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Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
OK... I am in two minds on this one...

...I have a sort of fascination with the true romany gypsy style travellers... I dunno why, but they do interest me. And I would really really love to be able to defend their corner.

But my only personal experience of them is when they set up camp near my parents house (years ago) and tryed to nick my Nana's westie... and when they camped on land belonging to the hospital I worked at. When they were at the hospital, we had to park in the staff overflow car park (nicknamed the outer hebrides... due to its distance from the hospital)... and as we walked over to work they would shout at us and throw stuff at us... and we hadn't done anything to them. Crying It was really scary and intimidating!

I would love to have a positive experience of them, cos I would really love to love them.

I know what you mean Nod

I'm with you on that too ......unfortunately it's all a lot of romanticised garbage my experience 9not first hand) but close by - they simply move in ...........wreak havoc - nick from the local shops and then move out again leaving carnage behind. sorry if it offends but the whole romantic view of travellers is quite skewed IMO .........they choose to live without responsibilities (how wonderful) and leave a whole lot of crap behind them.

I dont care how 'traditional' it all is .........traditio nally they've been crapping in peoples backyards for years and then have the gall to wonder why they get a bad press.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I think the police should do more to prosecute those who DO break the law, the councils should do more to provide suitable sites and SOME people should be less anti.

Apart from that, I've checked my view and can't see any! Glance

Sad thing is they law is in their favour. I wish I could just park up somewhere the fancy took me and not have to go to work or pay bills.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I think the police should do more to prosecute those who DO break the law, the councils should do more to provide suitable sites and SOME people should be less anti.

Apart from that, I've checked my view and can't see any! Glance

but would they stay in the designated sites? A designated site seems to imply that they may have to contribute to the services provided ..............surely the whole point of it all is to have no ties or responsibilities - once it's legalised all the funs gone out of it isn't it?

I dont like to think of myseld as particularly prejudiced but .......that's how I see it.

I'm happy for folks to put me right on this as I dont know an awful lot about it.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Tayto:

Sad thing is they law is in their favour. I wish I could just park up somewhere the fancy took me and not have to go to work or pay bills.

It's not quite as idyllic as that; it's actually quite hard work (or it used to be, in my day). We still had to eat, clothe ourselves, find some way to keep the wagons running...without a regular income, and no DHSS in those days....
Originally posted by Soozy woo:

but would they stay in the designated sites? A designated site seems to imply that they may have to contribute to the services provided ..............surely the whole point of it all is to have no ties or responsibilities - once it's legalised all the funs gone out of it isn't it?

I dont like to think of myseld as particularly prejudiced but .......that's how I see it.

I'm happy for folks to put me right on this as I dont know an awful lot about it.

There are some sites where Travellers have settled and those who want to settle and get their kids in schools have embraced their new lifestyle.

The problem with not having designated sites, is that they get moved on so much that there is little chance of anything changing.

Nobody would agree that they should be allowed to make others lives a misery, but when you end up with animosity from both sides and every traveller judged by the standards of the worst amongst them, it must make them feel that they have to stick together and defend their way of life even more.
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Look I really never want to offend when I come on here and hope that by responding I am not going to start now.
I have personal experience of 'travellers' that came onto my property (yes it's my property and I've worked tremendoulsy hard for it and my house) and they totally destroyed the garden WITH burnt out cars, tyres, set up caravans and left human waste in vats around my home. They had pit bull terriers that terrorised me everytime I went out my front door.
I like to think I am a fair minded and liberal human being, but the OP asked a question and I have answered it. My experience has been horrendous.

That's lousy. Were they New Age or the others?
I'm a bit wary of saying what I actually saying who I mean.

Hi Tayto..they were who you mean. Nod (not New age)

I'm not surprised. The law was changed here in ROI a few years ago and they now have carte blance to do anything they want.
They have rights don ca no?

eehh MY experience of...."travellers" in ROI was a bit of an eye opener, I had only been living there a few weeks when I was out one night with an Irish friend, when we spotted a group of ladies, and me being a male, said something along the lines of,...."my my they are rather spiffing looking young ladies arent they?" (words to that effect hehe)
when HE replied "jesus man thems... a word begining with K and ending in ers, I had no idea what this meant, so he explained it to me, he later confessed that he liked England and the English in general, but could never live there because of all the "N" and "p" words that live there, I was like... Eeker Eeker
my only other experience of "travellers" when lving there was one day when I was out on my trike, and this guy in a transit van pulled up and said, "how much do ya want for that?"....I said "sorry mate its not for sale" he said "ahhh come on ya must have a price"
by now he was getting on me "bits" so to shut him up I said "ok ok IF I wanted to sell it I would want about ÂĢ5000 for it" (it was worth about ÂĢ2500 at the most)
HE said "ok" jumped out of his van pulled out his wallet and started counting out the money!! again I was Eeker Eeker took me about half an hour to convince him I realy DIDNT want to sell it, Big Grin
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Dunno... I used those words.

And for the record... about my post... my own personal experiences have not been good. But they have only been two incidents. I do know alot of bad stuff goes on etc. But I do not beleive its all one sided. And I do think that there are good people within their communities also.

As I said, I am fascinated by their world, their communities etc. I would love to hear more from their side of the fence what their take is on alot of this stuff.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Forgetting we're not on C4 anymore.

Amazing I typed the words I want to use but deleted them again in case of causing offence.
I'm Irish and I know who I'm taking about.

Pavees? Tinkers? Glance

Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Forgetting we're not on C4 anymore.

Amazing I typed the words I want to use but deleted them again in case of causing offence.
I'm Irish and I know who I'm taking about.

Pavees? Tinkers? Glance

ok THE word in common use when I was in the ROI was...."KNACKERS" a term for travellers or gypsies I believe, and one that is seen as as offensive as the other infamous "N" word that used to be common here Shake Head
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
BLimey.. I haven't heard the word Tinker used for years (well, not in connection with travellers)... not since eating prunes & custard at primary school!

tinker tailor soldier sailor richman poorman beggarman theif

(hoping someone knows what I am blathering on about.. or I is gonna look stuuuupid!)

What on earth are you on about? Crazy

*** pretends she's never heard of it - too young *** Glance
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Dunno... I used those words.

And for the record... about my post... my own personal experiences have not been good. But they have only been two incidents. I do know alot of bad stuff goes on etc. But I do not beleive its all one sided. And I do think that there are good people within their communities also.

As I said, I am fascinated by their world, their communities etc. I would love to hear more from their side of the fence what their take is on alot of this stuff.

It's fascinating alright Ditty but I think you're on the wrong track.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
ok THE word in common use when I was in the ROI was...."KNACKERS" a term for travellers or gypsies I believe, and one that is seen as as offensive as the other infamous "N" word that used to be common here Shake Head

Ah, well I've not heard that one! Eeker

Well, only for bollocks, tiredness and people who kill horses for a living! Ninja
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Dunno... I used those words.

And for the record... about my post... my own personal experiences have not been good. But they have only been two incidents. I do know alot of bad stuff goes on etc. But I do not beleive its all one sided. And I do think that there are good people within their communities also.

As I said, I am fascinated by their world, their communities etc. I would love to hear more from their side of the fence what their take is on alot of this stuff.

It's fascinating alright Ditty but I think you're on the wrong track.

You may well be right. But I don't think I have had enough experience to properly make a black and white judgement on them.

That said, I am being slightly hypocritical saying that, cos when it was rumoured we could be getting a travellers site on our doorstep I was horrified.... luckily it never happened.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Forgetting we're not on C4 anymore.

Amazing I typed the words I want to use but deleted them again in case of causing offence.
I'm Irish and I know who I'm taking about.

Pavees? Tinkers? Glance

ok THE word in common use when I was in the ROI was...."KNACKERS" a term for travellers or gypsies I believe, and one that is seen as as offensive as the other infamous "N" word that used to be common here Shake Head

It all depends on where you were. We never called them Nackers. We use the T word but we're not allowed to anymore.
Gas thing is Tinkeri (sp)was an old Irish word for the Tin Smith who were travelling tradesmen. Now they deny the name.
See I still can't say it because they have rights and I don't.
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Forgetting we're not on C4 anymore.

Amazing I typed the words I want to use but deleted them again in case of causing offence.
I'm Irish and I know who I'm taking about.

Pavees? Tinkers? Glance

ok THE word in common use when I was in the ROI was...."KNACKERS" a term for travellers or gypsies I believe, and one that is seen as as offensive as the other infamous "N" word that used to be common here Shake Head

It all depends on where you were. We never called them Nackers. We use the T word but we're not allowed to anymore.
Gas thing is Tinkeri (sp)was an old Irish word for the Tin Smith who were travelling tradesmen. Now they deny the name.
See I still can't say it because they have rights and I don't.

I was lving in Mullingar Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Tayto:
It all depends on where you were. We never called them Nackers. We use the T word but we're not allowed to anymore.
Gas thing is Tinkeri (sp)was an old Irish word for the Tin Smith who were travelling tradesmen. Now they deny the name.
See I still can't say it because they have rights and I don't.

Maybe they've gone off tin!

I don't have a problem with people choosing their own names for their communities, tbh.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Gosh... complicated where you are then Tayto.

*backs out of thread realising that Tayto knows WAY more about all this than me*

(Schmurf is gonna kill me!!! first I thought she had a birdbath in her hall.... now I'm thinking that tinker is an ok word! Eeker )

Laugh Laugh Laugh Smurfy lives in a different place to me Ditty but I reckon that word is dangerous there too. Mind you where she lives you could say worse.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Which word are people afraid to use?
Gypsies? Romany Gypsies? Confused

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Forgetting we're not on C4 anymore.

Amazing I typed the words I want to use but deleted them again in case of causing offence.
I'm Irish and I know who I'm taking about.

Pavees? Tinkers? Glance

ok THE word in common use when I was in the ROI was...."KNACKERS" a term for travellers or gypsies I believe, and one that is seen as as offensive as the other infamous "N" word that used to be common here Shake Head

It all depends on where you were. We never called them Nackers. We use the T word but we're not allowed to anymore.
Gas thing is Tinkeri (sp)was an old Irish word for the Tin Smith who were travelling tradesmen. Now they deny the name.
See I still can't say it because they have rights and I don't.

I was lving in Mullingar Thumbs Up

Joe Dolan country. Good spot. Plenty fine women there!!!!!!
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
BLimey.. I haven't heard the word Tinker used for years (well, not in connection with travellers)... not since eating prunes & custard at primary school!

tinker tailor soldier sailor richman poorman beggarman theif

(hoping someone knows what I am blathering on about.. or I is gonna look stuuuupid!)

oh yes, I do remember reciting that little rhyme whilst coun ting how many prune stones there were around the edge of the plate. Memories Smiler
Jet Blue
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Didn't that Killroy Silk falla interview a bunch of traveller who lived in mobile homes a couple of years ago? I think he was as bewildered as me about how they could be travellers when their homes had no wheels and had an installed gas supply and they lived there 12 months a year. Laugh

Doesn't that have more to do with childrens' education and the laws surrounding it? Equal access to learning etc?
Rev. Dim Dale
We had a group of travellers that were amazing when I was younger, they didn't even leave mess behind Laugh and they were fascinating. I even made friends with one of the young boys. But after they moved on we had sets and sets of travellers who caused chaos, the mess they behind, the abuse that they threw out and the dangerous antics they got up to meant that when the final set moved on our council put up soil heaps around every available field Crying
So I had one good experience that was completely washed away by all the bad ones.

In what I'm guessing is my generation (simply because I now live with people from all different cities and we all use the same terms) pikey and gyppo are slang terms for people who look like they haven't got much money (or sometimes chavs) "Ahhhh I look like such a pikey", "did you see that pikey earlier???" so I'm guessing that the travellers to us would be pikeys.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
It's a difficult one, and it depends on which travellers you mean. Do you mean the ones who live an alternative lifestyle and are no hassle to anyone, or the tradesmen with mobile phone numbers on their vans, who travel the country leaving old vunerable people with no savings?

well, they all did have 3.5 tonne wagons pulling their caravans, so i'd guess they was tradesman

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