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Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
The grandparents will in all likelihood bring up the kids now... Great Roll Eyes They did such a good job the first time...

Whatever happened to the mother? Debbie someone, wasn't it?
I think she was paid off and handed the kids to Jackson after they were born. There were noises that she wanted custody now, but think she is being paid off again..

Are they even his kids, Sub? That's the thing... not one of them look like him..

I've only seen one pic of them without the veils. You do have a point. Who knows? (Well, he and Debbie do).
Just incase you wanted to see sub,

Blimey, they really don't look like him, do they? They do have a look of each other though.

Thanks for that SWR. Thumbs Up

they're good looking kids, i would think they are his.

sorry for stretch Blush
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by mrsstipe:
Originally posted by Cagney:
I've had the jokes all weekend. People/family members texting me even though they know I was a HUGE fan. THAT is disrespectful. I don't find one of them funny. I'm not demanding anyone respects him themselves but I am demanding they respect my right to feel sad and not want to read crass jokes. The "get over it" "god he was only a singer" "it's not like you knew him" comments. AGAIN disrespectful to me and I feel it's the same on a forum. If someone is telling you how sad it makes them feel then nobody should go into a thread posting jokes and telling them to get over it etc. There is a time and a place.

Aw Cagney, family & friends can be funny like that, I've had it myself when I was sad about a death that they didn't find important. Frowner

I think I was vocal enough that they now know not to do it again Big Grin

I've felt a bit deflated since it happened. Not weeping and wailing...just deflated. Does that make sense? His music has so many memories attached to it for me. My friend is getting married soon and we were due to start learning the Thriller dance for her wedding reception Blush

I told my friends/family that if they want to slag him or make jokes find someone else to listen. Same on the forum IMO. Find a thread where there are likeminded people Thumbs Up

I can totally empathise with you...I am feeling tearful watching his music..soooo many childhood memories. Thumbs Up It is a huge loss IMO. Frowner
Sending you texts was a bit out of order in my opinion as that's a one-to-one thing. This is a public forum with a diverse audience. Not the same thing at all. Threads are public and open for comment. I choose whether I comment, other forum members don't do that for me, and I won't be censored by what they personally think is appropriate. That's the moderator's job. If it's not an abusive comment then it falls into the realms of forum over-sensitivity to me if people want to censor it.
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Ta, Cagney. Smiler Do you happen to know how old the kids are?

12, 11 and 7. All still very young Frowner


To be left without a Dad so young is hard. To be left without a Dad but with a million diverse opinions and 'facts' on him...(almost legendary / mythical status), must be even harder. Hope they have as peaceful and happy a life as they can.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Sending you texts was a bit out of order in my opinion as that's a one-to-one thing. This is a public forum with a diverse audience. Not the same thing at all. Threads are public and open for comment. I choose whether I comment, other forum members don't do that for me, and I won't be censored by what they personally think is appropriate. That's the moderator's job. If it's not an abusive comment then it falls into the realms of forum over-sensitivity to me if people want to censor it.

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.

Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.


It's not rocket science eh? Big Grin

IMO it's antagonistic.
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Sending you texts was a bit out of order in my opinion as that's a one-to-one thing. This is a public forum with a diverse audience. Not the same thing at all. Threads are public and open for comment. I choose whether I comment, other forum members don't do that for me, and I won't be censored by what they personally think is appropriate. That's the moderator's job. If it's not an abusive comment then it falls into the realms of forum over-sensitivity to me if people want to censor it.

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.

Clapping Very well said sentiments entirely.
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Cagney:

But if you see a thread titled "for MJ fans" isn't it common decency to NOT go into that thread and make derogatory comments? If that's what some want to do then make a thread titled "for non MJ fans" and leave the comments there. No?

Grief should never be belittled whether it is a family member or a music idol. A death can bring about all kinds of bad memories for people. You don't necessarily need to respect the FM but surely to kick someone when they are feeling down is not on. Best to say nothing IMO.


It's not rocket science eh? Big Grin

IMO it's antagonistic.
I am sorry if my posts re the kids seemed offensive.... apologies.. Valentine

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