim of the media that everyone seems to think he was. He certainly knew how to use it when it suited him.

OMG, Karma!

I've been told you're coming to hit me where it hurts Eeker

Is it time? Frowner
The Secretary
I think...

If you want to respect him and mourn him, thats fine, people should be able to do that without being ridiculed. It's not hard to show some restraint and not go into "tribute" threads posting jokes. If you want to do that why not make a thread to do that in , clearly titled so those who don't wish to see the jokes don't have to enter the thread.

I think it all boils down to respect. Personally I was brought up to respect the dead, and as kids Mum would make us stop in the street if a hearse went by, I still do that now. I've heard the argument that you can't mourn for someone you don't know but I don't think it's a case of mourning them, it's respecting the dead and those who they leave behind.
I also understand a lot of people lost respect for him a while ago, thats fine too and we should all learn to respect each others opinions and feelings. It's not diffuclt really but some seem to go out of their way to offend. That's my take on it anyway.

Well Said.
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Michael Jackson is a legend. He was talented and was so big in the music industry. He should be respected

Should be in your opinion. Not in mine. I think he was hugely over rated in his later years. And I also think he wasn't the poor victim of the media that everyone seems to think he was. He certainly knew how to use it when it suited him.

OMG, Karma!

I've been told you're coming to hit me where it hurts Eeker

Is it time? Frowner

Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Michael Jackson is a legend. He was talented and was so big in the music industry. He should be respected

Should be in your opinion. Not in mine. I think he was hugely over rated in his later years. And I also think he wasn't the poor victim of the media that everyone seems to think he was. He certainly knew how to use it when it suited him.

OMG, Karma!

I've been told you're coming to hit me where it hurts Eeker

Is it time? Frowner

The Secretary
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Michael Jackson is a legend. He was talented and was so big in the music industry. He should be respected

Should be in your opinion. Not in mine. I think he was hugely over rated in his later years. And I also think he wasn't the poor victim of the media that everyone seems to think he was. He certainly knew how to use it when it suited him.

OMG, Karma!

I've been told you're coming to hit me where it hurts Eeker

Is it time? Frowner


Originally posted by WILDER X:
I think...

If you want to respect him and mourn him, thats fine, people should be able to do that without being ridiculed. It's not hard to show some restraint and not go into "tribute" threads posting jokes. If you want to do that why not make a thread to do that in , clearly titled so those who don't wish to see the jokes don't have to enter the thread.

I think it all boils down to respect. Personally I was brought up to respect the dead, and as kids Mum would make us stop in the street if a hearse went by, I still do that now. I've heard the argument that you can't mourn for someone you don't know but I don't think it's a case of mourning them, it's respecting the dead and those who they leave behind.
I also understand a lot of people lost respect for him a while ago, thats fine too and we should all learn to respect each others opinions and feelings. It's not diffuclt really but some seem to go out of their way to offend. That's my take on it anyway.

Well Said.
Good post.

I was thought to never speak ill of the dead no matter what because the wages of sin is death and after that their slate is wiped clean...

People should put themselves in other peoples shoes for a change maybe then can we progress together in this wicked world that we live in...
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Am I missing sumat?

Sorry to start another MJ thread, but if I see 'have some respect' one more time, I might have to peel my face off (not as a tribute).

Some people didn't like him. A fact not changed by him snuffing it. Get over it.

meh some things just ain't right no matter who it is that croaked it
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:

I was thought to never speak ill of the dead no matter what because the wages of sin is death and after that their slate is wiped clean...

People should put themselves in other peoples shoes for a change maybe then can we progress together in this wicked world that we live in...

Not meaning to be provocative, and I am in no way suggesting that MJ should be categorised in this way, but by that reasoning wouldn't it also that mean that we should all respect the likes of Myrah Hindley and Adolf Hitler because they're dead? Confused
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by captain marbles:
While we're at it I'm not that keen on Abba either. Unless one of them pegs it.

good point.

James Blunt makes me come over all and i am rather vocal on that as well.

If he were to die tomorrow would it not make me a mahoosive hypocrit to suddenly start wailing for him. I would feel sad for his family but i wouldn't go into threads where his fans were discussing it and i wouldn't start a thread demanding everyone feels the same way as i do about him i'm working on that one while he's alive Devil
*yogi Bear*

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